Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 13: Not worth it!

Suddenly, this sudden scream made everyone in the room surprised. Chu Wushuang looked toward the sound source in doubt, he wanted to see which bold and brave guy he was, and he dared to obstruct himself.

However, he could not help but frown.

"Who are you? How dare you care about our royal affairs?"

The caller was not someone else, it was Luo Shengyu, the owner of Zijin Pavilion.

It turned out. Luo Shengyu was waiting for Chu Jingtian to leave, but he never saw the figure, so he came to see what happened. But who knew that when he came to the gate of the palace, he came across such a thing.

"It's him!?"

俆 Yi Fan narrowed his eyes.

"Why is he here?"

The elder grandma's complexion suddenly became gloomy.

However, he also knew that as soon as Luo Shengyu appeared, today's events could not be ended easily, and he could not continue to stand here to watch the show.

He quickly rushed into the crowd, arguing into Luo Shengyu:

"Master, why are you here?"


Chu Chushuang looks greatly changed.

In the Dayan dynasty, he was called the master of the pavilion, and it also allowed the elder of the Beiliang palace to have such a respectful existence, only the one in the Zijin Pavilion!

But how did he know Chu Jingtian?

"If I don't show up again, I'm afraid you're going to do something to me ..." Xiaosheng Luo glanced hard at Chu Wushuang. "If Chu Jingtian loses a cold hair, my Zijin Pavilion will never make you feel better!"

"This is all misunderstanding, this is all misunderstanding!"

The elder grandma is also a little dazed.

The existence in the Zijin Pavilion has always been high. When was the relationship with Chu Jingtian so good? Although the Beiliang Palace is not afraid of Zijin Pavilion, it can also cause a headache if it offends this behemoth.

As he explained, he looked at Chu Wushuang angrily and shouted:

"Hurry to make amends to the Lord!"

Luo Shengyu snorted coldly, glanced at Chu and said, "Don't apologize to me, or atone for my little brother!"

Wu Chushuang trembled when she heard her words, and there was a hint of shame on her face.

让 If you ask him to make atonement for Luo Shengyu, he will not say anything willingly. But asking him to atone for Chu Wushuang is even harder than killing him.

I can't stand his refusal at this moment.

The existence in front of him was a character whom his father had to treat with respect and respect. He could only tolerate anger and worshiped Chu in shock:

"I'm wrong!"

Chu Chu shocked and looked at the shame on his face, wishing to kill Chu Wushuang, he calmly said:

"Chu Wushuang, don't be too proud. One day you will find that the results of all your efforts are worthless to me. Until then you will understand that the two of us are not in the same world! "

"Until then, you understood that it was on par with me, you are not worthy!"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Luo Shengyu regardless of the other person's distorted expression. "Are the carriages ready?"

"I'm ready, I'm waiting outside, only you can go!" Luo Shengyu said quickly.

Xu Chu nodded in shock and left Luo Mansion with Luo Shengyu.

Uh ...

"It seems that this shocking Chu is nothing worse than Chu Wushuang! He even has more potential than I thought!"

In the distance, Yi Yifan watched all this quietly.

He originally thought that Chu Wushuang had taken over the Beiliang Palace to a certain extent, but now it seems that this matter is ups and downs, and it is impossible to predict who will win or lose.

I glanced at the leaving carriage and glanced to stay in place, Chu Wushuang's face almost twisted to the extreme, I Yifan sighed and turned away.


Until a moment later, the front of Wangfu seemed to explode.

"Apologize! Brother Wushuang actually apologized!"

"I did not expect Chu Jingtian to move all the owners of Zijin Pavilion, and their relationship is not too bad!"

"Brother Chu Wushuang's self-esteem is very high, and now he is forced to apologize to Chu Jingtian, which is even worse than killing him!"

"It's really a surprise today!"

Originally it seemed to everyone that when Chu Wushuang showed his inner strength and satisfactorily cultivated, Chu Jingtian had no ability to make a comeback. But who thought that even the owner of the Zijin Pavilion was found.

And the presence of the other party even made the elders bow their heads.

Previously they did not believe that Chu Jingtian could beat Chu Wushuang, but in this final game, Chu Jingtian was able to beat the opponent.

"Jack! I will never forget today's shame!"

The chatter around him seemed to pierce his arrogant heart with a razor-sharp blade, making Chu Wushuang almost self-sufficient.

"how can that be?"

Chu Chubao opened his mouth wide. He thought he could use his strength to avenge himself. But who thought that even Chu Wushuang had been crushed, since then he realized that he could never revenge his hand!

The guards also faced each other.

Although, to shame the Guard, you must pay for it with blood. However, the identity of the other party is too high, it is a fairy fight for them, and they can only bear this humiliation.

The elder grandmother stood in place, looking pale and indiscriminate.

