This game is super garbage, I bought it just to see how garbage it is. "Chu Yuanxi said ashamed.

In MC, the world's largest game scoring website, the NBA series and FIFA series have always had the lowest scores. The two sides compete against each other. However, this format was greatly changed after the WAR3 remake was launched on January 29, and it was difficult to look back because the scores of the two brothers skyrocketed.

The reason is that many players who want the WAR3 remake to sink to the bottom at the fastest speed have thought of a show operation-to give its competitors 10 points. Therefore, the two ball brothers, who have been rare to get a 10 points in decades, were suddenly smashed. I don't know how many full points are. It is estimated that the developers are in shock.

Therefore, on February 1st, only the third day after the launch, the number of people with 0 points in the WAR3 remake has exceeded 10,000, with an average score of 0.7, which is only a short distance away from breaking the record of 0 points.

This result is not surprising at all. At least Chu Yuanxi was not surprised. The glass **** did not treat global players as human beings in the previous series of operations. All the functions that promised players were cut off "based on player feedback", and custom campaigns and custom campaigns were cut off. In the LAN battle, Chu Yuanxi didn't know how many times he had vomited.

Moreover, the glass **** has no intention of having a face at all. It is necessary to know that the evaluation of a game is "epic", "classic" and so on. So they can imagine what they can do.

Of course, the glass **** still has a little B-number in his heart. For example, they absolutely dare not make a remake of "Diablo 2". Not to mention that Diablo 2 was made by Blizzard North, and this part remade the problem of slapped faces. As long as they dare to do it, "Diablo 3" will be played in minutes. This is the reason why Diablo 2 is "lost".

However, the reason why Chu Yuanxi looked down on the glass **** was different from that of ordinary players. What he looks down on is that the glass **** has specially emphasized in the user agreement this time that all custom maps made with the map editor are completely owned by the glass slag.

This eating phase is hard to see, you can imagine how big the psychological shadow area caused by DOTA on the glass slag.

However, in this era of open source and sharing, such an arrogant legal statement was made, especially because they looked down on DOTA, the mediocre and tattered goods, that led to the perfect miss of the entire MOBA. Under the circumstances of the times, making such a statement is enough to show that the glass **** has determined to eat its own money. It's a pity that the boss is not so delicious, the body of Heroes of the Storm is big enough.

This is what is more worthy of contempt.

It is a pity that Chu Yuanxi has no time to play with contempt, because during this time he needs to promote a concept to the investment circle called "OMO".

Products need to cultivate the market, cultivate user habits, and rob users of their minds. Should entrepreneurs do not need to rob investors of their minds? Therefore, we should seize the opportunity to promote as soon as possible.

The so-called OMO is different from O2O connecting online and offline, but a business model that integrates online and offline, that is, a well-off business model. Therefore, Xiaokang refrained from failing to provide home services and temporarily not providing door-to-door delivery. Instead, users were encouraged to watch the goods online, then go to the store to consume or pick up.

In fact, OMO is not limited to trading, and the same in other fields. For example, online education, online office, online consultation, etc. can all be completed online, but there are also strong offline needs, which can be decomposed and integrated. If you can perform your duties online and offline, then it will be another restructuring of the social division of labor, and resources will be allocated and dispatched more reasonably, saving resources and time.

That's why Chu Yuanxi kept emphasizing that any breakthrough innovation in business models is a re-editing of user time.

But in the past, he wanted to promote it but couldn't promote it, because the above-mentioned areas are also better for convenience stores, and the penetration rate of the others is too low. Online education is basically limited to make-up classes. Few serious classes are taught online by school teachers. As for diagnosis and treatment and office work, not to mention, APP is easy to make, but it is difficult for people to use.

Under the strengthening of this dual factor, these areas have begun to accelerate the acceleration of integration, which has accelerated the user's understanding of the different efficiencies of different online and offline scenarios. Not only has the penetration rate suddenly risen, but even the conversion rate has increased. I used to rack my brains to reach more potential users of the industry, now users automatically come to the door.

