Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 12: Genius name


Chu Chu's shocking faint words suddenly made Chu Wushuang suddenly change color.

He even made a hint of killing in the eyes of more than a hundred guards.

Countless children of the King's Mansion stayed like wooden chickens, as if they had been immobilized, they could not move.

"Chu Wushuang, everyone is a tribe, and Chu Jingtian is also unintentional. So, I apologize for him." Seeing Chu Wushuang's gloomy complexion enough to drip water, Chu Yao stiffly opened his mouth.

"Xiaotian, aren't you going to go far? Hurry up!"

Lu Chuyao quietly pushed Chu Jingtian.

She couldn't laugh or cry at this moment. Knowing this, she would not stop Chu Jingtian and let him go out. In the end, he wanted to stay with him, but it caused him trouble.

"Shame on the Guards, how can you let it go?"

"It seems that Lord Wang is too indulgent towards you, let you develop a lawless posture. Today I will teach you a meal for King Beiliang!"

Wu Chu's eyes were cold.

Although he couldn't kill Chu Jingtian, it was still possible to interrupt his hands and feet and let the other party lie in bed for several months.

He is ironic today and wants to teach Chu Jingtian.

Seeing that Chu Yao wanted to protect Chu Jingtian and left, he made a gesture. The Guardian who was still quiet at the moment was like a landslide and tsunami in the next instant, directly surrounding Chu Jingtian.

Suddenly, a group of people centered on Chu Jingtian immediately fled away.

They know that this matter will not end today, and no one will dare to intervene, otherwise Chu Jingtian will learn a lesson. In the circle, only Chu Yao was still by his side. At this moment, she dragged Chu Jingtian's dress corner and kept saying:

"Xiaotian, listen to me, you apologize quickly. Everyone is a tribe, he will not embarrass you!"

"Ha ha!"

Chu Chu smiled shockedly and gave up.

Uh ...

"what happened?"

I was here when the sword was stretched.

大 The elder over there is already back with a spring breeze, and behind him is the owner of Baiyu City.

In the Dayan dynasty, everyone who knew something was that Chu Jingtian, the son of the King of the Liang Liang, was an insignificant waste. Chu Wushuang, however, was a gifted young man. At the age of sixteen, he had worshiped the centurion of the Guards.

In the future, the power of the palace will fall to Chu Wushuang, not Chu Jingtian, the orthodox successor. Therefore, some well-informed people have begun to nod their elders.

"The elder, Master Wushuang and Master Shock are in trouble." The next man rushed to the matter, one by one.

"This kid is just restless, and he will make trouble all day long."

Elder Grandma frowned and hummed coldly.

He can't forget so far, Chu Jingtian's attitude towards himself in the chamber.

"Hehe, the king of Beiliang's whole life is wise, the biggest taint is this unbelievable Chu Jingtian." Bai Yucheng's main character Yi Fan also shook his head and sighed. "It's still dead at this juncture, and it really makes people look down."

Yi Yifan felt sorry for the king of Beiliang.

The elder grandma smiled, not condemning.

He didn't plan to stop this good show either, just watching Chu Jingtian in the circle quietly.

"Little beast, I see how proud you are next ?!"

Uh ...

I looked at the expression that Chu Wushuang was about to explode, and the people around couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

Wu Chu Shuang is no better than Chu Bao and Chu Hu.

He entered the battle to kill his enemies, and he has already faded his innocence.

Just looking at his eyes, he knew that he regarded human life as Kusuke. Chu Jingtian is having a hard time withdrawing today!

The people around me didn't dare to intervene, only Chu Yao was still begging for Chu Wushuang not to be angry, but at this moment Chu Wushuang was so hard-hearted that he wanted to teach Chu Jingtian that the Emperor Laozi couldn't let him worry.

"You have humiliated the Guards three or five times. I have given you the opportunity to ask for mercy, but you do not cherish it!"

"I won't kill you, but it will make you understand the price of humiliating the Guards. Let you understand that you and I are not the same people in the world."

Wu Chushuang is extremely proud, his eyes are like the gods overlooking the world, as if Chu Jingtian is worthless in front of him.

As soon as his voice fell, he patted his flaming lion lightly.

In a stunned moment, the monster sent out a rage, and flew towards Chu Jingtian like a flame!


Qi Chuyao covered her eyes in horror, and screamed silently.

Lu Chubao didn't speak, and her eyes flashed.

The tribe present all shook their heads and sighed. Even if they were in this position, it was difficult to resolve this situation.

"Let's go!"

The elder grandma glanced briefly into the circle, and led the white feather city chief Yi Fan towards the palace.俆 Yi Fan respectfully followed him, and did not dare to neglect.

At this moment, no one thinks that Chu Jingtian can escape from this disaster.

When the guards looked at Chu Jingtian with pride, when everyone thought that Chu Jingtian would be scared by the flame lion and begged for mercy, when a proud smile appeared on Chu Wushuang's face. .

