Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 103 Creating a safe place to live

Biquge, the fastest update starts from saving the coffee shop!

Preparation for self-help? What should we do?

Hearing Li Yalin's words, Zuo Cangci and Shenshan Zhaozi looked at each other in dismay, and had to admit that what they said made sense.

I think what needs to be done most now is to create a safe shelter!

What is self-help?

To put it bluntly, it is just seeking survival. Just as Li Yalin thought in his heart, building a safe refuge is the most urgent and most necessary thing to do.

The teaching philosophy of Patrol Hill Academy is to hope that students can accumulate a variety of social experiences during their schooling. For this reason, this school was built as a miniature of the town from the very beginning.

Thanks to this teaching concept, everyone doesn’t have to worry about water and electricity at all. There is even a special vegetable garden on the top of the teaching building. If you can take good care of it, the source of fresh fruits and vegetables will not be a problem at all.

In addition, some necessary daily necessities can also be obtained in the canteen located on the second floor of the teaching building. In addition, a large number of practical clubs can also provide various help for daily life.

In other words, as long as the zombies in Patrol Hill Academy are cleaned up, this place can become the safest place to live.

This is also Li Yalin's next goal.

Without him, it would be extremely difficult to clean up all the zombies with just a few girls, but now with him, the situation is completely different.

When it comes to killing zombies, Li Yalin is completely handy, not to mention that he is not alone in the battle. Among these girls, there is a Hu Yichan who is not inferior to him in combat power!

That's right, although he doesn't have the advantage of stealth skills, and he doesn't have such a sophisticated weapon as a general knife, but Hu Yichan... Ahem, Huifei Suzawa and Hutao's combat effectiveness is really not inferior to any man!

With her shovel down, she could easily sever the zombie's throat, and in her eyes, there was no trace of confusion.

Her performance is simply a natural born warrior!

It's amazing...

Even if he was mentally prepared, Li Yalin couldn't help sighing in his heart when he saw Hu Yichan... Hu Tao's performance.

If I didn't have a cheat by my side, I'm afraid I would really be inferior to this girl.

Speaking of which, she and Li Shi really look alike, if I put the two of them together, I'm afraid I will be confused.

As expected of a famous actress from Houbunsha.

All in all, Li Yalin's proposal was well accepted by everyone, and the next zombie cleanup plan will be mainly carried out by him and Walnut, supplemented by Wakasa Yuri and Kamiyama Akiko.

As for Yuki Yuki, her situation is the same as in the original plot. She was stimulated by great changes, which made her emotionally unstable, so she is not suitable for participating in the work of beheading zombies. It is better to let Sakura Ci take care of her.

Although there were not many people, the efficiency of killing zombies was excellent. In just one day, Li Yalin and Hu Tao eliminated all the zombies in the teaching building.

Of course, this is also due to the small number of zombies in the teaching building. After all, when the disaster happened, most of the students were running outside the teaching building, so a large number of zombies were wandering in the playground outside the teaching building. There are fewer inside the building.

However, killing the zombies is only the initial task, and the subsequent disposal of the corpses is the biggest trouble.

Because the weather is relatively hot, if these corpses are left unattended, the teaching building will soon be enveloped in the smell of corpses. What's more important is that as the corpses rot, unnecessary viruses and bacteria may also breed.

In addition, sealing off the teaching building to prevent the zombies from the playground from moving into the building is also a top priority.

There are three entrances and exits on the first floor, including the gate. After discussion, Li Yalin and his party decided to seal all the entrances except for the small gate corresponding to the underground entrance.

In addition, the windows of each classroom on the first floor are also nailed with wooden boards to prevent zombies from invading!

Fortunately, there are a few small carts for delivery in the cafeteria on the first floor, and a lot of tools were found in the warehouse of the studio next door. Otherwise, it would take a lot of time to complete such a large workload .

But even with the tools at hand, it took nearly two days to transport all the corpses and seal all the doors and windows, and when everything was finished, everyone was almost exhausted.

Although it is very tiring, the effect of the busy these days can be called remarkable. The interior of the huge Xunzhiqiu Academy teaching building is completely safe, and everyone can move around freely without any fear.

In this difficult and difficult time, the surviving people let nature take its course and hugged each other to keep warm, and because of this, everyone can quickly draw closer to each other.

No, Li Yalin was already very familiar with the girls, and they all started to call each other by their first names.

Yuki's situation... is it alright?

Well, Yuki's situation is not bad. With Sister Ci's care, she has gradually accepted all this.

The one who was talking to Li Yalin at this time was Wakasa Yuri, who had the calmest personality in the high school student group. She had given Li Yalin considerable help at the beginning of sweeping up the zombies.

The content of the conversation between the two revolved around Yuki Yuki, who had experienced a huge stimulus in the early stage of the disaster, and if there were no accidents, he should have experienced psychological regression.

It should be said that the girl's luck was very good. Although she was mentally stimulated before, this stimulation did not last long, especially after Li Yalin appeared, the zombies in the teaching building were quickly cleaned up, and Yuki's safety was also guaranteed. A very good guarantee, under such circumstances, her psychology is gradually recovering.

If she can fully accept all this, she should be able to return to normal soon.

That's good.

Hearing what Wakasa Yuri said, Li Yalin was also relieved. If possible, he didn't want to see Yuki really have a mental degenerative disease.

It would be great to get the problem under control now.

Speaking of which, Yuri, have you contacted your family yet?

Originally, Li Yalin was just looking for something to say, and just said it casually, but I didn't expect that as soon as he said this, she looked at Wakasa Yuri, but her expression changed in an instant.

Oops... seems to have stepped on a minefield!

This zombie crisis is not limited to Xunzhiqiu Academy. Since the appearance of the zombies, the communication with the outside world has been completely cut off. Even since yesterday, even the mobile phone has lost its signal.

Prior to this, Li Yalin knew that Kamiyama Akiko's family had completely lost contact, and Sakura Ci and Hu Tao's family could not be contacted either, but Wakasa Yuri never mentioned the situation at home, and everyone didn't ask many questions.

But looking at it now, I guess it's all bad luck...

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