The meeting room of the Five Elders in Marijoa, the holy land of the world's highest power.

Izambaron·V·The only one of the five elders of Nasjuro who does not wear a suit and has a beard. He is tall and has a light gray complexion. His face is covered with wrinkles, his head is bald, his nose is prominent, his eyebrows are small, he wears glasses, and he wears a white Taoist robe with a golden belt. The hem of the robe is open, exposing his chest and abdomen. He wears beige wooden clogs and sandals, and holds a saber.

Shepard ten Pitt is a stunningly tanned, thin man. His blond hair is thick and almost wrinkle-free. His hair is a regular short taper with a full beard. He is dressed in a normal suit jacket and dark chestnut trousers, with a white button-down collarless shirt, the collar is down to the scar above his chest, which extends from the lower part of the cervical spine to the right armpit.

Topman Vochuli wears a dark green suit, is bald, has two moustaches, and a birthmark on his forehead.

Macas Maz is extremely tall and thin, with white hair down to his chest, and a long mustache and goatee. He wears a blue suit, black tie, white shirt, and blue pants.

Jaygolucia Satan is a burly, hairy, old man. He has a scar on his left face, curly white hair, and a fluffy white beard. He often wears a noble flat hat, a black suit, trousers, a white shirt, a dark purple tie, and a cane.

The Five Elders are sitting in a luxurious and spacious room, and they are discussing an important issue with solemn expressions - the world decision reported to them by Sengoku, that is, whether to arrest the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, Ace the Fire Fist.

Izambaron, carrying a samurai sword and looking majestic·V·Saint Nasujuro spoke first, his voice low and serious:"What do you think about what Sengoku reported?"

Saint Jaygolucia Satan, who was sitting next to him, had a firm light in his eyes. He said firmly:"It's okay to give the position of Shichibukai to Blackbeard, but if we can take this opportunity to overthrow the Whitebeard Pirates, one of the Four Emperors, we can successfully tear open a crack in the New World. Otherwise, if we force a breakthrough, we will pay a huge price."

Saint Marcus Maz spoke next:"In that case, should we order the navy to fight the Whitebeard Pirates?"

Saint Shepard ten Peter nodded slightly, indicating his agreement:"The old guy Whitebeard has retired from the world, and his strength must be much worse than before. Now Marco is the leader of the Whitebeard Pirates. With the strength of the navy, the chances of this victory are quite high."

The room fell into a brief silence, and the Five Elders each thought about the possible consequences of this decision. Finally, someone broke the silence:

"However, although Whitebeard is getting older, his strength is unfathomable. And Marco is not an ordinary person either. This war may not be as easy as we think."

Another person echoed:"In addition, the Whitebeard Pirates have a deep foundation in the New World. Once the war starts, other forces may take the opportunity to reap the benefits, and the situation may get out of control."

Everyone expressed their opinions and argued for a while. Finally, after a fierce discussion, the Five Elders reached a consensus:

"Although the risk is not small, this war may be a key opportunity to change the world situation. We must act decisively and seize this rare opportunity!"

So, an order came from the hands of the Five Elders and rushed to the Navy Headquarters... A thrilling war is about to begin, and the entire ocean will be caught in this storm.

In the office of Marshal Marinfanduo of the Navy Headquarters, the atmosphere was extremely solemn.

Zhan Guo sat at his desk, looking at the document in his hand with a serious expression.

This was an order just issued by the Five Elders.

He took a deep breath, then raised his head and ordered the naval soldiers standing aside:"Immediately notify all generals of the rank of major general and above who can come, and ask them to rush to the conference room as soon as possible to attend an emergency meeting.


""Yes, Marshal Sengoku!" The navy soldier saluted, then quickly turned and left, conveying Sengoku's instructions.

Time was running out, and in less than an hour, the meeting room of the Navy Headquarters was already full. These generals are the elites of the navy and have experienced many battles, but at this moment everyone's face is a little nervous and confused. Because some generals are on missions outside, they cannot rush back to the headquarters in time to participate in this meeting.

In addition to Marshal Sengoku, Chief of Staff Vice Admiral Tsuru, and the Navy's highest combat power admirals Akainu and Kizaru were also present. However, another admiral Aokiji was unable to attend at this time because of his mission; in addition, the respected navy hero Vice Admiral Garp was also absent.

Sengoku looked around at everyone, then cleared his throat and said in a deep voice:"Okay, since everyone is here, I won't waste any more time. I believe you all know that according to the latest instructions of the Five Elders, our navy is about to fight the Whitebeard Pirates. The reason for this action is that Blackbeard defeated Ace the Fire Fist and planned to use him in exchange for the status of Shichibukai. And we are going to publicly execute Ace the Fire Fist."

At this point, Sengoku paused, his eyes became sharper, and continued:"This is not only a public execution, but also related to the whole world. The Whitebeard Pirates are one of the most powerful forces on the sea. If we can't handle this matter properly, the consequences will be disastrous. Therefore, everyone must go all out to ensure the success of this public execution!"

Oh my god! This is horrible! The Whitebeard Pirates have been in the limelight recently and are in high spirits! We may have to pay a heavy price to overcome this difficulty. Kizaru said slowly with a wretched look on his face. Akainu crossed his arms over his chest and responded indifferently: What are you afraid of? Isn't this a great opportunity to destroy the Whitebeard Pirates? What the hell are the Four Emperors who are the overlords of the sea? Our navy is the real ruler of this ocean!

In Akainu's eyes, the current Whitebeard Pirates are no longer scary. Whitebeard is getting older, and although the new captain Marco has strong resilience, he does not have an absolute advantage. Therefore, once the war starts, the navy has a high chance of winning.

At this time, a rear admiral reminded tremblingly: Uh... Marshal, what if we publicly execute Ace, the Fire Fist of the Whitebeard Pirates, but they do not move? After all, the current captain is Marco, not Whitebeard.

Well, that makes sense, this possibility does exist. Elite Vice Admiral Doberman agreed with this.......................................

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