Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 998: Snake Sword

? Just as the sword snake lord took out his hole cards against Chu Jingtian and others, a group of uninvited guests appeared outside Bailong Mountain.

These men were wearing gold robes and silver masks.

If someone in the prefecture is here, you can recognize at a glance that the other party is a member of Tiangong.

"This is the place where Bailongshan, the sword-snake dweller lives." One of the members of Tiangong stepped forward, and every step he stepped on the ground would leave a burnt footprint like a flame burning.

"Half months ago, Poison Sword will fall into this Bailong Mountain. We only need to retrieve his sabre and bring it back to Tiangong. This task is completed."

"Huh, this poisonous sword is really stupid. Do you know how to lose it? Do you not know how to run away?" The other sword snorted with a sigh of sigh, the giant sword behind him was even higher than him. cut.

The one who walked in front shook his head and said, "How easy is that? The sword snake snake can occupy Bailong Mountain, and it is already very powerful. It is not an unusual eightfold peak demon, it is superb, it is said that It ’s a swordsman master's beast and a sword code. ”

Everyone was stunned.

This snake demon, can there be sword code?

You have to know that the ordinary demons are quite difficult to deal with. They are inherently powerful and are equivalent to a strong body. Coupled with a huge demon, it has caused a considerable headache.

Now, if you learn sword code again, having a kendo means is not the same as practicing a sword.

"Then what?" Someone asked impatiently.

"The poison sword then fell into this White Dragon Mountain." There was a hint of taunt in the eyes of the heavenly general: "At least four or even five members of the Heavenly Palace who can deal with this sword-printed snake statue can deal with it. . "

"It is for this reason that the Sage Master will let us nine take his sabre."

There was silence for a while.

At first, they still looked down on this task, thinking that nine members of the silver level came here to deal with the eighth peak of the demon statue, which was a little overkill, but after hearing it, it was just that they thought it was too simple.

"And so many of us acted to guard against the prefecture. In the battle of Baichen Tianlin, the Tiangong branch of Zhang Xianzhe was almost flattened by the prefecture. That battle fell to 27 or 28 geniuses! "

The sky stepping on the flames will sneer.

"I heard that Lord Ghost God is still angry for this."

"So, Zhang Xianzhe's branch is almost empty?" The sky of the giant sword raised his brow.

You know, a branch is usually headed by a gold-level member, and it has more than thirty silver talents. The following bronzes and black irons are divided one by one.

One division lost 27 or 8 geniuses, which is equivalent to the total extinction of high-level leaders!


Just then, there was a loud noise in the peaceful Bailong Mountain.


At this moment, everyone's eyes were looking forward in unison.

Seeing only the calm Bailong Mountain, the demon twitched.

The cloud of terror suddenly ripped through the void and emerged, converging into a huge and terrifying vortex above the heads of the people.

Everyone's eyes were stunned, what could have failed?


When the sword snake snarled, when the sword in the sword lake was soaring into the sky, a burst of rousing sword sounds burst out suddenly. I saw the entire lake explode, and swords rushed up into the sky.

Those sword shadows are truly a sword with a handle!

This is not a sword condensed with true energy and mana, but the sword worn by those sword repairs buried in the Bailong Mountain, and now all have become weapons driven by the sword snake lord.

These long swords protruded from the lake surface, and converged behind the sword-like snake statue like Wan Jiangui. The sword was arrogant, and the surface of the lake was cut open for hundreds of miles, revealing a sinking sword mark.


This sudden move of Jianwen Snake Zun is beyond everyone's imagination. Whether it is one-eyed night or cold night fork, they are all looking different.

But at this moment it was too late to shock, and the long swords that had risen to the sky had already converged into a stegosaurus, rushing madly towards their location.

"Get up!"

In the face of the final card of Jianwen Snake Zun, Han Yesha's face has been dignified to the extreme. At this time, it is no longer possible to kill Jianwen Snake, but it is likely to fall with this!

He drank with a deep voice, his body covered with cold, his hands tumbling up, as if lifting millions of pounds.

Just listening to the sound of 'bangs', a water wall was lifted on the water. This water wall had just condensed into an ice wall as soon as it rose, hundreds of feet thick.

This is condensed by the cold ice of Han Yesha's life, which is equivalent to the thousand years of ice in the fairy martial arts, but in the presence of the sword-printed snake statue, he only blocked the time with three fingers.

Just listening to the sound of "Dang Dang Dang", the hundred-foot-thick ice wall was torn apart by the stegosaurus.

However, after the ice wall was broken, there were only seven hundred handles in these thousand long swords.


Although the time for three fingers is very short, it is enough for them.

One-eyed Yasha drank in a deep voice, grabbed it in the air, a sword light violently tossed, and chopped heavily on the stegosaurus.

"Ding Ding Ding! Dang Dang Dang!"

The sound of golden stone slamming on Bailong Mountain.

In the endless collisions, those weapons that once belonged to the famous swordsman were distorted and exploded, and then turned into fragments and slammed. But the one-eyed Yasha sword only blocked the time of two fingers.


The two desperately resisted, instead of being able to obstruct the attack of Xia Jianwen Zun, on the contrary they thoroughly angered the demon.


It roared loudly, and the remaining long swords suddenly tossed up, with a blue air stream lingering on each sword, which was the huge demon of the sword-printed snake.


Suddenly, the speed and power of these swords that had been superimposed twice by the sword-snake demon spirit suddenly doubled. The one-eyed Yasha sword smashed on the spot, and the remaining 400 long-handed swords suddenly stroked with almost no obstacle. Without a slight interval, they appeared in front of everyone.

The 400-handed sword was permeated with horrific killing intentions, carrying the rolling waves of demonic waves, and banged directly at the three people in the field.

The speed and strength of this attack were faster than the last one, and even more terrible!

Even though everyone had seen the direction of the stegosaurus, the heart still twitched a sense of inevitable weakness.

The old force is exhausted and the new force is not born.

This is already desperate!

Faced with this overwhelming trick ~ ~ Han Yecha could not help crying: "One-eyed old ghost, this time I was killed by you ..."

"Where do I know this beast has such a powerful hole card?" One-eyed Yasha couldn't help crying, and the scene in front of her was completely beyond their imagination.

But in front of the stegosaurus, only Chu Jingtian was still standing there alone. He looked up at the rushing stegosaurus, and his eyes were full of playful sword-print snakes.

Chu Jingtian suddenly raised his head, and a surge of sword qi burst out from him.


Suddenly, everyone's pupils glided through a silvery light, tearing the void like lightning.

(End of this chapter)

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