Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 417 Does your Terminator father know?

Biquge, the fastest update starts from saving the coffee shop!

???nNd??T?Qw??y?/??]?s?Bm?obl??z???:???|G??]RO? ???? We are not planning to get married After all, my brother already has someone he likes. If he gets married, it will cause trouble for him, right? \\r

I am very lucky to be my brother's sister.\\r

For the resentment in Edo-mae Runai's heart, some natural Can can't understand it at all. After all, she never regarded this childhood sweetheart as an enemy. Rather, in the eyes of this pure and benevolent girl, Edo-mae Runai is There was nothing wrong with her good friend. \\r

But why... after I have such an excellent brother who is also full of chivalry, instead of being happy for herself, Liu Nai has a bitter and bitter look on his face? \\r

On this point, Chan can never think clearly. \\r

But... as long as you insist, you will definitely get married, right?\\r

At this moment, Runa Edomae was already filled with envy and jealousy, and she didn't think about too many things at all, especially when she heard the word marriage, she had already lost most of her sanity. \\r

Even though Chan explained a lot, she couldn't listen to it at all, and still thought to herself that her 'rival' would soon have an enviable love. \\r

This...but something she never had before! \\r

She was trampled down again! \\r

That... I think it's better for you, Runa, to calm down a bit. Chan and I are really just brother and sister.\\r

Under such circumstances, Li Yalin instinctively felt that it would be better for him to explain clearly quickly, otherwise he would continue to misunderstand and annoy the black-bellied pink hair. A few girls heard about it, and there may even be scandals exposed. \\r

After all, this is the venue of the music festival, not in my own home. \\r

That's right, what are you talking about, Runa? How can my brother and I get married?\\r

Just when Li Yalin opened his mouth to explain, Can also stepped forward with a concerned face, as if thinking that his childhood sweetheart had eaten something unclean, otherwise why would he go crazy. \\r

But the problem is, it's fine if she doesn't speak, but when she speaks, she can always attract all the firepower of the black-bellied pink hair, just now, and it's the same now! \\r

I don't care! Why do you always have what I can't get! You used to always steal my limelight! Now you have a brother that I don't have! It's not fair!\\r

Li Yalin is very clear about Edomae Runai's character, but even so, he is still quite speechless in the face of this black-bellied girl's full force. \\r

If you haven't watched Seto's Hanaya, and don't know everything about it, he will probably hate this child when you meet him for the first time. After all, her character is really unpleasant in a certain sense. \\r

As for now, although he doesn't hate Edomae Runa because of this, but he really can't like her. She is full of jealousy, and there is no way to equate her with the humble and polite appearance just now. \\r

what to do? \\r

Headache! \\r

Otherwise... I will withdraw from this place of right and wrong, and let these two girls fight for themselves? \\r

Anyway, with Can's naturally dull personality, it happened to be Wanke Edomae Runai's dark belly. If they were just getting along alone, the black belly and pink hair would not be able to do anything to Chan anyway. \\r

On the contrary, it would be embarrassing for me to stay here, so I might as well get out of here quickly. \\r

Ok, deal! \\r

All the outbreaks in Edo-mae Runai were aimed at Chan, so after making a decision in his heart, Li Yalin subconsciously wanted to go to the door, and prepared to 'escape' as soon as possible while the two girls were not paying attention. \\r

As for where to go, he has already decided. Although he didn't make it clear why Chan came to him, it must be because of Seto Ren's relationship. So as long as he sneaks into Seto Ren's tent right now, he will be considered a 'Safe' again! \\r

Thinking little Jiujiu in his heart, Li Yalin's movements were also very fast, but what he didn't expect was that he was walking fast, and the black belly and pink hair were faster than him. Taking a step forward, she directly hugged his arm. \\r

I don't care if you know Can's real identity, but now you also know my identity, this problem must be solved! Since you can become brother and sister with Can, then become brother and sister with me too!\\r


It's okay to be hugged by Edomae Runai's arm, but Li Yalin was just dumbfounded when the girl said her next sentence! \\r

The black-bellied pink hair has always had a very strong sense of competition towards Can, always hoping to overwhelm her, so now, when she sees what she doesn't have but Can has, what should she do? \\r

The easiest way is - grab it! \\r

In fact, Runa Edomae did the same thing. Because they knew their real bodies, they became siblings, right? Alright, now that my identity is known, then according to what you do, let us become brother and sister too! \\r

In terms of emotion and reason, there seems to be nothing wrong with Edomae Runa's words. Yes, Canneng and Li Yalin became brother and sister because of the mermaid rules, so it is naturally possible to replace her. \\r

But the question is... can this matter really count like that? \\r

No... wait a minute!\\r

Li Yalin was really dumbfounded by the inexplicable forced recognition of his brother and sister by Edomae Runai, but dumbfounded doesn't mean he lost his ability to think. \\r

Although he is a sister-in-law, the more sisters are always the better, but this black-bellied pink-haired younger sister... always feels a lot of pressure, right? \\r

After all, in terms of favorability, there is a huge distance between him and Edo-mae Runai and Can! \\r

I'm already Can's older brother, so logically I should be considered a member of the mermaid. If that's the case, it's okay if I know your identity? Otherwise, according to your calculation, wouldn't it be true that if I know a mermaid, I will follow you? He becomes family?\\r

Although I don't mind having multiple younger sisters, if it is Runa Edomae, this matter must be handled carefully. After all, this pink-haired black-bellied character is only one aspect. Dad is also a big trouble. \\r

If possible, Li Yalin is not willing to have too many intersections with the Edomae family, it is best to go their own way, that is the most perfect ending. \\r

So this sister... it's better to forget it. \\r

I don't care! Whether you and other mermaids become family members is none of my business. I only know that my identity is known by you, a human being. If you don't become my brother, you will die or I will die. It's that simple! \\r

Well, Li Yalin understood what he said so clearly, but Edo-mae Runai didn't intend to listen at all. \\r

Does your old Terminator know how to be so shameless as someone else's younger sister?

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