In the Tiemu Camp, a team of team members gathered together and looked at the turntable in front of Chen Gan.

The red pointer rotated rapidly, and finally slowly stopped on the "Intermediate Life Potion".

" can you do this!"

"The probability is one in sixty, he really won the bet!"

"Hey! You still have fifteen years to live. If I had known, I would have taken the gamble!"

"What kind of fate is this guy?"

Except for Mazi, Li Shan and Duan Zixuan, everyone else was envious and even a little jealous.

Before the lottery, everyone had a clear understanding of the righteousness. If Zheng really produced something good, his mentality would change drastically.

If Mazi hadn't been present, there would have been a situation of "killing people and seizing treasures".

Chen Gan held the intermediate life potion in his hand and couldn't hide the smile on his face. He was finally able to draw the blue and scarlet wheel.

As for other people's ideas, Chen Gan didn't care. If anyone wanted to take action, he wouldn't mind sending a few away.

"Captain, he is very powerful, so using this intermediate life potion is really a waste𫝨!"

"That's right, I think you can compensate him for some life-saving weapons and equipment. This intermediate life potion should be used by those who are capable!"

"Good steel is used on the blade. This intermediate life potion... Huh? Just wait!"

Several team members still wanted to fight for it, but Chen Gan next to them had already drank the intermediate life potion in one gulp.

He has ten years and five days left to live. After using the ten years to draw the carousel, he only has five days. How can he give up this life potion?

"This guy, captain..." Everyone looked at Mazi.

"Before drawing the carousel, I said that whoever draws the drawing will get the prizes, and I will use my savings to compensate everyone."

"You can't stand without faith, especially in this scarlet apocalypse. In order to survive, we should join forces to keep warm and resist those scarlet beasts together!"

"Humans were able to stand at the highest position on this planet because they knew how to cooperate!"

Mazi said righteously.

In fact, when a real crisis comes, most people will consider themselves, so why do they care about integrity? That can't be eaten as food, it means that one's heart is not ancient.

Mazi spoke uprightly, mostly because he knew Chen Gan's strength.

"Okay, everyone should perform their duties and guard the line of defense. There are still so many blood spiders that have not been dealt with!"

Mazi waved his hand, and everyone left angrily. The intermediate life potion had already fallen into Chen Gan's stomach, and there was no point in their entanglement.

Chen Gan took his own small pistol and walked behind the defense line.

After calming down, he decided to extend his lifespan before extracting the blue and scarlet wheel.

After all, one extraction consumes thirty years of life, so there are only five days left.

If you don't get the life potion during this period, you will be really in trouble.

Chen Gan hid behind the wall of corpses, shooting one after another, and suddenly felt the temperature in his chest rising sharply.

It was like a burning stone stuck to his chest.

"What's going on!"

Chen Gan quickly reached into his underwear and took out Xiao Hei.

The black bug was emitting a blazing light.

"Xiao Hei? What's wrong with you?"

Chen Gan tried to contact Xiao Hei with his mind, but did not receive any reply.

"what happens?"

The strangeness here caught Mazi's attention.

In fact, he didn't want to go over and ask, but the other team members all turned their attention to Chen Gan's position. As the captain, he naturally wanted to symbolically intervene.

"It's okay, there's a scarlet worm!"

Chen Gan endured the strong burning sensation and held Xiao Hei in his hand.

"As long as it's okay. Although there are first-level blood spiders in front of you, your attention must not be distracted. Be careful of capsizing in the gutter!"

The second half of Mazi's sentence was directed at the other team members.

Everyone turned their heads and continued to attack those first-level blood spiders.

"Stab it!"

Chen Gan couldn't stand the burning pain, so he put Xiao Hei on the ground.

The blood and water on the ground evaporated instantly when exposed to high temperatures.

It wasn't until a few minutes later that Xiao Hei's body temperature gradually returned to normal.

"Master, I'm so tired..."

Chen Gan received Xiao Hei's thoughts.

"What's wrong? Are you going to upgrade again?"

"I just got promoted to the second level not long ago. How can I be so fast? I just absorbed the third level lord blood spider and had a few mutations." Xiao Hei lay on the ground, motionless, and the thoughts that came from him were also very weak. .

Chen Gan carefully picked up Xiao Hei again.

"What mutation?"

"One more Venom skill!"

Xiao Hei replied.

Chen Gan nodded and didn't ask any more questions: "Have a good rest!"

Then, he put Xiao Hei in his arms again.

The impact of the beast tide is still continuing in the coastal areas.

There are fewer and fewer unconquered camps.

Especially after the blood spiders join, they are even more difficult to guard against.

The second-level camp closest to Ironwood Camp, Dawn Camp, was completely captured late at night on the third day of the beast wave.

The battalion commander of Dawn Camp fled the camp three hours in advance, and the three deputy battalion commanders died in battle. All ten of the eighteen hunting teams were killed, and more than half of the remaining eight were killed.

"Captain! Let's retreat!"

