Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 686: Yang Jiangang's arduous mission

Salted fish's self-rescue strategy 686 author looks like a master full text 2328 words

I'm so miserable! But I can’t tell you what I’m suffering now, and I will tell the readers, my princes, tomorrow morning. Sell ​​miserable ask for subscription @_@—————— For this, Yang Jiangang is not really stupid, of course he understands what Chu Yuanxi meant—no one has an obligation to guarantee that others will succeed, and buy it away. Be responsible for yourself when making every choice. It’s just that there is a big difference between this and his values ​​and outlook on life. I need to convince myself that there is no such thing. The main reason is: "I am not ashamed and not ashamed, but, is this not a waste of other people's time?" Chu Yuanxi felt that he was about to pass himself. This hurdle in my heart. The generation born in the 1980s received an education from an early age that "wasting other people's time is tantamount to making money and killing", but as long as they want to start a business, they can't stand up forever. Gongsun Yonghao was an idealist and a decent person when he was still respected as Teacher Luo. What happened later? Do you still follow the rules? In the eyes of many people, this is nothing wrong, and Yang Jiangang is so hypocritical about Daoism. However, Chu Yuanxi took a high look at Yang Jiangang, because ethics itself is a good thing, and the upper limit is higher than that of people without ethics. Patting his shoulder, Chu Yuanxi said: "This is not'waste', it's'swallowing'. Marx has said long ago that the value of commodities lies in human undifferentiated labor time. We are not wasting other people's time, but Take the initiative to devour. We are predators. You have to figure out where you are in the food chain. If you are not sure, you should return to the herbivore. If you don’t swallow other people’s time, how can you be more successful than others What? Just like the ways to get rich are written in the "Criminal Law", "Das Kapital" is still often read Chang Xin today. You have to read it when you have time to refine yourself." "Then... I just said that? "Yes. In addition, don't make yourself so humble and generous. You have to believe that you are awesome before others will believe you. You are not seduce or trick others, don’t engage in pyramid schemes. .You are describing a beautiful prospect, and then inviting others to realize it together. In this process, you have to keep sharing the fruits with others, not deliberately cheating others, do you understand?" "I, I understand." "You Just understand. I wanted to find you today, not for recruitment. Your real problem is not recruitment." Yang Jiangang felt bald: "What is that?" "It's valuation and financing, idiot! You come up here." Isn’t the purpose of attracting people to start a business for DKP to exchange some money?" "Ah, yes, yes!" "Your recruitment logic should be based on valuation, and high valuation options are valuable. The most important thing for you now is cash. Where is the cash flow now? Valuation financing! The key to financing is how much money you need, and how much money you need to make a corresponding high valuation. So, when have you thought about financing, how much was the valuation at that time? Let me give you an example of Pakistani entertainment. I planned it after the Spring Festival last year. I will raise funds in July, with a valuation of 1 billion and 200 million, which is enough for me." Yang Jiangang suddenly stared at him again. I wanted to say something to conceal the fact that I had never thought about this issue. I saw Chu Yuanxi waved his hand: "As your CFO, I have already considered this issue for you. The A round of financing is valued at $100 million. It can’t be later than June, and it’s $15-20 million.” This is not just a problem that can be solved by staring. Yang Jiangang almost spit out his tongue, “100 million dollars before June? Why?” "Your question is wrong." Chu Yuanxi said that it was a mistake to let Yang Jiangang start his own business directly. He lacks the basics and this problem is too serious. "You should ask: The basic task is to value a round of financing of 100 million US dollars. With this goal as the guide, what needs to be achieved in advance, and what indicators need to be reached at the end of May to support this valuation? Go back and do the corresponding work, understand? This is the advice given to you by me, a qualified CFO." This advice made Yang Jiangang refreshing, but he was still bald: "But is it too high? I dare not think about it!" Chu Yuanxi suddenly stared up: "What can't you think about? Baren Entertainment has raised 4 million yuan in total, which is estimated at 1.5 billion yuan in half a year. What are your conditions now? It’s more than ten times better than me, isn’t it? You want money, money, people, no worries, you don’t even dare to think about 700 million? Or don’t you stop starting a business and come back as a planner?" At the same time, Chu Yuanxi pushed the door and left, because his WeChat account went viral, and two investors were asking him about the blockchain. One Wang Yueheng and one Huang Sui were brought by Yuan Mu to listen to his investment lectures in April last year. The blockchain is now half an angel and half a devil. Because of the money-making effect of issuing air coins and the existence of Bitmain smart contracts, the blockchain will be criticized for a long time in the future. The reason is that as long as this kind of soil exists, it is inevitable that there will be people coming to fly to the fire like moths ~ ~ wanting to get rich overnight through scams and abductions. However, the superiority of the blockchain technology itself makes people fascinated. Unless there is a genius like Satoshi Nakamoto, and the launch of a new technical model can completely explode the blockchain, the current Internet technology is not Block chain represents the development direction of advanced productivity. Otherwise, the person who issued the air currency would not have a foothold and could not coax the money. Therefore, there will always be people in the investment circle searching for blockchain projects worth investing in with their keen sense of smell. To the two of them, Chu Yuanxi had to persuade each other: "The blockchain I made is not the kind of blockchain, and the private chain does not issue coins. My coins must be completely landed in my inner loop, and use computing power to mine. You don’t like the mine road?” He will depend on investors’ funds in the future, so since the start of Xiaokang, his attitude towards investors has been superb. Although these two investors do not have much money, they have contacts, and the money that can be linked to is not a few. However, they are definitely not allowed to come in now. It is estimated that they will not open investment shares to them before the B round. The A round will only be open to the Pakistani Group and Zheng De Fund. If the Magic City Syndicate is willing to invest, it depends on the incense. It is possible to invest a little bit, but the investors on the Modu side seem to be conservative, and I am afraid they may not be willing to enter. In round B, it will look for some well-known investment institutions. Investment in this kind of thing also has a B pattern. Well-known funds and pheasant investors will lead the investment, which will have a great impact on subsequent investment and financing. Unexpectedly, Wang Yueheng said: "I like it, I like the technology. Those who issue air coins are too lazy to create innovative models. What's the point of investing?" "Hey, how did you know that I want to engage in blockchain?" The three people held a WeChat conference call, and Chu Yuanxi asked casually. Unexpectedly, Wang Yueheng said carelessly: "What Lu Yongxiao said, he has posted several circles of friends." After rubbing it, I knew it was this grandson!

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