Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 177 Tibi, Magic, Witch

Biquge, the fastest update starts from saving the coffee shop!

What a beautiful rabbit!

After looking at the surrounding environment, Makoto Kobata focused her eyes on Tibi above Chino's head, as if Beloved couldn't resist the furry texture, the girl also let out a soft cry and quickly came to Chino's side.

Is this your familiar?

Tibi's furry body is indeed very popular with girls, and it's normal to be liked, but it's nothing more than stroking Tibi's head back and forth. What Kibata Makoto said next made everyone very baffled.

A familiar?

Not understanding the meaning of what Kihata Makoto said, Chino was very surprised.

What is a familiar?

That's right, a demon, just like Qianhu in my family.

Kiba Makoto didn't think about the problem in her words at all, but nodded as a matter of course.

And just when she said these words, as if cooperating with her, the black cat that followed her quietly came to her feet, and blew softly twice, as if Show your own existence.

so cute!

What the familiar is, Xinai has no idea at all, but this girl has absolutely no resistance to cute things, especially cute little animals, which have won her favor.

Seeing the cute appearance of the black cat, she immediately exclaimed, then leaned over and hugged the cat in her arms.

Is it called Qianhu?

While stroking the black cat in her arms, Kouai asked Makoto Kohata.

And under the lovely touch, the black cat named Qianhu yawned very comfortably.

so cute!

Seeing Qianhu's rather humane yawn, Xinai couldn't help hugging it even tighter.

May I ask who the familiar is...

Although Xinai doesn't care about so many details, Chino is not so big-hearted. She knows how special Tibi's existence is.

Even though she didn't know exactly what the so-called familiar in Makoto Mubata's mouth was, she always had a premonition that Tibi's identity seemed to be seen through by that girl!

The words of the familiar... how should I explain it?

Probably because I was asked this question once, Makoto Kihata didn't seem to know how to explain it in detail. She tapped her lips with her index finger and fell into thinking.

After a while, she finally had a flash of inspiration and beat her left hand on the palm of her right.

Probably like the witch's messenger.

The witch's messenger?

Although it was explained, Chino was even more confused, witch? Is it the kind of witch that appears in TV novels?

That's right, I am the apprentice witch who will be in charge of this area from today onwards. I may cause trouble for you in the future, so please give me your advice.

After nodding slightly, Makoto Kiba bowed to everyone. Unlike the self-introduction just now, this time, she also revealed her identity.


Seeing Muban Makoto in front of him, Zhi Nao was a little at a loss, looked at Li Yalin, then at Li Shi, and finally at his beloved who was holding Qianhu tightly.

what is happening?

Are you suffering from secondary illness?

Regarding Muba Makoto, who claims to be a witch, Li Shi leaned over to Li Yalin and spoke softly.

Although she didn't know the identity of the other party very well, she knew a thing or two about this situation. The girl who claimed to be a witch and had a familiar was probably the so-called secondary disease.

It was just heard before, but now I have finally seen it.

No... I think she should be a real witch...

Regarding Li Shi's statement, Li Yalin smiled wryly and shook his head lightly, Second Second Disease? No, stop joking, the one standing in front of everyone is a real witch!

Makoto Mubata and Qianhu said how the name sounded so familiar.

Flying witch intrudes?

Originally, in Li Yalin's view, this was just an ordinary world, but now it seems that he seems to think too little.

Magic also exists in this world!

What kind of expression should I show at this time?


No, in fact, there are early signs, isn't it?

Don't forget that Tibi's identity is not a real rabbit, but Chino's grandfather.

It seems that only magic can explain the ability to turn a human into a rabbit, right?

Tibby, magic, witch.

Seems to be fine.

How could a witch really exist?

Li Yalin's answer was beyond Li Shi's expectations. In her impression, magic and witches should only exist in fantasy.

Could it be that Teacher Yalin also suffers from secondary illness?

At this time, Li Shi couldn't help but have this idea in his heart.

No, witches do exist, and the witch in front of me is the proof.

Seeing Li Shi's appearance, Li Yalin knew that she had misunderstood. Although he could have just dealt with it, he didn't.

Because he knows very well that since Muba Makoto joined this big family, the existence of magic will be presented to everyone sooner or later, even if it is perfunctory now, Rishi will know it in the future.

Instead of explaining it at that time, it is better to make it clear now, otherwise if there is a gap, it will hurt the relationship.


Seeing Li Yalin's serious appearance, Li Shi couldn't help being speechless.

It was as if it was true, but could the so-called 'witch' in front of me really be regarded as evidence?

Let me prove it to you.

Li Shi's reaction was very normal. After all, hearing is believing and seeing is believing. Before seeing the facts, anyone would be skeptical.

Then, take out the truth and let Li Shi witness it!

Hi, my name is Li Yalin, welcome to join our big family.

Coming to Muban Zhenqin, Li Yalin greeted her with a smile, and at this moment, he was also holding a big broom in his hand.

It was a broom used to clean the backyard. It was not used at all, and everyone didn't know why he brought it to the store.

But when he saw this broom, Muba Makoto's eyes lit up.

This is a very nice broom. It seems to be in good condition.

A broom can be said to be the standard equipment of a witch. In many legends, such a broom is indispensable in the hands of a witch.

Many legends are false, but in this world, many legends about witches are true, at least after the appearance of Makoto Muban, Li Yalin confirmed this point.

So as a necessary prop for a witch, it's no wonder that Makoto Kibata's eyes lit up after seeing this broom.

Would you like to try it out? Although it's not a brand new broom, it should be usable.

Handing the broom to Makoto Muban, Li Yalin still had a smile on his lips.

Then I won't be polite.

Faced with the broom handed over by Li Yalin, Makoto Muban hesitated a bit before taking it, but the interaction between the two was completely incomprehensible to the girls present.

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