So now is the time to blow a wave, blow a wave, add Xiaokang to this concept, and still get some light along with it. If this is my big A-share, Xiaokang's stock price can rise with others.

Of course, if you look at the performance, the well-off society will indeed rise, because there are fewer people going to large supermarkets recently, and more people go to convenience stores because they are near. At this time, many friends and businessmen noticed how shameless they were when they took the land in the community!

Normally, if you walk a little further, you will reach 724, which is Mido, or full-time. It doesn't matter if you are far and near. Today, no one's users will go too much! This hooligan!

In particular, some 724 and Xiaokang are separated by a corner, as if face-to-face, Xiaokang guards the exit of the community. That kind of position is generally because other convenience stores give up in order to avoid competing with 724 face-to-face, Xiaokang is not stingy anyway, and immediately starts to reap the head of 724 education after winning. 724 usually feels that the flow of people along the street seems to be taking some advantage, this time it is completely beeping!

At this moment, everyone is a player with a strong back-end supply chain, and logistics and distribution are also very good under the test of the panic buying tide, so Mido and 724 can clearly feel that in the vicinity of a well-off community, they even It also has to compete with other convenience stores, and the business is obviously much better! This is very embarrassing.

It is a pity that Chu Yuanxi only opened more than 300 stores in the imperial capital after all, and there are still a lot of blank areas. If the size of the family’s more than 2,000 stores covers the magic capital, they would not have the chance to experience this feeling of heartbreaking. .

However, when Chu Yuanxi sent out a soft post in the preparation of materials, it seems that investors are currently in a special state. Active is of course very active, because every bigwig has a lot of companies to save, but hearing new news comes first. The response is to shrink investment. Such people are not only Xu Xin and Hu Shiheng, but the bigger ones that can be contacted are basically this kind of feedback-we must first take care of the invested companies in our hands.

In this way, Chu Yuan Xixin said that it was obvious that he was at a loss, because although Xiaokang did crazy roadshows at the beginning, he did get a lot of powerful investors into the car, but he is definitely the kind that does not need to be taken care of now. Crying child. In fact, when talking about crying, he really thinks of himself as a child. The cry can be louder than anyone else. The question is how to break if adults don't believe it?

However, this can be regarded as human nature, and it is even regarded as the performance of investors in fulfilling their obligations. Chu Yuanxi has no position to make irresponsible remarks. It can be seen to the naked eye that the capital winter will intensify, and the fund raising will be even more difficult. What's more, the opportunities for entrepreneurs to enter the market are almost negligible, starting from minus 50 degrees.

Therefore, he had to take the initiative to connect with Yuan Mu, apologize to her, and admit that Yuan Mu's previous words have some truth, and now the capital is overwhelmed and can't count on them!

There is no need to open a video to talk to Yuan Mu. Yuan Mu is not hypocritical. He sighed and said, "What's the use of this now? In fact, even if you accepted my suggestion, it was useless at the time. There was no time to do anything for a few days. Then the entire investment and financing ecology changed like this. Hey, yes, my brother said that now the core of corporate self-help is to focus on the main business. Choose the most core business in the main business and do a good job in the core business. Reluctantly chop it down."

Chu Yuanxi also sighed: "What's the use of this now? I don't need a strong man to break his wrist."

Of course, his mood of rushing out to buy and buy has also become a lot lighter. Although this market is very exciting, the money is even more exciting. Let's live by the more than 30 billion yuan...

After all, it is still not strong enough. At this time, powerful capital and companies actually have a better choice, which is to cooperate with relevant departments and banks, and then manipulate transactions beyond the primary market. However, those with insufficient strength, such as the Pakistani, can only go to the primary market to pick up the bargains.

Although it is cool to pick up the bargain, transactions on the primary market are often rules-setting transactions that define the industry pattern in the next market cycle. Therefore, it was a pity that Chu Yuanxi could not participate in such a large-scale transaction.

