Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 994: Forget about the world

If it hadn't been for Yuan Mu to mention it, Chu Yuanxi would have forgotten that there is such a company, and he hadn't paid attention to it in the original world, because he just glanced at it and knew it would be impossible. How is Pinduoduo made? It was made by WeChat's generous traffic dividends, not simply by low-price strategies to burn money. The U.S. simply does not have such a good distribution tool as WeChat, relying on Facebook Twitter? Can Pinduoduo rely on Weibo and Renren? How to chop?

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi sometimes really feels distressed for investors in the US capital market. If you don't understand such a simple truth, you can make a special investment!

Moreover, if you want to build such a huge e-commerce company, you must burn the money in the right place. Brandless dares to burn the money in logistics. It must be unable to control the cash flow. Of course, this is also the blame for it being born in the United States. If it can be reborn in the celestial dynasty, developed third-party logistics service providers can let it save this money. Pinduoduo will also be hard to survive the early days without the support of logistics service providers.

So it was clear where Ali's mistake was at the beginning.

But at this time, I heard that Sun Dasheng has the intention to invest. Chu Yuanxi did not doubt the amount of funds. The skinny camel is bigger than the horse. Moreover, Sun Dasheng is not only a camel, but he is almost a blue whale. Even a whale can be raised. Fat a piece of sea.

Of course, he will definitely be in trouble during this period. The world's factories have shut down and the supply chain is broken. It is impossible for the largest investor on the planet not to be in trouble. Small and medium investors still have a chance to avoid, Sun Dasheng has nowhere to hide. Maybe Brandless recently announced that rushing to the street is also related to this key situation. Chu Yuanxi has not studied it in detail, but it feels that the problem is transmitted to the other side of the ocean. It is normal. There must be a large number of tricks.

And Xiaokang itself does need financing.

It doesn't mean that the Pakistani group is rich and the well-off can relax its demands on itself, nor is Chu Yuanxi's schizophrenia, but that this is not what the career does!

The Ba Ren Group's milk well-off is milk when the well-off is in an accident. It is used to help the well-off through the difficulties, so that the well-off does not need to call the capital as father, not to let the well-off have dependence. They don’t even have the ability to raise funds. They rely exclusively on related blood transfusions. This kind of company can hardly even be used in my big A shares. With the existence of hob meat every year, what face is there to impact the valuation of 300 billion yuan, or even higher?

Even Yang Jiangang needed such a small amount of funds, Chu Yuanxi strictly ordered him to raise funds on his own, not to have any illusions. The Ba people made him an angel. Chu Yuanxi helped him with the A round of counseling and investment circle expansion with his own personal ability. According to the game process, the novice guidance is sufficient. In the B round, he should be himself. Go up, the dungeon must always be played by himself, and the boss must always play by himself.

It’s the same when you’re in a well-off society. You don’t have to think of lying and winning. A reasonable and legal boss fight is the right way for corporate financing. If you can raise funds outside, you can’t just use the Pakistani people’s money. That money is used for emergency relief, not for raising dudes. Child's.

So after calming down, he asked Li Jingfei: "Where does Sun Dasheng fancy me?" In the past, he was extremely repulsive of Sun Dasheng's money. Now, when you judge the situation, you can ask the price first, and ask the price without getting pregnant.

Li Jingfei said in his heart that what happened to you, how did you change it? He thinks that you are alive, so let him see if you die?

But that cannot be said, because Li Jingfei deeply feels that the responsibility on his shoulders is very heavy. It’s a pity that Chu Yuanxi is not a typical entrepreneur. Typical entrepreneurs don’t refer to those entrepreneurs who are happy to jump on the spot as soon as they hear that they can achieve their vision. Rather, their desire for funds stems from the desire to obtain a sense of security from the outside. Obtain the recognition of investors, especially famous investors. The logic is that they have a lot of experience, but they still vote for me. They are willing to help me and succeed with me in the future, so I feel safe.

But Li Jingfei knew that Chu Yuanxi was not like this. Chu Yuanxi's brain circuit was to give confidence to himself, and then to pass on confidence to investors. This is also the reason why he thinks his task is arduous-Chu Yuanxi would think that Sun Dasheng wanted to vote for himself at this time to take advantage of him! This grandson would really think so!

