Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 820 Is this a woman's nature?

Speaking of watching movies, to be reasonable, Li Yalin is desperate.

If it was the world he was originally in, it would be okay, even if there were a lot of bad commercial movies, but after all, there would still be two movies that he would be interested in watching every month.

It's a pity that in this world where cultural development is extremely poor, going on a movie date is undoubtedly the most painful choice.

I still remember that when he was dragged to the movies by his beloved in high spirits, he basically dozed off the whole time.

Since then, Li Yalin has completely cut off the idea of ​​going to the movies, until this time it was brought up by Dai Wei and the others again.


Since it was agreed by everyone, and Mr. Zuo Hezi was also very interested, it seemed that he had no reason to object.

Forget it, just watch the movie, as long as you are happy.

Watching a movie on a date, the partner is Sawako Yamanaka as a teacher, to be reasonable, Li Yalin did not expect this at all before.

But who would have guessed that the plot somehow took him astray, as if he hadn't said anything yet, and he was about to start his first date with Zuo Hezi.

The change came so fast that he was caught off guard.

But since they have already agreed to others, Li Yalin has no intention of breaking the contract, isn't it just a date and a movie together?

What can there be?

Let's watch a movie!

I said... Teacher Sawako, this seems to be a date between the two of us, right?

On the day of the date, Li Yalin arrived at the previously agreed place on time, but what made his head full of black lines was that Zuo Hezi, the heroine, appeared on time, but behind her—four little tails followed.

This makes him quite helpless, doesn't it?

That's right, it's our date.

Zuo Hezi was obviously looking forward to today's 'date'. Not only did he arrive early, he even dressed himself up.

I have to say that today's teacher Sawako is simply stunning!

But when facing Li Yalin, especially when she heard the word date, a blush still couldn't help but fly across her cheeks, she subconsciously looked at the ground, and then nodded slightly.

Today is indeed their date, yes, please note, this is a date!

This is simply one of the most important moments in Sawako's life!


Since it's a date between the two of us, what's the situation with those people in the back...?

Seeing Zuo Hezi's blushing nod, Li Yalin felt even more helpless, and pointed behind Zuo Hezi, the four-person group of Qingyin, which was hidden at no level at all, had such an expression so...weird .

Huh? Behind?

With Li Yalin's reminder, Zuo Hezi turned her head subconsciously, and just after she followed Li Yalin's instructions and saw the sneaky Qingyin foursome, her blushing cheeks changed instantly. color.

You guys... what's going on!

Well, it turned out that Sawako could roar the Lion Roar without taking off his glasses.

Li Yalin has seen this point, and it is worth recording in his notebook.

Hey, I've been found.

After being punctured by Li Yalin, Qingyin's quartet also knew that they couldn't hide, and immediately appeared one after another.

Facing Zuo Hezi's Hedong Lion's Roar, Dai Wei lightly hammered his little head with his small fist, and stuck out his tongue by the way.

what is this?

Is she planning to fool her by being cute?

Do you think we are stupid?

Hey, what a ghost! You guys...are not studying at home after the holidays! Why are you running out to wander around?

At this moment, Zuo Hezi seemed to have regained the majesty of the teacher in the school. Facing her four students, her expression was quite serious.

I have to say that her appearance and just now are two extremes, and I always feel... It seems that it is precisely because of this that the object of his admiration will be scared away...

Cough cough, regarding Sawako's dark history, it's better not to dig deeper.

We don't care about you Sawa-chan.

That's right, how can we miss such an interesting thing!

Teacher Sawako, we are here to cheer for you!

Teacher Sawako, come on! Yes! We support you!

Although Zuo Hezi showed the image of a strict teacher, it was a pity that the Qingyin quartet, who had already known her for a long time and could no longer understand her, didn't take her reprimand at all.

Rather, they were able to remain calm at this time, and even kept giving Zuo Hezi eye drops, which was quite powerful.

Talk about caring and cheering, in fact, all of you are because of gossip!

Why didn't I know that you are all such gossip girls?

Is this the nature of women?

As a bystander, Li Yalin saw clearly from the sidelines. Not only that, but the complaints in his heart were also decisive and sharp.

However, Zuo Hezi, who was the party involved, was at a loss for words for a while, and she didn't know if she was moved by the care and support of the light tone quartet.

Tsk tsk, seeing her like this, she is really moved, right?

Teacher Zuo Hezi, we will not disturb you, we will silently cheer for you from behind!

Look, especially when MIO held Sawako's hand sincerely and cheered for her sincerely, Sawako's eyes became even more watery, and she couldn't help herself.

It is true that Li Yalin must admit that MIO must have good intentions when she said this, and she is indeed sincerely cheering for Zuo Hezi.

But the question is, apart from MIO, Dawei, Law Team, and Miss Kotobuki, which one of them is not full of gossip, looking forward to the upcoming lively?

Don't be too moved, Teacher Sawako!

In front of you is a trap, a trap!

Since this is the case, then can come with us...

It's a pity that Zuo Hezi didn't hear the complaints in Li Yalin's heart. When she was full of emotions, her words and deeds changed involuntarily.

For example... subconsciously agreed to the Qingyin quartet's trail, and even invited them to act together.

Teacher Sawako!

You are really fooled!

No, no, no! This is Sahe-chan's date with your senior, how can we disturb you? We just follow behind.

That's right! Can we disturb your date? We will obediently follow behind. Don't worry, Teacher Zuohe.

See, see, Zuo Hezi's kind invitation, but Qingyin quartet immediately rejected it.

It's no wonder that they can only act as light bulbs when they follow together, but they can be fun to follow secretly. Don't they know how to choose?

They are now planning to pass it!

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