Since he learned the 'Memory Spell', Kewen's desire and quest for magical knowledge have grown stronger.

During the week after the New Year and the start of school, Kewen spent almost all day in the bookstore in Diagon Alley, eagerly flipping through every book in his hand, and using the passive buff called "Memory Spell" to memorize the knowledge on it.

It's a pity that the time is short, and before you know it, it's time to start school.

For this reason, Kewen can only transfer the target to the library in the college.

During the month after school started, Kewen spent most of his extra-curricular time in the library, flipping through books regardless of types and visitors.

Such a situation naturally made the professors who had paid attention to him discovered it.

After lunch that day, Professor McGonagall once again stopped Kewen, who wanted to leave immediately, and brought him into the office.

Because of the winter, Professor McGonagall poured Kewen a cup of hot cocoa, and then asked with concern, "Kewen, you have spent almost all of your time in the library this month, what difficulties have you encountered? Maybe? Maybe you can talk to me and take my advice."

"Thank you, Professor." Ke Wen responded with a polite smile and shook his head slightly: "I didn't encounter any difficulties. I'm sorry for worrying you, Professor."

"Then why did you..."

"Why do you always stay in the library, professor?" Kewen continued to smile.

Hearing that, Professor McGonagall nodded with concern and worry.

Seeing this, Kewen explained truthfully: "It's because Mr. Ollivander taught me the 'memory spell'."

Regarding the 'memory spell', Kewen discussed it with Ollivander before the semester started. If the professors asked, Kewen didn't need to hide it.

According to Ollivander, the headmaster and dean of Hogwarts are of sufficient rank and know the 'memory spell', but no one has mastered it. The professors' code of conduct for so many years has also proved to the magical world that their Character, will not have bad thoughts about the 'memory curse' on Kewen's body.

Of course, apart from the principal and the four deans, other professors should hide it if they should. If conditions permit, even Slytherin's dean Snape had better hide it.

Therefore, there is a situation where Kewen confessed to Professor McGonagall now.

"Memory Charm?"

Obviously, Professor McGonagall never thought of this, so he couldn't help but stunned.

"Yes." Kewen continued to say frankly: "I have completely mastered the 'memory spell', so I have been more eager to acquire knowledge recently."

"God!" Professor McGonagall clasped his hands on his chest, sighed, and then asked worriedly, "How did Mr. Ollivander teach you the 'Memory Charm' so early?"

"I mean...Although I believe that your talent can master the 'Memory Charm', has Mr. Ollivander considered the issue of confidentiality?"

"No problem professor." Kewen smiled and reassured: "During the two weeks of vacation, I also completely mastered Occlumency."

"Unbelievable..." Professor McGonagall sighed again, looking at Kewen for a while, not knowing what to say

Professor McGonagall also knew the difficulty of Occlumency. Even if she repeatedly overestimated Kewen's talent, she never imagined that Kewen could completely master Occlumency in such a short period of time.

Professor McGonagall was a good person, and she didn't think Cowan would lie to him at all, so when Cowan said she had mastered it completely, she had mastered it completely.

"Sorry for worrying you, professor." Kewen said a little embarrassedly: "I forgot to say hello to you before, sorry, after mastering the 'memory spell', I couldn't control my thirst for new knowledge, so I just stayed in the library all day."

"Oh boy, there's no need to apologize to me." Professor McGonagall shook his head gently.

Then he said with concern: "But it's wrong for you to do this. You shouldn't just ask for knowledge and information like this. Magic spells can't be mastered by memory alone, but require a lot of usual practice."

"Well, I understand the professor." Kewen said with an air of being taught: "I just plan to memorize the knowledge first, and then slowly practice practical exercises later."

"Nevertheless..." Professor McGonagall shook his head kindly and slightly: "But I still hope you can slow down your pace. Children, knowledge is endless, and you should spend more time with your classmates and friends. After all, when you were a child A happy life is not waiting for me.”

"Uh... I will." Kewen scratched the back of his head a little tangled, then nodded slightly with a wry smile: "Thank you for your suggestion."

Professor McGonagall saw Kewen's insincere words, shook his head helplessly, and sighed softly.

Next, Professor McGonagall took a look at what books Kewen had been reading recently, chatted normally, and finally watched Kewen leave the office.

Seeing Kewen's back disappearing, Professor McGonagall got up from behind the desk, but stopped hesitantly.

Looking at the time on the clock hanging on the wall, after feeling that there is not enough time, Professor McGonagall can only helplessly shake his head slightly and sigh...

the other side.

After Kewen left the office, he reflexively walked towards the library.

But after taking two steps, he stopped suddenly, his eyes seemed to penetrate the wall, he looked towards the library, and finally reluctantly canceled his original plan.

After a light 'tsk', he turned around and walked towards the bedroom.

Reflecting on himself as he walked, Cowen felt that Professor McGonagall's advice was still useful.

This month's "madness" came down. Although he had memorized all the contents of the books he had read, Kewen felt that the feeling of "remembering" was a bit illusory.

For the content of those books, Kewen now feels that he can't 'get it at his fingertips'.

In analogy, it’s like downloading an app that is not commonly used on a mobile phone. Only when I remember it will I go to temporarily find it from a bunch of apps and activate it.

And magic spells, as Professor McGonagall said, can not be mastered by memory, but require continuous practice, and the ultimate goal is to gradually form a conditioned reflex.

Even in martial arts, there is still a saying that one day does not practice hands.

Therefore, Kewen returned to the dormitory all the way, and he also reflected on it all the way. When he lay down on his bed, he also completely saved himself, and initially changed his current attitude towards knowledge.

Kewen intends to listen and follow Professor McGonagall's advice to temporarily slow down the pace of knowledge acquisition.

However, the next problem appeared. Since he intends to summarize and absorb the knowledge acquired this month, he needs to practice the magic spell.

However, the outdoor grass field is not a satisfactory place for him to practice the spell...

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