Chu Yuanxi's temperament that defies all authority is what impressed him the most. He still remembers that when the relationship was good before, the two talked about Penguin's investment institution, Naspers in South Africa.

Of course, Li Jingfei admired Naspers as an idol. Unexpectedly, Chu Yuanxi actually said this: The gang of scumbags created the portal website "" before they voted for Penguin, and lost more than 80 million yuan, and invested 5 million for "Yifu Finance Network", all at a loss. They studied the penguin investment for a whole year, but the financing of Pony was not smooth that year. As a result, Naspers boasted that it is the best investment institution in the world, although all profits come from Penguin's dividends.

At this time, Li Jingfei thought for a while after finishing his memories, and then decided to adopt a style and strategy that Chu Yuanxi liked, so he sent out: "Where does Sun Dasheng fancy you? I am interested in the development momentum of Xiaokang. You have made more money recently. Huh? It’s not convenient for him to meet people recently. You know why, so you have the full authority to entrust Cheng Huilin to do preliminary communication with you. Mr. Cheng let me come."

Chu Yuanxi said that I don't understand, why is it inconvenient for Sun Dasheng to meet people? Was it because I had to bow at 90 degrees, or was it because Vision 2 that was being raised was not going well? And he doesn't entrust his company to people in Greater China for Mao? What kind of stuff is entrusting Cheng Huilin? Are they close to this point?

"Okay, since it's preliminary communication, let's set the conditions." Chu Yuanxi was ready to listen, and was very casual. She didn't even ask for a video to see her face. Li Jingfei still doesn’t know him well enough, or he doesn’t know enough about his recent work style. He even hired a consultant and asked for a video link. Otherwise, this kind of direct typing and valuation on WeChat was brought up by Chu Yuanxi, and Li Jingfei affirmed Can feel his attitude.

"Zhantou, I will send you a document with specific conditions."

"Stop!" Chu Yuanxi typed a word quickly, and then continued to send: "Don't send it, Xiaokang does not accept war shots."


"I haven't grown up to the point where I have enough strategic resources and strategic reserves to bargain with others." Chu Yuanxi didn't intend to face anymore after writing this sentence, "So I can only accept easymoney. It is known that Sun Dasheng's pride is super Maigu. , Xiaokang’s A-round TS is not a secret, you must have one, just follow that one. The ideal valuation of B-round is 20 billion, and you can talk on this basis."

After posting it, he felt that it was not enough, and he posted an emoticon with a smile gradually out of control: "I heard that Sun Dasheng likes to increase the valuation and help me persuade me. This is not necessary. Xiaokang is not a request for unreasonable valuation. The pursuit of a win-win company is a win-win situation."

After sending it out, he seemed to be able to hear the roar of "Ghanimabi -" on the end of the network cable. Because the rhythm of the conversation was interrupted, Li Jingfei didn't type for a long time, and he didn't know what kind of mental journey he was experiencing.

However, what he didn't expect was that soon, Li Jingfei went on to talk like an okay person, and asked, "Then you still do a roadshow?"

This question stunned Chu Yuanxi to ask, and the first reaction was that he didn't know how to answer it? After thinking for a while, he asked back: "Isn't Sun Dasheng not indifferent?"

"What do you want? When did you see Dasheng Sun participating in the road show?" Li Jingfei immediately asked: "Dasheng Sun Investment has always met with the founders, and it takes less than half an hour to decide whether to vote or not. You still want Sun Dasheng to sit on the stage. Sit down with other investors and listen to your vernacular for two hours?"

These words made Chu Yuanxi choke for a while, and it sounded okay, but why did Li Jingfei ask himself if he wanted to do a roadshow? Chu Yuanxi felt a little subtle instinctively, because, putting aside all phenomena and looking at the essence, how can Li Jingfei not only stop himself, but also choke him? Is this unscientific? Haven't heard of any significant growth he has achieved recently?

Chu Yuanxi couldn't help but recalled the road show the Pakistani and Xiaokang had done. The Pakistani only did a roadshow that was not a roadshow, and Xiaokang did it twice. Among them, Li Jingfei participated in the Pre_A but did not participate in the A round. Then I thought of the scene where he jumped out of the car. Before jumping out of the car, he did not forget to conduct a round of business consultation with himself based on what he heard from the roadshow, and then went to engage his door opener.

