Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 346 Look at your unseen appearance

Biquge, the fastest update starts from saving the coffee shop!

Sure enough, there will be no good for that Her Majesty the Queen to appear.

Before the appearance of the Scarlet Queen, the atmosphere at the banquet was pretty good. Although it was a bit tangled because the food was too difficult to eat, the laughter could still be maintained.

But luckily now, the unpalatable food has been replaced by delicious dishes. The members of the imperial family almost swallowed their tongues when they tasted these delicious dishes for the first time. It was deserted, and everyone was eating faster, as if the delicious dishes in front of them had enmity with them.

Only ten minutes later, everyone had finished eating, and looking at the banquet hall next door, the Red Queen and the White Dragon God were still filling their stomachs with food.

This is really...

I'm sorry, Your Majesty Wilhelm, our arrival seems to have caused you trouble.

Li Yalin knew very well that the Scarlet Queen came because of him, and the White Dragon God was attracted by Her Majesty's aura, so in the final analysis, the source of the panic in the palace still came from himself.

A good banquet was messed up, all because of my own relationship.

So I have no choice but to apologize to His Majesty the Xian Emperor.

What did your lord say, it is actually our honor that the two dragon gods descended.

Facing Li Yalin's apology, Wilhelm quickly waved his hands and shook his head. In front of Li Yalin, he neither put on airs of an emperor nor an attitude of an elder.

Not to mention, this pot has to be thrown on the Red Queen.

There's no way around that, who would make the Red Dragon God famous.

To say that the most terrifying of the six-pillar dragon gods is nothing more than the black dragon god who represents darkness and death, and the red dragon god who is aggressive and likes to fight. These two are almost equally dangerous.

The former Black Dragon God is better. After all, no one has seen His Majesty the Dragon God appear for many years, but the Red Dragon God... he is really a fierce god who will destroy the country and destroy the city if he disagrees. The creatures in her hands can no longer be counted by numbers.

To put it bluntly, the Scarlet Queen is the source of fear, but she herself has not the slightest awareness.

No, not only is the Scarlet Queen not aware of this, but Li Yalin actually doesn't quite understand it. After all, the Red Queen in his eyes is no different from a little pet waiting to be fed. He really can't imagine.

She is obviously such a beautiful Her Majesty, and her lips are quite soft, why are you so afraid?

Forget it, be afraid if you are afraid, no matter how much you struggle on your side, you can't change this fact.

Wow... I'm so full, I always feel that this is the most delicious food I've ever eaten in my life.

Finally, the two dragon gods finished their dinner. Although the stomach of the dragon gods seemed to be a bottomless pit, this time Li Yalin prepared enough materials, and finally satisfied the appetite of the two dragon gods.

Because of this, at this moment, the White Dragon God patted his stomach lightly, with a satisfied expression on his face. This kind of food was a novel experience for her, and it also made her very happy.

Hmph, look at how you have never seen the world.

Regarding the statement of the White Dragon God, the Scarlet Queen rolled her eyes in disdain. Although she is also obsessed with Li Yalin's cooking skills, she has eaten it too many times after all. Now, except for taboo dishes, she will Apart from the gaffe, the rest of the dishes, even the shiny special recipes, she can still keep calm.

Although it was not something to be proud of, it was enough for her to show off in front of the White Dragon God.

I see. I kind of understand why Chi is so fond of you. I really want to stay with someone who can make such delicious food.

At this moment, the White Dragon God ignored the Red Queen's ridicule, but locked his eyes on Li Yalin.

The kind of eyes that seem to want to study Li Yalin from inside to outside are really uncomfortable...

Don't even think about it! He's mine!

I don't know if it's because she's full, but the Scarlet Queen is particularly energetic at this time. Looking at this posture, she seems to really want to have another big fight with the White Dragon God.

It's a pity that the White Dragon God's attention is not on her at all at this time.

Not only the taste of that food I have never tasted before, but even many of the ingredients in it are new to me. It's incredible that there are things I haven't seen before...

Staring at Li Yalin in front of her, Bai Zhilong looked thoughtful, and it was not until a long time later that she finally showed a positive expression.

You... are not from this world, are you?

Ah, does this White Dragon God still have the passive attribute of blazing eyes? To be able to perceive the truth just by looking at ingredients that have never been seen before?

Although this is not something worth hiding.

It has nothing to do with you, does it?

Li Yalin didn't think much about Bai Zhilong's insight into his true thoughts. After all, he didn't need to hide his identity all the time like those traversers who could never return home after coming to another world.

Anyway, with the Scarlet Queen around, the attitude of the White Dragon God is pretty good, so what does it matter if you admit it?

But before Li Yalin could reply, she looked at the Scarlet Queen, and suddenly she stood in front of Li Yalin, and at the same time, she was full of vigilance when facing the White Dragon God.

Li Yalin was slightly taken aback by Her Majesty's performance. Although these two dragon gods are very wrong, they are companions guarding the world after all. After all, it can't be a hostile relationship, right?

What is the situation with such vigilance?

If you say that, am I guessing right?

The red queen behaved like this, how could the white dragon god not notice the truth? At this moment, the smile on her face became more and more comfortable.

What on earth do you want to do? Let me explain in advance that he belongs to me, so don't try to use him!

Although the Scarlet Queen never showed a good face when she was fighting with the White Dragon God before, but that was limited, but this time, her expression was very dignified. Even Li Yalin subconsciously He frowned.

What does it mean?

Could it be that this White Dragon God is not as simple as she appears on the surface?

Is there any problem with my identity from another world?

If this is the case, this trip to another world may become the biggest mistake...

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