Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 997: Fierce battle

? By the sword lake.

Everyone looked at the sword snake snake drilled from the bottom of the lake, their expressions shook slightly, and then there was a trace of hotness in their eyes.


"you again!"

The sword snake snake snarled, and his eyes suddenly fell on the one-eyed Yasha who stood in the center of the crowd. The voice contained a trace of indescribable anger.


I haven't waited for everyone to respond. I saw the giant snake-tailed snake tail slamming on the lake, arousing a lot of turbulent poisonous water, and then the huge triangular head suddenly swung in a stance of going out to sea. It writhed up, like a crossbow fired with a full bowstring, and thundered towards the three of them.

Suddenly, the swollen mouth of the blood bowl opened like a black hole for people.


One-eyed Yasha hurriedly shouted.


The three turned into an afterimage, blasting away quickly towards the rear.


The sword-snake snake didn't bite the three of them, and the big mouth was directly pinched on a half-height boulder, only to hear ‘click’, the boulder was actually chewed into powder by it like tofu.


After the snake's body turned, the sword snake snake glanced across the three, and then fell on the sword lake that had been corroded by the venom, and the sound of sound sounded again:

"I let you escape the last time. I thought you would learn a lesson. I didn't expect you to dare to come again. It also ruined my old nest and didn't tear you apart. How can I take this breath?"

"Do it!"

The one-eyed Yasha was too lazy to yell.

As soon as the words fell, he stepped forward suddenly, grabbing his right hand forward. Zhou Tianling Qi turned into countless whirlpools, and each whirlpool quickly formed a condensed sword of true qi in the condensation.

"go with!"

Point your right hand.

Thousands of swords with aura of anger, swept away towards the sword snake lord with a harsh howling sound.

Han Yesha lifted his hands and waved forward suddenly.

Kaka Kaka ...

A white cold current that was visible to the naked eye swept away. No matter where it passed, the ground or the surrounding flowers and trees were instantly condensed into thick ice sculptures.

With the rapid condensing sound, the sky shrouded overwhelmingly.

Chu Jingtian also grasped with his right hand. When the air was cut, a condensed sword light slashed forward.

The three shot at the same time, the powerful power turbulent, and the overwhelming envelope shrouded the side of the world where the sword snake lord was located.


The sword snake screamed, and the whole body was turbulent. Its big tail suddenly picks up in the sword lake, like a giant dragon turning over the river, setting off a violent wave condensed entirely by qi, and when set off, it slams into a fierce attack with the three men's attack.

boom! boom!

In the fierce collision, the space was torn apart, the horror shock wave spread rapidly, and a giant tree standing around the Jianhu was torn into powder on the spot.

This sword-snake is worthy of being the demon statue at the peak of the Eight Realms, occupying the overlord of Bailong Mountain.

Under the siege of the three men, none of them fell into the wind, and even under this blow, the three men's attacks were suppressed.

"This monster is stronger than I expected!"

Chu Jingtian's eyes moved slightly.

Not only that, he also felt that the opponent and his hole cards were not taken out. Thinking of this, he looked diligently to the sword lake that was tumbling like the sea of ​​anger.

"Boy, if you are afraid, it's too late to retreat now!"

Seeing that Chu Jingtian's action was not slow, Han Yecha sneered, already stepping forward.

At the same time, he was surrounded by cold air, and a quaint, writhing armor made of innumerable inscriptions quickly appeared on his body.

After finishing speaking, his toes were a bit sharp, like a lizard across the water, or an antelope kicking his feet, and rushed to the front of the sword snake snake, and a pair of meat palms shot directly at the sword snake snake.


The one-eyed Yasha didn't leave anything at all, and the mad qi jumped up wildly. The huge qi was directly swept across the body like a spring, and the whole person was wrapped in a blue flame.

And he grabbed with his right hand, saw Jianhu fiercely blow up a water column, and suddenly turned into a great hand, grabbed towards the sword snake.

Chu Jingtian also pulled his hands together tenfold. In the light of thunder, a thunderbolt spear condensed to the extreme was formed in his palm, and he shot fiercely. The thunderbolt spear brought a distinctive mark in mid-air and blasted directly towards the sword-snake lord.

boom! boom!

The three shot again, and under the fierce attack, the body demon enveloping the sword-snake venerable body was torn apart, and a trace was blasted on its body, even its scales were beaten. Broken, the blood immediately flowed down like an injection.


Suddenly wounded by the opponent, Sword Snake Zun burst into a fierce roar. The whole body of demons gathered, and even the demons clouds that originally existed in the spiritual plane and enveloped in the sky appeared, like a vortex dancing wildly.

Then his body became more flexible, his body tumbling in mid-air, and even the three people who were about to kill him were forced to go away.

At the same time, the snake turned its head first, turning the demon into a giant dragon claw, and grabbing at the three men who attacked him.

This sword-snake master turned out to be a strange trick, and even suddenly suppressed the three of them.


Wherever the Demon Dragonclaw went, mountains, stones and vegetation were crushed and shattered. The entire Jinghu Lake has turned into a sea of ​​anger!


At the same time, the churning lake water was turned into a steel needle enough to pierce the golden stone in the enchanting swarm. These lake steel needles blasted the surrounding ground with dense, pinhole-like pinholes.

"Go all out!"

In the face of the endless stream of sword-like snake statues, one-eyed Yasha sighed loudly, and once again broke out a more powerful force, directly greeted.

Chu Jingtian and Han Yesha didn't hesitate, but also quickly got up and killed the sword-printed snake lord.

boom! boom! boom!

Under the eruption of the three people, it was actually suppressed by the sword snake. For a while, its blood was flowing, and the black poisonous water and red **** water stirred the whole blood of the sword lake.

The sword-wrapped snake-zun's body is full of ravaged wounds ~ ~ In its seven-inch position, it has a sword mark with deep visible bones, and rows of brushed bones.

Seeing this situation, the three of them were overjoyed. As long as they added a lot of strength, they could directly kill the sword-printed snake statue here!


The wounded sword snake lord became more and more angry, and the lightning-shaped unicorn suddenly burst into a strong light.

"I want you all to die here!"

Along with this violent roar, a surge of sword air poured out from the depths of the lake.

At the moment, the injured Swordweaver also took out his hole cards.

(End of this chapter)

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