It is difficult for ordinary people to know Luo Shengyu's horror, but it does not mean that he does not understand. Both the financial resources of Zijin Pavilion and the connections he has as an alchemist are enough to be comparable to the king of the north. But how can a person who has achieved that status lean over to make friends?

And when the two sides left before, Luo Shengyu's attitude towards Chu Jingtian was obviously unusual.

"No wonder Chu Jingtian is so confident! No wonder he didn't put Chu Wushuang in his eyes! It turned out that the level he had reached has exceeded this circle."

没 "Yes! For us, the Centurion of the Guards is a big man. But for the people of the cabinet, the level of King Beiliang, it's worthless!"

"This is the confidence of Chu Jingtian!"

Everyone thinks back to the previous scene, only to find it incredible.

Chu Jingtian always said before that he looked down on Chu Wushuang, everyone only thought he was a dead duck with a hard mouth. But now that he has even moved Luo Shengyu, everyone knows that Chu Jingtian does have this capital.

While amazed, everyone remembered Chu Jingtian's words in the Chamber a few days ago.

"The Dayan Dynasty was beaten down by our Beiliang King's Mansion. The Treasury's money was spent! What can he do?"

"What's wrong with King Jinling's daughter, it's a big deal to lose, just get married!"

"What happened to Zhang Fanchen who lost to the Lingwu dynasty? I lost this time, and I will win it again next time!"

Many people think that Chu Jingtian was nothing more than a delay.

Maybe he really can do it!

All of a sudden, everyone's heart suddenly had some expectations for Chu Jingtian.

Unbelievably want to kill.

"Chu is shocking, no wonder you don't put me in your eyes! It turns out that you have Zijin Pavilion as a backing!"

但 "But you have to understand that even if Zijinge is so powerful, it cannot intervene in the internal affairs of our Beiliang Palace!"

He looked at Chu Jingtian's direction of departure, and said to the elder: "Father, I'm going back to the Guard!"

he knows. It is a shame to add to your stay.

Wu Chushuang has Zijin Pavilion as a backer, then he can only become stronger. In his view, Chu Jingtian, even as powerful as that, relies on the strength of others and does not belong to him.

But he has amazing potential, and he has achieved his inner strength and perfect cultivation. If one day he can reach the Grand Master, or even break through to reach the period of true energy, even if it is Zijinge, he does not need to look at it.

After saying that, he waved his hand and took a hundred of the Guard's soldiers and turned away from Beiliang King's Mansion.


Everyone looked at Chu Wushuang's departure.

I can't help but understand, they can understand. Chu Wushuang was arrogant, but he was forced to apologize to Chu Jingtian. He had lost all face, how can he continue to stay?

The two protagonists of the farce have already left, and everyone is very uninterested and they are scattered.

Only Chu Yao was still in place.

"Xiaotian, how many secrets do you have?"

Uh ...

I left Chu Jingtian of Wangfu and followed Luo Shengyu to the street corner, where there was a car waiting.

Pulling a cart are four dragon-scale horses with two feet tall.

马 This horse has the blood of the Dragon race, bursting temperament, and can travel for three thousand miles a day. Chu Wushuang's flaming lion is not the opponent of this dragon scale horse ~ ~ The tamed dragon scale horse is hard to buy in the market, even if it is bought, it will be used as a baby confession.

There were also the Great Dayan Dynasty, which was always used by the royal family, but today, the Qin family uses it to catch Chu.

"What a big deal!"

Chu Chu shook into the door with a smile.

Qi Qin Ruoxi had been waiting for a long time. She also heard what happened in front of the palace, and a little anger flashed in her eyes:

"This Chu Wushuang really doesn't know the heights and heights of the earth. He wants to fight against Master Chu. How many pounds does he have?"

After speaking, she looked at Chu Jingtian and said, "Master Chu, as long as you say a word, that Chu Wushuang will reach the inner strength and complete, even if it has the name of genius, my Qin family can pinch it to death like an ant! "

恨 Hate in her heart.

The level of alchemy revealed by Lu Chu's shocking sky, even the Qin family must please. But was humiliated by Chu Wushuang, who didn't have long eyes. Where did they put the face of the Qin family?

However, what happened today made Qin Ruoxi more shocked.

She originally thought that Chu Jingtian was just better at practicing alchemy, but he did not expect that he was also proficient at controlling beasts. Thinking of this, Qin Ruoxi looked at Chu Jingtian's eyes more and more solemnly. She had a hunch that this young man would surely become a weightlifting figure in the Dayan Dynasty!

Chu Chu shocked and looked indifferent, glanced at her:

"I do n’t want outsiders to intervene in the matter of the Beiliang Palace. I can do it between the palms of my hand if I want to kill him. Everything, wait for three months and talk!"

After closing Chu Jingtian, she closed her eyes and said nothing.

"Three months later? Isn't that the annual meeting of the Royal Palace of Beiliang?"

"It looks like there will be a good show in three months!"

Xi Qin Ruoxi's eyes flashed a light, could not help muttering to himself.

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