Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 345: The Fall of the White Dragon God

Biquge, the fastest update starts from saving the coffee shop!

Li Yalin approached Wilhelm, of course, with the purpose of borrowing the palace kitchen from him and making delicious dishes to stop the dispute between the two dragon gods, red and white. Leaving aside the white dragon god, the words of the red queen alone are just one. The braised beef was enough to shut her up.

For this, he is quite confident.

After hearing what Li Yalin said, there was no reason for Emperor Wilhelm to refuse, so he hurriedly got up and sent someone to guide him, and summoned all the chefs in the palace to help him.

It's a pity that the so-called chefs in these palaces are too low-level, even the girls around Li Yalin can't compare, what should I do? That's just messing things up.

If you want to help, let your own girls come.

I've been waiting for a long time, Your Majesty the Queen, Your Majesty the Dragon God of White, both of you, please rest for a while, let's have some food first.

Although it is said that he borrowed the kitchen of the palace, in fact, Li Yalin only borrowed this space. From the cooking utensils to the seasonings, they were all taken out of his personal space ring.

There is no way, after all, the food culture is different, not to mention the cooking utensils and spices in the palace kitchen, even the stove makes him want to complain, okay!

Forget it, Li Yalin doesn't intend to mention how bad the palace kitchen is. With the help of Zhi Nao and Li Shi, a large number of dishes have finally been prepared, not only for the two dragon gods, but also for Li Yalin and others. The girls around him, as well as the meals of the members of the imperial family, were all brought out by him by the way.

After all, I have troubled people a lot today, so it is reasonable to do a meal to repay them, isn't it?

So next, it's happy meal time!

“Braised Beef!”

Just as Li Yalin thought, as soon as the delicious dishes came out, the Scarlet Queen cheered immediately, gave up the 'battle' with the White Dragon God, and rushed to the table in a hurry.

Here, a large portion of braised beef and various meat dishes have been placed, which Li Yalin specially prepared for her.

Although she likes braised beef very much, the Scarlet Queen doesn't eat other dishes. In fact, she likes all kinds of delicious meat, but braised beef is special, so she has a soft spot for it.

It seems to be food that I have never seen before, and it looks delicious just by smelling it.

Hearing Li Yalin's greeting, the Red Dragon God didn't care about anyone, and sat down at the dining table to eat, and her change naturally attracted the attention of the White Dragon God.

Although they are companions who have lived together for tens of thousands of years, the White Dragon God doesn't know that the Red Queen still has foodie attributes, so it is only natural that she is full of curiosity about the transformation of the Red Queen.

And what changed the Red Queen... Isn't it these delicious-smelling food?

If you don't mind, please have a taste of His Majesty the Dragon God of White. They are all dishes from my hometown. I hope they suit your taste.

Seeing the curious eyes of the White Dragon God, Li Yalin also reached out and made a gesture of invitation. It would be really great if the two dragon gods could die because of the delicious food.

At least before his group left, he hoped that it would be better for these two to get along peacefully. After he took the girls away, they could fight as much as they wanted, and it didn't matter to him if they fought.

Then I would like to thank you for your hospitality.

Although he didn't get along well with the Red Queen, the White Dragon God treated Li Yalin very well, and even thanked him, then found a seat and sat down, carefully observing the dishes in front of him.

This is... a taste I've never tasted before!

Creatures in different worlds, no matter they are gods or humans, have the same reactions after tasting delicious food for the first time, and the White Dragon God is the same.

Accompanied by the surprise of the first delicious taste, and then to the continuous tasting one by one, until the final feast, it didn't take too long.

It is quite natural that this white dragon god has also fallen, and unlike the red queen who loves braised beef so much, she seems to have a soft spot for sweet and sour pineapple sweet and sour pork.

As expected of a luminous version of the special recipe, even the dragon god can't resist the supreme charm.

Then, Your Majesty Wilhelm, please have a meal too. I have prepared enough food for everyone.

The two dragon gods who were still fighting just now are eating silently and quickly at the dining table. This scene is really joyful no matter how you look at it.

But if they can stop, it is finally a relief, so then, let everyone continue the previous dinner.

No, no, how dare we have dinner at the same table with the two Dragon God Majesties, this is really rude!

Li Yalin's thinking is very simple, the two dragon gods are both eating, so he can't just look at it, right? However, when he invited the members of Wilhelm's royal family to sit down for dinner, looking at His Majesty the Emperor, his forehead was already covered with sweat.

Dining at the same table with the two dragon gods? Forgive him, he is already very old, he really can't live for a few years, and his heart can't bear such a terrible burden.

Rather, as a human being, being able to stand in the distance and witness the scene of the two dragon gods eating is already the limit.

It doesn't matter, I think Her Majesty the Queen and His Majesty the White Dragon God shouldn't mind.

The invitation was rejected, and Li Yalin scratched the back of his head subconsciously. After all, in his opinion, this was not a big deal at all. It was just a mere meal together. There were only two dragon gods on a dining table as big as a banquet hall. While eating, the rest of the people can only watch, isn't that weird?

It's a pity that his thoughts will only make people in these different worlds sweat coldly. In his opinion, if it is a small matter, if it is changed to others, it will be a big event that the sky will fall!

This is no longer a question of whether you mind or not!

At this moment, many members of the royal family behind Wilhelm shouted in their hearts, those are two dragon gods, two dragon gods! Under such coercion, how could I possibly be able to eat? Hey!

In the end, Li Yalin failed to persuade Wilhelm, so in desperation, he had to open another table next to the banquet hall, and finally let him entertain these new friends from another world.

It's just... that's just the reception he imagined. In fact, even eating at the same table with him would also make the members of the imperial family feel pressured.

After all, the person sitting next to them at this moment is a person whose status is comparable to the two dragon gods!

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