Then he also discovered that in early February, some people could not wait to promote another concept, called the concept of retaliatory consumption, that is, after waiting for the dual factors to end, there must be a wave of retaliatory consumption, allowing entrepreneurs to restart growth. engine.

Vengeful consumption makes users have money in their pockets, dear, where does the money come from when users are on vacation? Chu Yuanxi immediately started spraying, and suddenly felt wrong after spraying. This may be sprayed to the friendly army, because they are also to encourage investors to contribute money! According to the theory of retaliatory consumption, there will definitely be a milestone financing peak in the primary market.

However, the reality is that whoever has more technological content will stand on the pole position. For example, the recent orders for unmanned delivery vehicles have skyrocketed, and the Gou Donghuang Group, which focuses on intelligent logistics, is overjoyed. But others who want to count on retaliatory consumption may feel the cruelty of the world.

After a short while, the imperial capital issued two versions of assistance policies in three days to help small and medium enterprises to tide over the difficulties. Chu Yuanxi saw that this was pretty good. The modern version of rent reduction and interest rate reduction is especially favorable for small and medium-sized enterprises like Xiaokang who occupy the land. Other cities, especially Yangcheng and Pengcheng, are estimated to be fast. This is very meaningful to save the valuation of the well-off, to be precise, to maintain the target valuation in the next round of financing.

Time moved forward quickly. Chu Yuanxi had a lot of things to do but knew that it was useless to be anxious, so she continued to urge Feng Lin to isolate and sometimes direct the work.

As he said, the biggest ability requirement of being a boss is to recruit and control cash flow. Now there is no recruitment at all, and cash flow is even less controllable, because labor costs will not continue to increase, and the store will no longer open. No hiring, and no additional expenses. But this really well-off is in a state of profit outside the plan, and Chu Yuanxi, who is making money, has a dazed face, and it seems that he has to continue to be dazed for a while.

Now there is more than a year left until Chu Yuanxi's timetable is profitable. It was realized ahead of schedule, and the profit margin is not small, which makes him feel uncomfortable to do anything.

It is important to know that Xiaokang's profit is not mainly based on selling goods, but by providing value-added services. The entire business model forms a closed loop. The proportion of profit from selling goods is not what Chu Yuanxi cares most about. Xiaokang, including Yuanshijie, never had cash flow positive. Even Yuanshiji made a profit, it continued to throw money out, thereby reversing cash flow, and the use of funds was quite limited. This time I suddenly found profit, just like a sea fish entering an inland lake.

In this state, the national Go player Ma Xiaochun had a vivid description: "In this situation, should I play?"

But at the same time, in this state, Go players often make mistakes. Once Ma Xiaochun said this sentence, it would be equivalent to a declaration of death. The island nation’s first person today, the unprecedented seven crown king Yuta Jingshan, once went out of control in a game with an unknown teenager in the country. The chess that can lie down with one hand stopped and collapsed on the spot with too much force.

Although Chu Yuanxi is a stinky chess player, he knows that his computing power is definitely far inferior to that of a Go player. How can it be broken that a professional chess player can't control it?

Because of this, Chu Yuanxi, who was afraid of getting out of stinky chess, had to take his time, and when he had time, he spent more time on Weibo and Moments, and tried to understand what was happening in this world in a closed life.

As a result, on the 6th, he found that a circle of friends he posted 6 days ago was liked and commented. What he wrote at the time was: Xiaokang’s only remaining stock of double yellow lotus seed paste mooncakes was suddenly sold out! Can anyone tell me how to fatten four? The warehouse manager is asking me if I want to replenish the goods?

It was Li Jingfei who liked it, and then wrote a comment: It is better to drink two sips of high wine. Erliangerguotou can kill the viruses in the mouth and pharynx and enter the blood circulation to kill the lung viruses. Erliangerguotou is equivalent to 80 mg per 100 ml of blood, which can kill bacteria and activate the body's immunity.

Chu Yuanxi said, why don’t you post it on Weibo? The key to this is justified and supported by data. I almost believe it. If I post on Weibo, there may be a hot search.

