
The four members of the Black Group came to their Captain Blackbeard Teach, and looked at the defeated Fire Fist Ace, with excited smiles on their faces. Their Captain Teach was so powerful that he was worthy of their following.

Blackbeard Teach opened his hands and laughed triumphantly:"Thief hahaha~~"

"Guys, tie up Fire Fist Ace for me and keep a close eye on him. This is my key bargaining chip to become one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea."

""Okay, Captain Teach." Lafitte, with a pale face, turned his sword and responded with a respectful dance step.

Blackbeard Teach seemed to see hope at this moment. As long as he made good use of Ace and relied on the power of the navy to defeat the Whitebeard Pirates, then it would be time for him to take over the Whitebeard Pirates’ legacy. The four members of the Blackbeard Pirates were worried before that they would be killed in the end if they followed Captain Teach. After all, their Captain Teach was offered a staggering bounty of 10 billion berries.

However, they are not so worried now. At least their Captain Teach has turned the game around, and the situation they are facing is not so passive.

Poison Q, who was lying sickly on the horse’s back, laughed grimly:"Hehe~ If the Whitebeard Pirates knew that Fire Fist Ace was captured, I wonder if they can still sit still?"

"There is no point in being impatient."Fan Oka, who was carrying a sniper rifle, said calmly.

One day passed in a flash. In the office of Admiral Marin Fanduo of the Navy Headquarters, Zhan Guo was busy with various deployment work as usual.................................................

Especially the series of events that Whitebeard Pirates have caused recently have made Sengoku feel overwhelmed. All the headaches have been taken away by Whitebeard Pirates, especially after Whitebeard chose to retire and let Marco take over as the new captain of Whitebeard Pirates.

Just when Sengoku took out a new document to read, a Den Den Mushi on the table rang!

Beep beep beep~~

"Moshi Moshi, I am Zhan Guo, who are you?"Zhan Guo answered the phone and saw that the other party did not respond after two seconds, so he took the initiative to ask

"Thief hahaha~~ It's Marshal Sengoku who answered the phone, so I can negotiate with peace of mind." After hearing the voice and confirming that it was Sengoku, Blackbeard Teach responded with an evil smile.

Sengoku frowned, especially the other party's arrogant laughter, which made Sengoku feel that the other party was a vicious pirate after all, and questioned:"Tell me! Who are you? If you can get my phone number, you must not be so bored as to just call me to chat, right?"

"Thief Hahaha~~" Blackbeard Teach sat on a piece of wood, drinking rum in big gulps, and said with a smile:"It seems that Marshal Zhan Guo hasn't recognized who I am! Then from now on, Marshal Zhan Guo, you must remember me clearly. My name is Marshall D. Teach, and you can also call me Blackbeard"................................................

"Blackbeard? Are you the Blackbeard for whom Whitebeard offered a bounty of 10 billion berries? Why are you so arrogant? Are you afraid and are you here to seek the protection of the navy?" Sengoku was also furious, but he suppressed it and planned to test Blackbeard's intentions.

"Marshal Zhan Guo! You don't have to test me, it's meaningless. I called you today to make a deal with you. Hahaha~~ Do you want to know?"Blackbeard Teach said with a slow smile

"Blackbeard, if you continue to talk nonsense, don't blame me for hanging up the phone."Zhan Guo no longer had the patience to listen to Blackbeard Teach's nonsense. It was a complete waste of time. At the same time, Zhan Guo also planned to send a general to capture Blackbeard Teach and trade him with Whitebeard in exchange for 10 billion Baileys.

""Hahaha~~" Blackbeard Teach threw away the wine bottle and laughed:"I don't know if the navy is interested in the son of Pirate King Roger!"

"Boy, do you know what you are saying? The consequences of speaking without restraint are very serious."Zhan Guo has already decided to send his general to arrest Blackbeard.

Blackbeard Teach could already sense the other party's anger from Zhan Guo's tone, so he responded with a smile:"Thief hahaha~~"

"Then I won't waste my words with you, Marshal Sengoku. Now the son of Pirate King Roger, Ace the Fire Fist, is in my hands. If you want him, you can exchange him for a place in the Seven Warlords of the Sea."................................................

However, just as Blackbeard finished speaking, he heard the sound of the Den Den Mushi hanging up the phone! Blackbeard was also stunned and roared:"Asshole!"

"It's okay, Captain Teach, Zhan Guo has heard the last words. If the other party has really made up his mind, he will call back."Fan Oka, who was carrying a sniper rifle, reminded expressionlessly.

Poison Q, who was lying on the horse's back and drinking sickly, said dizzily:"I guess Captain Teach talked too much nonsense, which made some navy marshal unhappy! Hehe~~"

"Doesn't that mean we can't achieve our goal?" Bashas said dumbfounded.

"Captain Teach, do you need me to go to the Navy Headquarters to negotiate in person?" Lafitte turned his sword and asked in a gentlemanly manner.

"No, just wait for the other party to call back as Van Oka said."Blackbeard raised his hand to signal Lafitte not to worry. After all, Blackbeard was sure that Zhan Guo would not miss this opportunity........................................

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