Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 685: How to advance the thinking model

Salted fish's self-help strategy 685 The author looks like a master, the total number of words is 2278 words

After three consecutive changes, the subscription has collapsed again, so today I am asking for a subscription of $_$ for two changes. Of course, if the monthly pass arrives suddenly......——————Yang Jiangang rubbed his hands in excitement, saying that Chu Yuanxi’s excavation was quite It felt like cutting off the big dragon of Pengfei Technology in Go, and then intercepting half of it. In short, one word is fierce! If you learn this trick... but what Chu Yuanxi wants to teach is obviously not this kind of murderous trick, but how to rush to the flow that can be madly: "You can't dig people right now, and eliminate all kinds of people's subjective factors. , The most obvious reason is that others don’t know that you’re awesome, right?" Yang Jiangang nodded: "But the problem is that I’m not awesome yet. God knows if you’re awesome in the future?" Complete the transition from a wage earner to an entrepreneur, Lao Yang, your mode of thinking is still at the stage of honest labor, you have to advance." Yang Jiangang stared at each other: "What?" "There are three ways of communication in the world. ——The honest way, the cunning way, and the way of starting a business." Chu Yuanxi's rare seriousness: "Your habit is still at the stage of distinguishing right from wrong. It is too simple for a business. You have never heard of it. In the adult world, there is no right or wrong, only success or failure?" Yang Jiangang said with a very humble expression: "Can you say it simpler?" "The honest way is like you did before, one way of saying one. Cunning way, It’s just that you can fool around and draw big pie, but in fact there is no hair. The way to start a business must be more particular. You must describe the scene after the perfect realization of the plan based on your existing resources. The logical chain must be able to withstand scrutiny and at the same time Pay attention to taking advantage of the situation. Taking advantage of your strength can often produce miraculous effects." Yang Jiangang still doesn't understand, and Chu Yuanxi is also struggling. Why don't you understand it after all said so clearly? It feels like the teacher has brought a super stupid student, who is working hard to nibble on books and knowledge, but is limited by his intelligence. When he goes to the examination room, he is full of Ma Huimei? After memorizing for a long time, I filled in Han Meimei intuitively. "Why don't I give you an example!" He knocked on the table and made a "dongdong" sound, as if it was hitting Yang Jiangang's head. "The future of the platform you are working on is uncertain. Even if you can complete the platform's scheduled functions, complete drainage, and complete resource reserves, it may not be successful. This is where you lack confidence when you dig people, right?" "Huh? How did you know?" Yang Jiangang sat down sullenly, "It is this place that feels pitted to others, especially those big guys who have very good jobs. It's not appropriate for me to fool people over..." "I don't know yet. You? Don’t consider whether it’s appropriate or inappropriate. You should consider whether you are capable of persuading others." Chu Yuanxi brewed for a while, "The so-called borrowing from your resources, for example, why are you so eager to panic? Have you forgotten that this incubation company is organized? In order to catch up with your incubation project, to make the animation of "The Enemy of Rome", right? In this way, in terms of publicity, momentum and morality, it can reach 1+1. The effect of Yu 2. Did you think of anything?" Yang Jiangang shook his head. "Zhi, you are not suitable for starting a business..." Chu Yuanxi was speechless, "When you dig people, you say so! Do you know that "Troubled Times"? The Pakistani Group's fist project is now the leading IP in China, and its influence , Word-of-mouth and money-making effects are very powerful, so it’s okay? What is the next major project of the Pakistani group? "The Enemy of Rome"! It is important to note that the Pakistani group does everything when making "Out of the Wind" No, and what the Pakistani group wanted when we made "Enemy of Rome", right?" "This is a bit bragging? "Enemy of Rome" is overseas, what do we have overseas now? "It’s about the same time?" "Is there any possibility that the goal you want to persuade will raise this question? If not, it’s not a problem. Besides, "Troubled Times" depends on this condition, isn’t it?" Chu Yuanxi His face turned black, "Then "The Enemy of Rome" is a must, right? But the animation of "The Enemy of Rome" needs peak visual effects to produce. As the first self-developed platform product, it has achieved great success and practiced greatness. The ideal that benefits a large number of talented and ambitious people who have no chance, right?" Yang Jiangang was confused, because Chu Yuanxi’s example well explained what "the logical chain is clear and can withstand scrutiny"! The fart is full of loopholes, but... it seems that if you are a listener, you can't fault it? Huh? A light flashed in his elm-like head, "You mean, for this reason, peak visual effects as a project is bound to succeed?" "No, the company is bound to succeed, and all projects are Will it be impossible to become a company? As soon as the fist project comes out, as a demonstration case, it will naturally sweep the world and attract countless UGC creators to join Then the snowball is getting bigger and bigger, and the copyright traffic is doubled. Fengshou has become a platform that can stand shoulder to shoulder with Station B. Don’t you know how to make up this kind of word?" “This is too big! Station B has been listed on Nasdaq, with a market value of more than 4 billion US dollars. Ah, it's $!" Yang Jiangang was cautious and trembled, imagining how others would think of him when he said this? "It's too shameful?" "This is your fault. Do you understand the'benchmarking'? Luckin Coffee is benchmarking Starbucks and raising billions of dollars. Do you feel ashamed? Those UP main production content of B station It’s impossible to sell, only traffic, and Peak Vision not only has traffic, but also shares copyright with UGC. Those high-quality copyrights that affect it can be sold, don’t you understand? Station B is just a porter of copyright, and Peak Vision Effective production copyright, you can also package operation and promotion to earn service fees. This is something that Station B wants to do but cannot do, right? How can this be considered bragging?” Chu Yuanxi said and looked at the time. My time is limited, and there are five IT teams outside waiting for my condolences, I will tell you a little bit, throw away all your shame, this kind of mentality is not worth mentioning, and come back with a transparent mind. Entrepreneurship. When describing the prospects, you must describe the prospects generously. It is impossible for me to be as wretched as you to dig into Xue Ming." "Oh, co-author, when you talked to Xue Ming, you were all in... "Describe the prospects"?" "What do you think?" "The question is what if it doesn't happen in the end? I won't let people be pitted by me?" "That's the price of success." Chu Yuanxi said solemnly, "Listen, Everyone should know this in his heart when accepting an invitation. You don’t need to say it clearly. If he doesn’t know it, then he’ll know it after one experience. You don’t need to feel guilty, I told you. The most important thing for people is to have a clear conscience. If there is, convince yourself that there is no.

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