This was also Chu Yuanxi's own problem. He knew that he might be too fond of road shows in the eyes of outsiders.

Normal entrepreneurs rarely engage in roadshows during the A round or even B rounds. They all go up to greet after they find the target investors. Just like Brandless greets Sun Dasheng, the table is full of various products of 3. I had to be in a daze, and then chat for a few minutes, and then 100 million would be done.

These few minutes are the essence. It is necessary to show what you have learned throughout your life. Usually such entrepreneurs are also good at stimulating users' impulse consumption. Otherwise, why are there so many mobile phone entrepreneurs and game entrepreneurs in China? Starting a business is a perfect match for selling mobile phones and games to stimulate in-app purchases.

Chu Yuanxi was not like that. He liked to tell in detail what he was going to do, how much money he had to burn for each thing, what effect he had achieved, what milestone plan he had formulated for this, and the rationality of the plan. In this way, if someone else walks according to this plan, you basically have to kneel, but Chu Yuanxi can succeed if he shows his irreplaceability, so he can convince people.

This irreplaceability is sometimes due to the resources already available at the time. For example, when Pakistani Entertainment was doing financing, he already held a number of super large size. The WeChat ecology of the IP of "Troubled Times" has been sorted out, and I have a little understanding of user relationships. Investors in has reason to believe that the mobile game he launched can be completely successful if the quality of the mobile game is not bad. What's more, it happened that TCG mobile game was launched at that time, and its performance exceeded expectations.

Therefore, although the Magic Capital Syndicate was extremely dissatisfied with the financing terms, it had to pinch its nose to sign, because the risk it took was only the risk of Chu Yuanxi's sudden rogue, not the risk of the business itself.

Li Jingfei watched this scene from close range. Although he had no sense of existence during the process, he didn't raise any objections, but only shot 30 million in.

Xiaokang’s Pre_A was similar, but he hid a lot of things at that time. The revealed goals were very different from the real goals, but the basic framework was completely described.

Pulling his thoughts back, Chu Yuanxi vaguely felt that there seemed to be something wrong, at least, this was definitely Li Jingfei's temptation, not a chat. These two had completely different feelings. So he asked: "Recently, it feels unsuitable for roadshows, and I originally planned to start the B round of financing at the beginning of March. The time point of this financing was announced a long time ago. So, who will come if I do roadshows? Listen? Who will talk if I don't do a roadshow?"

"Me. It's a few days, it's really inconvenient lately."

Chu Yuanxi frowned when Li Jingfei said this, and immediately issued several instructions within the company. Although I still don’t know what medicine Li Jingfei is in the gourd, I don’t know what he is testing, but Chu Yuanxi is a person who first divides the enemy and me and then considers the specific scene. After Li Jingfei didn’t talk about jumping off the car, it was the last time. The performance of the investor conference, the hostile position is already obvious.

Recently, there has been a life-long seldom reducing supply for Xiaokang. I have been strategically cooperating with Kaimenke, and want to integrate Xiaokang, but Chu Yuanxi chanted it back. He has no reason not to beware, and no reason to trust the information sent by the other party. Chu Yuanxi wanted to forget about each other in the world, but the tree wanted to be quiet, but the wind didn't stop it!

Fall in love in a pre-set position, I don’t care how you come, I’ll rush all the way, Chu Yuanxi believes that he has no scars or breaks in the company’s operations, and recognizes that you are upset, no matter what the other party thinks, Anyway, you don't suffer a loss first.

At this time, a large number of well-off employees returned to the city where they were located. Those who were able to leave had already completed the formalities to leave, and many were already in place. Well-off rework is not limited to weekends or weekends. It is priority to avoid the peak of the return journey. The first to observe the smooth return journey is a necessary procedure, so at this time, I am in the rush before calm.