"The camp is gone, surrounded by scarlet beasts. Where else can we evacuate?" Xue Na looked around, her face full of despair.

Morningside Camp is the only second-level camp within hundreds of miles.

Faced with the pursuit of the second-level red fire ferocious wolf, it was difficult for them to escape.

There is no way to retreat now.

"To the south, Ironwood Camp is still holding on! You guys can retreat there!"

"Ironwood Camp? That first-level camp? How can you do that!" Xue Na's face was full of disbelief.

The second-level Chenxi camp, hundreds of strong men, and a large camp of nearly 10,000 㲰 failed to hold. How could a first-level camp of only a few hundred 㲰 be held?

"Captain, let's treat a dead horse like a living doctor! You'll die if you stay here anyway, why don't you try your luck there!"

Xue Na did not hesitate for long. She picked up her sniper rifle with one hand and said to the person beside her:

"𫌯There are team members, with only one day's food and necessary weapons, moving towards the Ironwood Camp, moving the defensive formation, one group to explore, two groups to support, and three groups to rear!"

"Ming Ming!"

Everyone responded in unison, and then boarded their respective vehicles.

However, these vehicles have been seriously damaged and are somewhat low on fuel. No one is sure whether they can support them to the Ironwood Camp.

In addition to the Dawn Camp, those who survived in the surrounding area also rushed towards the Ironwood Camp.

And the beast tide is still going on without end.

The night was dim, Mazi waited for his turn to rest, and dragged his tired body back to the camp.

Three hours ago, four to five hundred level two blood spiders launched the most violent attack on Area 1. Mazi even picked up a machete to fight in close combat.

This wave of attacks also reduced the number of members of a team for the first time since the beast wave appeared, and it was very tragic.

Of the ten-strong team, only five are left.

Entering the camp, Mazi looked heavy. In order to eliminate the second-level blood spiders that invaded the camp, the battalion commander Zhang Tie was also seriously injured. His right leg from the knee down was completely corroded by the venom of the blood spiders and had completely ulcerated.

"From today on, the camp will be in charge of deputy battalion commander Sun Mu, and the captain of the third team, Zhao Qiang, will be promoted to deputy battalion commander!"

Zhang Tie's face turned purple and he tried his best to explain.

"Batalion Commander, you can rest assured and recover. When you recover, the campground will still be yours!" Sun Mu stepped forward.

"We have experienced a lot of life and death. The ending has been expected. You don't need to comfort you. Your mission is over. Next, this burden will be handed over to you. You must take the camp with you until the clouds arrive. The day the fog clears!”

Zhang Tie's eyes were full of tears and full of unwillingness.

"You will definitely do your best!" Sun Mu nodded.

"Also, your family..."

"Don't worry, as long as you are still here, nothing will happen to them!" Sun Mu solemnly promised.

Zhang Tie nodded: "The camp cannot be defended, so don't let them suffer too much!"

"You know!" Sun Mu nodded.

Later, Zhang Tie was carried into the battalion commander's room.

Watching Zhang Tie leave, Sun Mu adjusted his mood and looked at Mazi again: "How many 㲰 are left in the first team?"

"Forget it, five 㲰!" Mazi replied.

"Recently, there have been a lot of people fleeing from the surrounding area. It's up to you to choose and increase the number of people to ten!"

"After Mazi was selected, the second team and the fourth team also completed the team as soon as possible."

"After tomorrow, if there are corpses in the camp, burn them all to prevent the plague!"

"Also, there is a combat team. The weapons and armor are damaged. Please go to the weapons depot to replace them in time."

"Old Zhao, tonight, you organize another group of people and turn on the carousel. Make sure there are enough weapons and armor."

"𫌯Yes, after getting the carousel, you can deal with it on your own, turn it over to the camp, and get double points. During the beast tide, you can draw a lottery by yourself, and the camp will not hold you accountable!"

"Everything is focused on improving your own survivability! Defending the camp also protects you!"

After Sun Mu finished speaking, everyone left one after another.

Chen Gan also went straight back to his room.

The transfer of power in the Ironwood Camp has no close relationship with Chen Gan.

"Life, life, life!"

Chen Gan was lying on the bed, mumbling to himself.

Although he has a life span of thirty years, Cheng still feels seriously inadequate.

Draw a blue quality scarlet wheel once and it will go back to zero.

"It will take about three of you to arrive at the Scarlet Secret Realm. Is it possible to wait for three of you before opening this carousel?"

Chen Gan tossed and turned.

The wedding has been held and the hijab has been lifted, but you are not allowed to have a wedding.

Even though Chen Gan was calm, he still felt a little itchy.

"Master, when I killed the third-level blood spider last time, I felt a strong breath of life in that cave. I felt... there is a big secret hidden there!"

Suddenly, Xiao Hei emerged from Chen Gan's underwear.

"Breath of life? You mean there is something to increase life span?"

"I'm not sure, it's just...the scarlet worm's sixth sense!"

"Is your sixth sense accurate?"

"You don't know, this is the first time I feel it!"

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