What is this situation? This meant that Li Jingfei was releasing goodwill. Chu Yuanxi saw that she wanted to talk to herself, but what if she didn't care when she sent a message rashly? Be in the circle of friends first, even if you still ignore it, it’s okay, not ashamed.

He was rather curious about why Li Jingfei suddenly wanted to say something, should he want to talk about something? But the sudden release of kindness is definitely not for zhuangbility, so I think that one thing must be involved, that is, money.

The thought link turned around like this, and Chu Yuanxi directly sent a message to Yuan Mu: "Has Li Jingfei been looking for you recently?"

Yuan Mu didn't reply for a long time, and he didn't know what he was doing? Chu Yuanxi thought for a while. Actually, there is no need to wait for Yuan Mu, so he directly opened Li Jingfei's WeChat: "What's the matter?"

When a long-lost nodding acquaintance suddenly asks "Are you there?" on WeChat, he usually intends to borrow money. Otherwise, if he has serious matters, he will leave a message instead of asking if he is there. Therefore, people who are a little bit more enlightened when they see this kind of greeting like Are you there, they need to think about whether they want to answer.

If you say so stupidly, and then the other party really borrows money, you will put yourself in an embarrassing situation, unless you are very outrageous, you must think about many things. Nodding acquaintances doesn’t mean that the circles have no intersection, don’t borrow, what should the other party bury themselves in the circle? What should the other party do to himself in the future? However, after borrowing money, it is difficult to be relieved. I always have to worry about it. In the end, I have to bear negative energy regardless of whether I borrow or not.

But Chu Yuanxi is not an ordinary person. He is a person who can refuse his relatives to apply for a job at the company. Even the more reasonable requests for help between relatives such as qualifications can also be refused without hesitation, let alone borrowing money?

Therefore, he asked Yuan Mu to ask questions just to know. If Li Jingfei dared to find the Pakistani Group for financing, he would send Li Jingfei a smiley and crazy emoticon.

Immediately, Li Jingfei replied: "Then I'll be honest, Sun Dasheng wants to invest in a well-off society."

Although she was indeed shocked, Chu Yuanxi asked: "Last year, President Xue from SoftBank Greater China asked me to talk to me, but I refused."

Li Jingfei sent a panda head whose expression gradually disappeared: "It's Sun Dasheng himself!"

"what's happening?"

"It's Sun Dasheng who wants to vote for a well-off society. He likes the well-off society. It was a daily visit by the manager of the Greater China region, which is not the same."

Chu Yuanxi was speechless for a while, and then asked, "What about the valuation? What is the planned capital contribution?"

"I didn't ask, oh, Sun Dasheng's investment can still be less? Don't you understand the vision? Besides, at this time, there are people investing in it. What bikes do you need?"

Chu Yuanxi looked at the phone screen, read the words in WeChat again, and then calmed down.

What is the situation here?

It is said that Sun Dasheng’s recent days are definitely not Because the Vision Fund’s 100 billion territory is finally about to appear the first to announce its bankruptcy, that is, the start-up Brandless, known as the American version of Pinduoduo.

This is an e-commerce company that specializes in unbranded products. It takes the goods from upstream OEMs and sells them directly to consumers, without letting middlemen make the difference. All products are priced at 3$, whether peanut butter, coconut oil, facial cleanser, towels, all 3$, all 3$, all 3$...

(3$ is really 20 yuan)

This company was founded three years ago. It was a star startup at the beginning. The founder was a well-known serial entrepreneur. The company was born with a golden spoon and attracted countless heroes to bid for investment. Sun Dasheng directly gave a valuation of more than 500 million US dollars, auctioned 100 million in cash, and another 140 million pledge.

However, according to reliable information sent by Yuan Mu, they have admitted that they lack competitiveness in the field of direct-to-consumers and will go bankrupt within a week. This does not know how much money the Vision Fund has invested in.

Chapter list of self-help guide for high-speed text hand-playing salted fish

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