As for the instructions issued by Chu Yuanxi, the employees saw that they were all confidentiality rules. Some did not know how many times the previous terms were reiterated, and some were newly added. In particular, there is one item that says that once an investor takes the initiative to contact, the company must be notified immediately and no private contact is allowed. You can talk about the daily routine, you can talk about salary, and even if you are not within the scope of the competition, you can accept to dig a wall, but you must not talk about work, otherwise you will face unprecedented investigations.

Of course, the supporting instructions include a substantial update of the list of competing pairs, and everyone has to re-sign. This murderous announcement and supporting measures caused many people to be cautious, and then encouraged CTO Zhou Mingjun to ask what happened.

On the R&D line, Zhou Mingjun is undoubtedly the boss at present, but he has been immersed in his work, spinning among several project teams every day, so he rarely shows his face outside, and he is actually the mainstay of the well-off. The precise management of Xiaokang is not only accurate to Chu Yuanxi, but also to other senior executives. Among them, Yuan Mu has nothing to special precise management, which is relatively detached.

At that time, Zhou Mingjun asked: "Is this investor all investors? Does it include investors who have become shareholders in Series A?"

Because it was an email, Chu Yuanxi replied categorically: "Include. It's not that I don't trust existing shareholders, it's just to avoid unnecessary suspicion and increase internal friction, so the fire circle should be drawn in advance."

This set of operations finally shook Yuan Mu, who had disappeared briefly, because she could also receive emails. "What are you doing? Why do you suddenly engage in such a thing? What happened to Li Jingfei? He never found me."

Chu Yuanxi didn’t seem to worry about Yuan Mu, so he replied, “It’s okay. Milestone 5 is about to begin. The routine information blockade is only going to be strengthened. Before Milestone 6 goes online, it must be getting stricter. Li Tietou came to me and said that Sun Dasheng wanted to invest. Xiaokang, I quoted a valuation of 20 billion for him to take it back to discuss."

Yuan Mu made a slobber expression at the time: "What did he say?"

"He didn't say anything, he continued the process below, and seemed to have approved it."

Yuan Mu didn't reply for a long time, and seemed to be shocked.

Chu Yuanxi waited for a long time and didn't reply, so she looked at her Moments boredly. He doesn't look at Moments very often, because there are so many WeChat friends and the refresh rate of Moments is too fast, so he can only watch it casually, and it is impossible to force himself to update all Moments.

As a result, the first one saw the brothers collapse.

This is a veteran program training organization for more than ten years. The program training organization is actually a powerful upstream of small IT factories. It is difficult for small factories to recruit graduates from famous universities, and the counterparts in computer science are also the same. Therefore, the products produced by training institutions are actually more competitive than ordinary college students, because training institutions are counterpart training, and people who don’t understand the procedures are trained for about half a year. The training becomes an IT person who specializes in a certain skill.

This kind of employees may not be as wide as ordinary university graduates. The so-called plasticity is poor and the long-term development potential is also lower. However, a small factory recruits PHP for the development of PHP projects, and H5 is definitely for the development of H5. Getting out of work quickly does not require employees to be thinking and promising, so it is easier for training institutions to get on the job.

Ba Ren and Xiaokangli did not directly recruit employees from training institutions, but there are really a few who came from a company of brothers. When Chu Yuanxi saw the forwarding, he felt sad.

Then he suddenly discovered that Fang Shiling had started posting to Moments? Xin said that this removed the old man's shield or something?

Moreover, it had been posted for several days, Chu Yuanxi clicked in and looked at it, and he found a piece of joke every day.

2.2: Today is a bit annoying but I don't know how to describe it. I will call it the princess's troubles for the time being.

2.3: When I just ordered the takeaway, I suddenly remembered that I was 160 Jin, and I slapped myself suddenly. How could I be distracted when ordering the takeaway!

2.4: To judge a boy's taste, just fall in love with him. If he refuses, it means that the taste is acceptable.

2.5: All the beauty that is praised has the trace of PS.

2.6: When to come to my house for dinner, I personally poisoned it.

It seems this is released? This has the temperament of being a video celebrity. There are many beauties on Douyin who have become popular by re-performing the network jokes in front of the camera.

However, Chu Yuanxi just looked at it and closed WeChat. The so-called forgetting each other in the arena is to catch up occasionally. Let's check out the circle of friends. Just ask others to ask about how it came out.

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