Cowan quickly suppressed the uncomfortable feeling after realizing the abnormality, because he remembered that it was Ollivander helping him practice Occlumency.

Kewen felt that his thoughts at this time seemed to have become water in the faucet, and Ollivander's spell turned on the switch of the faucet, causing his 'idea flow' to leak out.

At the same time, Kewen felt that he could also control the switch of the faucet, and under the action of Occlumency, he could also turn the faucet off again.

Just do it when you think of it, concentrate on chanting the spell of Occlumency, and then go all out to resist the feeling of memory leaking out.

Soon, he felt as if an invisible layer of protection appeared in his brain, resisting Ollivander's spell.

"How?" Ollivander's voice sounded: "Remember this feeling of being read?"

"Well, it's hard." Kewen nodded in response.

"Uncomfortable?" Ollivander was stunned and said in surprise: "It seems that it should also be due to your talent. Normally, the person whose memory is read does not feel anything, so I used the word 'steal' before. ."

"Don't you feel it?" Kewen was also surprised. It seemed that he was really special. Maybe it was because of the sixth sense of the warrior?

I don't think about it if I don't understand it for a while, and Kewen then asked, "Then I have successfully mastered Occlumency?"

"It can only be regarded as learning the spell." Ollivander shook his head when he heard the words: "But the effect of the spell has failed. I not only read your memory of the content of the previous book, but also read it later. Your idea of ​​strong resistance."

Kewen frowned in embarrassment when he heard the words, this was the first time he had encountered a spell that made him unable to grasp the point.

In this way, Cowen can only ask Ollivander: "So sir, how do I fully master this spell?"

"Practice, a lot of practice." Ollivander pointed out: "Ordinary wizards should practice to the extent that they maintain Occlumency at all times, and then they become Occlumency Masters."

"And you are different." Ollivander said with a slight surprise: "You just said that you can feel others reading your memory, so what you have to do is to use the first time when you have that feeling" Occlumency 'to resist, only to the extent of conditioned reflex."

"Is that so?" Kewen nodded slowly: "I think if I practice a lot, I can do it."

"It's not enough." Ollivander shook his head and continued: "The function of 'Occlumency' is only to resist the 'intake of Divine Mind' of others, but others can also detect that you are using 'Occlumency'. It makes others more alert.”

"What should I do then?" Cowan asked.

"You still have to practice emptying your mind." Ollivander pointed out earnestly: "After that, you have to practice using Occlumency to block the first time after sensing the intrusion of others, while keeping your mind at the same time. Central distraction to build false ideas."

"This is the ultimate effect of Occlumency."

Ke Wen was a little surprised when he heard the words, he didn't expect Occlumency to be such a troublesome spell.

However, for the safety of his memory, no matter what, he must practice this spell to the level of conditioned reflex, and he must be the most perfect.

The reason for such a decision was that a memory resurfaced in Kewen's mind.

Since he learned the "Memory Spell" with Ollivander and mastered it, the memories in his mind seemed to have become search terms. As long as the keyword eye was triggered, the previously vague memories would emerge clearly and automatically.

The word that was triggered this time was 'Intake Divine Intent', so all his memories of the word 'Intake Divine Intent' appeared in his mind.

When I first checked the information, Kewen had seen the description of Dumbledore, which introduced that the other party was a 'Master of Divine Intent', who could silently ingest the thoughts in other people's minds.

Therefore, in order not to be read by Dumbledore in the future, Kewen decided that he must practice Occlumency to the highest level.

Taking a deep breath, Kewen said to Ollivander seriously: "Sir, let's continue practicing! I have decided that I must fully master Occlumency before school starts!"

"Of course." Ollivander nodded in agreement: "I will remind you if you don't say it. After all, I don't want you to be stolen by someone in the future."

"Come on!" Kewen calmed down again: "Start by letting me form a conditioned reflex for Occlumency, and then practice emptying my brain and constructing false memories."

"Very good!" Ollivander was very satisfied with Kewen's attitude, and after complimenting him, he raised his wand again.



Occlumency was the first spell to stun Cowen for more than a day.

Five days passed in the blink of an eye, and it was not until Christmas Eve that Cowen fully mastered the spell.

So far, Kewen has been able to use Occlumency to resist anyone's arbitrary exploration of his memory the moment he perceives the 'intake of divine sense'.

At the same time, Kewen can either let his thoughts empty, or build false memories in his mind, allowing the other party to read the wrong information...

In the blink of an eye, Christmas arrives.

Cowen went to Penello's house on the day of the festival and spent the daytime festival with the other's family of three.

In the evening, Cowen returned to Diagon Alley, and together with Ollivander, participated in the festival activities in Diagon Alley.

A week after Christmas is New Years.

But just after Christmas, the wand shop became lively. Almost half of the shop owners in Diagon Alley came to the wand shop to say hello and asked Ollivander to let Cowen be a guest at their shop on New Year's Eve.

In Kewen's ignorance, Ollivander agreed to all invitations.

In the face of Cowen's inquiries later, Ollivander also gave an explanation.

It turns out that the British New Year has a custom, that is, the person who steps into the house with the first foot on New Year's night will herald the owner's luck in the new year.

If the first guest is a black-haired man, or a happy, happy and wealthy person, the host will have good luck throughout the year.

Kewen met the conditions for black hair, and because he was a Gryffindor, he also met the conditions for happiness.

Although the three conditions could not be satisfied, it was enough for him to become popular. After all, there were not many pure black-haired men in the wizarding world.

In this way, on the New Year's night, Kewen seemed to have become a hard-working little bee. He visited all the open shops in Diagon Alley, and received many thanks and small gifts...

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