Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 418 Family Affection Is Not a Transaction

Biquge, the fastest update starts from saving the coffee shop!

Runai, I think you should calm down now.

To be honest, Li Yalin really didn't want to have too much involvement with Edo-mae Runai, especially the matter of becoming a brother and sister was very passive and sudden, and it was hard for him to accept it for a while.

Even if you are a sister-in-law, you will still feel conflicted if you are posted so shamelessly.

What's more, he also saw that Edomae Runa didn't really want to be his sister. The reason why he said that was nothing more than competing with Chan, wanting to outdo Chan and take away what she originally had. It's just something.

In this case, what is he? Was it used as a prop to decide the outcome?

Although he has a good temper, at this moment, his expression is still cold.

You... what do you want to do?

Seeing that Li Yalin's expression became stiff all of a sudden, and there was a hint of coldness in his voice, which made Runa Edomae, who was still holding his arm tightly just now, shudder subconsciously, and let go of her hand involuntarily. .

After all, the change in attitude was so great that even a fool could see that Li Yalin was angry.

I don't want to do anything, but to tell you the truth!

Seeing Runa Edomae backing down, Li Yalin was secretly delighted, this girl is quite interesting, she can be tough but not soft, she is a little bit tougher on her side, and she turns out to be like a little rabbit.

It's kind of cute.

Can and I became brother and sister, firstly because of the mermaid's rules, and secondly because of Chan himself.

She is a very gentle and sensible girl. At that time, her parents proposed to let us become husband and wife, but I couldn't agree due to my personal reasons. At that time, she was willing to sacrifice herself rather than add trouble to me.

Just for one thing, I am willing to be Chan's elder brother, and sincerely treat her as a younger sister. This kind of feeling cannot be produced in a few words, do you understand?

Family love is not a transaction. It doesn't just happen when I promise you and nod. To take a step back, even if I promise you, we two will become brother and sister, but you ask yourself, can you treat me like a brother? I really Can I love you like my sister?

Although I don't know exactly what happened between you and Can, but I also want you to think carefully about whether the choice you made now is correct.

Li Yalin is not the hero of the original plot, and he is not obsessed with this little guy who looks cute but has a dark heart, and it is even more impossible for him to be stunned by three or five blows and become her servant.

At this moment, he just explained his thoughts very seriously and seriously, and because of this, Edomae Runa, who was still excited, was stunned for a moment.

Yes, she just wanted to snatch Chan's brother away just now, but think about it carefully, there are thousands of people who are obsessed with her charm, but there is no man in front of her, who is not obsessed with her own charm How did he snatch him away from Chan's hands?

The most important thing is that when Li Yalin said that family affection is not a transaction, a certain heartstring in the black-bellied girl's heart suddenly trembled, as if being hit directly to the weakest point in her heart.

Are you... wrong?

In this there anything that I can never get?

Obviously... I just want to have the same thing as Chan...

Wow...Runai just wants an older brother, wants to be loved like Chan, and be loved by others...Runai is a child that no one wants...Woo...


Because of Li Yalin's words, Edomae Runa was stunned for a while, but after a while, big teardrops suddenly appeared from the corner of her eyes, and it didn't take long for them to cry.

While crying, the little guy was still yelling loudly, but Li Yalin was taken aback.

Hey Hey hey!

Why are you crying!

The tent here is not soundproof. What if someone outside hears it and is misunderstood as me bullying you?


Li Yalin is really not good at coaxing girls. At this moment, he doesn't know what to do, so he can only turn his attention to his sister for help, hoping that Chan can quickly take care of Edomae Runa.

After all, if you continue to cry like this, if you don't keep it clean, there will really be some scandals.

For example, titles such as Li Yalin, the strongest idol of the new generation, crying in the tent as a newcomer who just debuted, have already formed in Li Yalin's mind at this time!


It's absolutely impossible to go on like this!

Chan, go up to the rescue!

Don't cry, Runa, we didn't blame you.

Fortunately, although the girl Chan was a little naturally dumb, she was still very powerful at critical moments. At least after understanding Li Yalin's eyes, she immediately stepped forward and gently hugged Edo-mae Runa, wiping her tears , explaining to her softly.

Actually, my brother just wants to tell you that family affection is not a business. If you want to have a real family relationship, you also need to give and understand each other. Of course, if you use this kind of threat, brother will not agree.

But... But is it really not possible? I just want to have a brother who can love me and love me...

Under Chan's comfort, Runa's wailing gradually turned into a soft sob, but even so, she still didn't seem to give up on the idea just now.

Is her obsession that big?

elder brother……

Hearing Edomae Runai's sobs, Chan subconsciously turned his gaze to Li Yalin. Although there was a embarrassed expression on his face, he also had a little expectation.

After all, the older brother is not the husband, so it's not inseparable. If Runa really wants an older brother, it's not unacceptable for Chan to give half of his older brother to his childhood sweetheart.

Although... it's okay to feel a little uncomfortable in my heart.


Faced with the scene in front of him, Li Yalin was also a little helpless. He was different from Edo-mae Runai, who took the tough but not the soft.

For Runa Edomae, if you treat her forcefully, she will shrink back, but if you are soft in front of her, she will definitely push her nose and face.

As for Li Yalin, the tougher you are, the more he will refuse to admit defeat, but if you become softer, it will be difficult for him to deal with it.

Right now, it is difficult for Li Yalin to deal with the situation.

The matter is such a matter, which is very intuitively placed in front of him, how to choose, can only rely on himself.


Well, seeing Chan's expectant eyes and Luna's pitiful gaze, I seem to have no choice, doesn't it?

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