Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 821: The Coffee Master Who Turned into a Rabbit

In the end, the Qingyin quartet did not act together with Li Yalin and Zuo Hezi. According to them, they would silently guard the two in the dark and cheer for them.

But actually?

Don't they just want to have fun?

Until the time of buying the ticket, Li Yalin was still complaining in his heart, especially when he saw the four girls following behind, who seemed to be following but full of flaws, he was even more speechless and looked at the sky.

Those four live treasures...

Really enough hey!

What movie should I watch? It's really hard to choose...

Li Yalin was still complaining in his heart, but on the other side, Sawako Yamanaka's attention was completely turned back to the movie.

It's no wonder that although Zuo Hezi had someone she admired and worked hard to find a suitable partner, all of her love affairs ended in failure. experienced.

In other words, it was her first experience watching a movie with Li Yalin this time.

Watching a movie with her boyfriend, even if it was pretending, still made her blush and heartbeat, and she didn't know what to do.

Facing all kinds of movie posters on the big screen of the theater, Zuo Hezi fell into deep contemplation.

What movie should I watch?

Is it the kind of horror movie that is very suitable for couples that I found on the Internet before? Or a kingly romance? Or a hot action movie?

Well... I think, how about we just watch this one?

Faced with all kinds of movie posters, Zuo Hezi has completely fallen into the difficulty of choosing. If there is no one who can give her advice, she may not be able to choose until tomorrow.

Seeing this scene, Li Yalin also took a step forward, since Zuo Hezi couldn't be chosen, then he will choose!

Rather, he has already selected a suitable target!

The barista who turned into a rabbit? What a strange name.

Seeing that Li Yalin had a choice, Sawako Yamanaka also immediately looked at the movie he picked out. Anyway, she has difficulty choosing, so of course she is willing to listen to other people's opinions at this time.

It's just that after seeing the movie Li Yalin chose, Zuo Hezi showed a puzzled expression on his face.

No other, just because the name of this movie is really weird.

Is there still such a movie showing?

It seems to be a relatively small movie, but it should be quite interesting, how about it? Do you want to try it?

Yes, the name of the movie The Barista Who Turned into a Rabbit is really strange in Zuo Hezi's eyes, but it's not the case when it comes to Li Yalin.

Because when he saw this movie, a name immediately popped into his mind!

Qingshan Blue Mountain!

The novelist girl in Point Rabbit!

This movie was changed based on her novel of the same name!

As the characters in the episode of Diantu, all the girls in Rabbit-House have appeared on the stage, but what is more regrettable is that Qingshan Lanshan, who also occupied an important role in the original plot, has never been able to appear .

It's no wonder that Li Yalin used magic to cover up the existence of the Rabbit-House not long after he came to this world, and the only one who was able to visit the shop later was Akane Muban's witch companion.

In this case, Qingshan Lanshan, who is just an ordinary person, naturally lost the opportunity to appear on the stage.

Originally, Li Yalin thought that if things continued like this, it would be impossible to know Qingshan and Lanshan, but in the end, she didn't realize that during this date, she unexpectedly discovered the film adaptation of her novel of the same name.


Although there is no way to know Qingshan Lanshan girl, isn't it a good choice to look at her works?

Okay, then choose this movie.

What Li Yalin was thinking at this time, Zuo Hezi definitely didn't know, but she didn't mean to refute his proposal.

After all, she didn't have any ideas at all, since Li Yalin wanted to watch this movie, she would choose this one and try it out.

Seeing that Zuo Hezi had no objection, Li Yalin immediately went to the box office to buy tickets, along with coke popcorn and other necessary snacks for watching movies.

Of course, he didn't forget the four girls who followed him.

This appointment, not only to take care of the people around him, but also to take care of the four little guys behind him, he is tired enough...

This movie... is really good! Super touching!

Logically speaking, it is impossible for ordinary couples to go to the cinema just to watch movies, but it is a pity that Zuo Hezi seems to have no self-consciousness in this regard at all, and is fully involved in the movie plot from the very beginning.

When the movie was over and everyone walked out of the theater, her eyes were still a little red, as if she was moved by the plot.

Well, it is indeed a good work.

Li Yalin agreed with Zuo Hezi's touch. Although movies in this world are generally not good, this barista who turned into a rabbit is surprisingly touching.

Even he was attracted by the plot while watching the movie. Although he might not be as red-eyed as Sawako, at least he felt very satisfied.

As Sawako said, this is really an excellent work that is both beautiful and touching.

Qingshan Lanshan who can write such a work is indeed a very powerful person.


What a tear-jerking movie, really...

Originally Zuohezi was moved by the plot of the movie, Li Yalin should have said a few words of comfort, even if it was not necessary, but today, as Zuohezi's boyfriend (fake), he definitely has that obligation.

It's just that, before he can comfort Sawako on his side, the headache-provoking quartet of Qingyin appeared on the other side.

Among them, Miss Qinbuki and the law team are okay to say, but they are very moved, at least they haven't cried yet, but the words of MIO and Daiwei are just...

The stubborn MIO can't cry, but her eyes are already full of tears, and Dai Wei is even more...


The Yellow River has burst its embankment!

It's flooding!

If you continue to cry, we will be drowned in your tears!

Seeing the Qingyin group of four, Li Yalin slapped his hand directly on his forehead.

What the hell kind of date is this? Hey!

Well, although I kept complaining in my heart, I couldn't ignore those four girls, so I had no choice but to appease them first.

Taking four girls who were too moved to find a family restaurant, Li Yalin and Zuo Hezi took turns to comfort them, which slightly calmed their excitement.

After a period of time at least, Daiwei stopped crying, Mio's tears were withdrawn, Miss Qinbuki and the law team calmed down even more.


You guys are calm, how about our date?

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