I saw Chu Jingtian smiling and took a step forward. Facing the flaming lion, his eyes were fierce, and he shouted loudly:


This shouting sounded like a thunder blasting on the ground, so that everyone covered their ears, and even many people were shaken back.

Even some of the Guards were scared and fell off the horse.

When everyone did n’t know why, I saw that the flaming lion seemed to be a frightened cat. His whole hair exploded, and he threw Chu Wushuang directly in the air, rushing out of the crowd without looking back.

A few guards tried to stop the flame lion, but they were bitten and watched it escape.


Startled around the eyeballs.

No one expected that Chu Jingtian actually resolved Chu Wushuang's momentum in this way. The moment before was still a mighty man, Chu Wushuang, who wanted to teach people, but at this moment was thrown down by the flaming lion and wobbled on the ground.

"With a snap, you can scare the flame lion away. Is he a veterinarian?"

Yi Yifan looked for a moment.

In the Dayan Dynasty, Wu Yushou Shi was not as good as the alchemist, but he was also a guest of the major forces.

This flaming lion that Wu Chushuang rode on was tamed by Zhou Zhilong, a well-known animal trainer in the dynasty. And Zhou Zhilong's position in the Guards even made some captains willing to put down their bodies and stagnate.

"It seems that Chu Chutian is not as wasteful as the legend. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I couldn't believe it."

俆 Yi Fan's heart moved darkly.

发现 He found that it is too early for him to sacrifice his elders.

"This flaming lion is a first-order monster. Even the mighty warrior of internal strength may not be its opponent. Now he is scared away by him?"

"No wonder Chu is so shocked that he doesn't put Chu Wushuang in his eyes. He still has this method!"

"It's just hidden, I thought Chu Jingtian would be scared and begged for mercy!"

Everyone who had returned to God exclaimed.

Lu Chubao almost didn't bite her tongue!

Everyone previously thought that Chu Jingtian could not escape this calamity, but who knows that in such an unpredictable way, ordinary people not only resolved his own danger, but even made Chu Wushuang a ugly!

"Beastmaster, don't you! You can't even control your mount, and you want to teach me? You're right, we are really not one of the world."

Chu Chu nodded in shock.

Previously dismissed the flame lion, he did use some means of animal control.

The people around me looked at the two quietly, and couldn't help examining it in their hearts.

In the original view of everyone, even Chu Chutian's rise was just like this. There is still a considerable gap between Chu Wushuang and Chu. But now Chu Jingtian has added an identity of Beast Master. I am afraid that in the evaluation of strength status, he is even higher than Chu Wushuang!

"Is that the beastmaster is your hole card? No wonder you don't put me in your eyes! But that doesn't mean you can have no one in sight."

Listening to the discussion around, listening to Chu Jingtian's words, Chu Wushuang slowly climbed up.


As soon as his voice fell, he stepped forward.

In an instant, an astonishing breath erupted directly from his body. A wave of air visible to the naked eye overflowed like a tide. The crowds who watched the battle directly took off fiercely.

"What's this breath?"

"Oh my God, when did the centurion break through?"

"He actually reached this level?"

"Sixteen years old ~ ~ Sinister! Sinister!"

This breath is impressively complete.

I felt the momentum of the other side, and everyone was stunned.

At the age of sixteen, the peak of inner strength, although scarce in the Dayan Dynasty, was nothing. But now that this inner strength is complete, Chu Wushuang ranks first in the ranks of geniuses!

I looked around, I am afraid that only those people in the royal family can surpass Chu Wushuang.

"What if you are a beastmaster? What if you are an internal warrior? In front of me, you are just an ant!" Chu Wushuang sneered: "Tell you this is our gap!"

Everyone looked at Chu Wushuang horribly, and their hearts turned into turbulent waves.

Even, 俆 Yi Fan looked at Chu Wushuang with a hint of fear!

"You are so young, you have reached your inner strength and completeness. I am afraid that his achievements and status will be above the king of Beiliang!"

Yi Yifan can't wait to slap himself.

With such a genius, future achievements will definitely exceed everyone's imagination!

He now just wants to hold Chu Wushuang's thigh firmly.

The elder grandmother carried his hands on his back and was proud of his face, not knowing what he was thinking.

Lu Chubao was also relieved, but he did not expect that Chu Jingtian had the card card of the Beast Master. But now he was smiling, a gesture of revenge.

She Chu Yao faced ashes, she originally thought that Chu Jingtian showed the identity of the animal master and was able to pull back a game. But now the other party reveals that the true cultivation is not only to let everyone cut off any hope, but also to put Chu Jingtian into the bottom!

At the time when everyone thought that Chu Jingtian had no means to turn around.

There was a cold drink, coming from one side.

"Chu Wushuang, do you dare to touch him with half a cold hair?"

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