Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 176 Unprecedented bankruptcy crisis

Biquge, the fastest update starts from saving the coffee shop!

The song Forever はただの一种から suddenly became popular on ANC, the largest video site in the empire. In just a few days, the video had more than 10 million hits.

The moving melody, the exciting male and female duet, coupled with the beautiful painting style, make it impossible for people to think of reasons not to like it.

However, because of this, Rabbit-House encountered an unprecedented bankruptcy crisis!

It is a good thing that the work is welcomed by everyone. After all, it has been recognized by the public. No matter how you say it, it is something worth celebrating.

But if the fire is too much, a good thing will turn into a bad thing.

In the works uploaded by ANC, Li Yalin and Hinata Yuan did not show their faces in real life, but the more they did this, the more fanciful their imaginations became. From the comments on the Internet, it can be seen that many fanatical fans want to witness the real appearance of their idols with their own eyes. on earth can we see the true face of an idol?

Nothing can be seen from the video on the ANC, but the rough video that was released before completely exposed Rabbit-House.

These days, the speed of Internet transmission is very fast. After a while, the coordinates of the Rabbit-House were released, and a large number of fans came to watch.

At the beginning, the increase of so many customers made everyone very happy. After all, the increase in customer flow can also increase the income.

But as the number of customers increased again and again, everyone was dumbfounded.

The capacity of Rabbit-House is limited, and it can accommodate at most 20 or 30 customers, but looking at the fans jammed outside, there must be at least 200 people!

Seeing this scene, Li Yalin dared not go down from the second floor!

Fortunately, I didn't show up just now, otherwise, I really don't know how to get out.

However, even if Li Yalin didn't show up, the fans downstairs would not let it go.

If the goal is not achieved, the fans in the store are unwilling to leave, and the fans outside the store are still clamoring to enter the store. If this continues, if it really causes a stampede, it will be completely bad.

In desperation, Li Yalin could only choose to call the police and ask the police to help guide the fans. Finally, all the customers were sent out of the store, and a sign of temporary closure was put up.

So far, Rabbit-House has become quiet.

However, this is just a stopgap measure. If the fans are persuaded to leave today, who knows if someone will come tomorrow?

Sitting on the chair in the Rabbit-House, Li Yalin and several girls were frowning.

I'm sorry, Chino, to trouble you.

As the instigator of this incident, Li Yalin felt that he should apologize to everyone first. After all, all the troubles were caused by him. If it wasn't for the video, this situation wouldn't have happened.

It's okay's not your fault.

Gently shaking his head, Zhi Nai did not blame Li Yalin for this, she is really a caring and good sister.

But what about the store? Will the store continue to open tomorrow?

After encountering the scene just now, Xinai still has some lingering fears. So many people are clamoring to see her brother. Are they the legendary fanatics?

very scary……

The store can't be opened for the time being. It's better to close for the time being. Let's wait until the popularity on the Internet subsides.

Shaking his head, Li Yalin doesn't think this store can continue to open. In fact, if this is not his own store, he would have turned around and run away.

The current strategy is to wait for the popularity on the Internet to subside. After all, not everyone has the time to come to block the door every day.

Originally, at the beginning, I planned to take advantage of the popularity to make the confession exercise, but now it seems that it is better to postpone it indefinitely.

Unless a solution to the problem can be found!

Sitting in his seat, Li Yalin frowned, and now he has tasted the price of being famous.

It can be seen that Tibi on Chino's head is already on the verge of an outburst of anger. If Chino didn't press it, he would inevitably rush up to fight with him.

what to do?

Boom boom boom...

Just as everyone was sitting around worrying, a series of knocks on the door came to everyone's ears.

what's the situation?

Another fan who heard the news?

My dear, go and send people away, just say that our shop is closed.

At this time, Li Yalin didn't dare to appear on the stage in person, so he could only ask his beloved to come forward to solve the problem. Whether it was a customer or a fan, it was impossible to do business in the store today.


Seeing this, Xinai nodded slightly. She was also frightened by the fanatical fans just now, but she didn't want to have a few more fans in the store, so she hurriedly opened the door to refuse customers.

But unexpectedly, after a while, instead of trying to persuade the visitor to leave, she opened the door and let the person in.

what happened?

Isn't it a fan?

Chino, this man said he came looking for you.

The guest following behind Beloved was a beautiful girl with long black hair who was about fifteen or sixteen years old.

Not a fan or a guest, but Chino's friend?

When did Chino have such a friend?

Looking at the girl behind his beloved, Li Yalin couldn't help but wonder, he didn't know when Chino made such a friend.

Yes, not only he didn't know, but Chino didn't know either.

May I ask who you are?

Obviously, Chino didn't know the girl who claimed to be looking for her, otherwise she wouldn't have shown such a confused expression.

do not know?

Then she is...

Hello, my name is Makoto Kibata, and I will be staying here from today on.

After seeing Chino, the black-haired girl bowed politely and introduced herself.

And at this moment, everyone also saw a suitcase pulled behind her, and a small figure standing beside the suitcase.

black cat?

That's right, that's a black cat. It looks very beautiful. Is it the girl's pet?

So you are... I understand, please give me your advice.

After Kihata Makoto introduced herself, she handed a note to Chino. It was written by Chino's father, Kafu Takahiro, and the detailed address of Rabbit-House was written on it.

After reading this letter, Zhi Nai also suddenly realized that both she and Li Yalin knew about the addition of a new resident to the house.

It's just that Xiangfeng Longhong didn't introduce the identity of the resident, and the resident never showed up. He didn't expect that she would come at this time.

Please advise me a lot.

The girl named Muban Makoto didn't recognize her birth. Although she came to this strange city alone and was about to live in a strange family, she didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

On the contrary, she observed the surrounding environment with great interest, as if she had great expectations for the next life.

Seems like a nice girl.

But... Makoto Muhata, why does this name sound so familiar?

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