Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 104: Sister Rescue

Biquge, the fastest update starts from saving the coffee shop!

Because he stepped on Wakasa Yuri's minefield, Li Yalin felt apologetic in his heart, but before he could apologize to his sister, the system suddenly sent him a message.

Cross-border side task - sister rescue.

Mission content - Go to Tanhe Elementary School for rescue and rescue Wakasa Yuri's younger sister.

Mission Reward - Virus Immune Physique.

Task reminder - this side task has a time limit, if it is not completed before 27h'17m'54s, it will be regarded as a failure of the task, the sister will die, and the reward will be invalidated.


Can this trigger side quests?

Still have this kind of operation?

Well, now is not the time to lament these.

As far as Li Yalin knows, in the original plot, Wakasa Yuri's younger sister had already died. This is an indisputable fact, but looking at it now, it seems that there is still room for maneuver.

At least Wakasa Yuri's younger sister won't die until the prompt numbers given in the system prompt run out, that is to say, he still has plenty of time to prepare!

Yes, ever since this side mission was triggered, Li Yalin never thought about giving up. He knew very well that this mission must be very dangerous, but the problem is that he must complete this mission no matter what!

He didn't just want to save Wakasa Yuri's sister, but more importantly, the task reward made him completely irresistible, right?

Virus immunity!

What is viral immunity?

It's very simple, with this kind of physique, you won't be afraid of getting sick in the future, right?

Of course, not being afraid of getting sick is just the second thing. The most important thing is that since it is immune to viruses, there must be no need to be afraid of zombie viruses, right?

In this virus-ravaged zombie world, once you get scratched, you will be infected by the virus and become a zombie. Even if there is an antidote, it will be useless, because there is no vaccine to completely cure the zombie virus yet.

But now there is no need to be afraid. As long as this task is completed, Li Yalin no longer has to worry about getting injured. In the future, as long as he does not die and fall into the tide of corpses, he will be fine even if he is scratched.

So, he can't have the slightest hesitation!

Of course, in view of the danger of this task, he must also prepare in advance, such as the previous hidden task, he must complete it as soon as possible.

After clearing out the zombies in the building with Hu Tao, Li Yalin has killed more than a hundred zombies, so the task can be completed by clearing out some zombies outside the teaching building.

Then, there is no need to hesitate, right?

Yalin, are you...going outside?

Five hours later, Li Yalin, who was covered in plasma, returned and attracted everyone's attention.

Although the enemy was killed with a sneak attack, the black blood was still splattered everywhere. No matter how much Li Yalin tried to avoid it, it was difficult for Li Yalin to avoid it, and he looked really embarrassed.

This makes everyone very concerned.

It is obvious that the teaching building is already safe, so why rush to take risks outside?

Walnut, help me prepare some food and water, and Mr. Sakura, please lend me your car keys, Mr. Shenshan, I need a map of the city.

Sensing everyone's concerned eyes, Li Yalin didn't explain much, but just took off his coat on his own.

He needs to wash the plasma off his body as soon as possible.

After taking off his shirt, he finally spoke, but what he said made everyone stunned.

You want to leave?

To say that the one who has the best relationship with Li Yalin in the near future must be Hutao. After all, they often fight side by side together, and they have developed a good understanding with each other.

It was also because of this that she couldn't understand even more. Li Yalin obviously wanted to leave, but why did he leave?

Wouldn't it be nice to be with everyone?

I'm not leaving, but going out for a while.

Seeing Hu Tao standing in front of him, Li Yalin shook his head slightly. He didn't mean never to return, but he just wanted to go out to complete the task.

But how could he explain this to everyone?

Does he still want to show off his ability to predict the future?

This crisis has erupted for so many days, I want to go out and have a look, and I have an acquaintance who lives near Tanhe Primary School, I am going to try my luck there to see if he is still alive.

Although there is no way to tell the truth to everyone, he has to give some explanations. I believe everyone should be able to accept this reason.

So that's how it is...then I'll go with you.

Sure enough, Hu Tao finally breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that Li Yalin just wanted to go out to investigate the situation, but then, with a firm look, she expressed that she would act together with him.

This was somewhat beyond Li Yalin's expectations.

Although he and Hu Tao had a tacit understanding in killing zombies together, but suddenly they had to act together...

No, I'll go alone this time. You need to stay here to sit in town. If you go with me, I don't worry.

It would definitely be a good thing for Li Yalin to have Hutao by his side. After all, he recognized Hutao's combat effectiveness very much.

But the problem is that Hutao is the only fighting force besides him. With both of them leaving, if something really happens on the school side, it may cause a big incident.

So after much deliberation, I still have to let Walnut stay.


Although he really wanted to act with Li Yalin, his words were very reasonable, which also made Hu Tao hesitate.

After a while, she nodded and agreed with his statement.

That's right, although the school is already safe, we still can't relax our vigilance.

Student Yalin...can you come here?

Li Yalin is going to go out, everyone must help prepare, the necessary water and food on the road, the map of the city, and Sakura Ci's car keys, all need to be prepared in advance.

However, when everyone was helping to prepare, Wakasa Yuri's expression kept changing, as if he was struggling with something.

It wasn't until the end that she finally made up her mind, came to Li Yalin, and whispered this sentence to him.

Is there something wrong, Yuri-san?

If Sasa Yuri would find him, Li Yalin was not surprised, because he deliberately mentioned Tanhe Primary School before, just to prepare for the next rescue.

At the same time, there are reasons to believe that Tanhe Elementary School will definitely hit Wakasa Yuri's fragile heart!

Yes, although Wakasa Yuri has always been very calm, but her heart is the most vulnerable one!

Well... If... If possible, student Yalin, can you go to Tanhe Primary School to take a look... My sister, she should be in Tanhe Primary School...

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