Rubik’s Cube of Heavens

Chapter 44 Teaching

After three o'clock, Kewen was watching the scenery through the window in the office corridor when a sudden voice sounded from the corner of the corridor, which startled him.

"You still have some sense of time."

Snape's figure was like a big bat, and he hurried over with almost no ups and downs. Because the large sleeves of the wizard's robe could not keep up with Snape's speed, it 'hunted' behind him.

Coming to the door of the office, Snape just waved his hand, and the door of the office opened with a 'huh'.

"Come in." Snape ordered without looking back, then walked into the office first.

The office looks very dark, and there are bottles and jars on the wooden shelves against the wall, which are filled with all kinds of disgusting things.

This scene made Cowen recall the basement where he nearly died.

"What are you doing standing there, come here." Snape was already sitting at the desk. Seeing Kewen looking at the room with some vacant eyes, he couldn't help urging.

"Good professor." Kewen returned to his senses and walked to the desk.

Snape didn't let Kewen sit down, but said without looking up while sorting out the workbooks for each grade on the desk: "You said in the morning... Are you not used to the quantifiers I use?"

"Uh, yes professor," Cowan admitted.

"Then what measurement standard are you used to." Although Professor Snape was asking, his tone without fluctuations made it feel like he was talking to himself.

"grams, kilograms, etc." Kewen replied.

"K..." Snape recalled a little, then continued to say in a calm tone: "I remember, that was the international unit of mass defined by the Muggle world ninety-nine years ago."

Kewen was speechless, secretly thinking that Snape knew too much. To be honest, Kewen himself had never studied the origin of these things, he just got used to it when he grew up.

At this time, Snape continued: "Forget about Muggle things in the future, and let me get used to the measurement standard of the wizarding world."

"I may take some time." Kewen responded with some embarrassment.

"Remember who you are now." Snape urged: "You are no longer a Muggle, but a wizard. In the wizarding world, don't believe in those so-called standards, but believe in being a wizard. intuition."

"Intuition?" Kewen felt that it was magic, but it was too unscientific.

Snape then arranged all the documents in front of him, pushed them to the edge of the table, and looked up at Cowen.

"Intuition is the criterion for judging whether a wizard is successful or not." Snape now not only has no yin and yang, but explained seriously: "In terms of spells, wizards who rely on intuition to cast spells are usually more successful than those who use spells rigidly. higher."

"In terms of potions, it is not only possible to prepare medicines according to the herbal dosage standards in the books, because not all herbs in the world contain exactly the same amount of medicines."

Hearing this, Kewen was thoughtful.

Seeing this, Snape stopped explaining, and after a while, he continued: "So rely on intuition to feel whether a herb should be added a little more or a little less when preparing a potion."

"Like this morning, although the herbs you added to the crucible seem to be the same as those your classmates added before. But the herb you chose is obviously less potent than the one your classmates used before."

"In this case, you need to rely on intuition. You should add a little more herbs to ensure the successful preparation of the medicine."

"Afterwards, there is the stirring of the medicine. It is also necessary to rely on intuition to feel at what speed, with what strength, and in what direction to stir the medicine."

Speaking of which, Snape finally couldn't help but speak contemptuously in an unwavering tone: "Do you think Potions are like other courses, you can master them by just studying hard?"

"This..." Hearing a lot of words from Snape,

Cowen was speechless.

"To prepare a perfect bottle of potion, to sum up, use intuition everywhere." Professor Snape looked into Kewen's eyes, and said slowly, "Rely on intuition to choose the dosage of herbs, and rely on intuition to control the temperature of the cauldron. , adjust the way of stirring the medicine by intuition."

"Only by relying on intuition to perfectly coordinate these three steps can you configure the most perfect potion. Otherwise, if any step is not perfect, the configured potion can only be regarded as qualified. The efficacy is so weak that it is a waste of herbal medicine. "

Perfectionist, Cowan finally understood Professor Snape's character, but he was not qualified to judge it.

"I understand, thank you professor for your guidance." Kewen thanked him earnestly and politely.

"In the future study..." Professor Snape didn't care about Kewen's thanks, and continued: "Get used to my measurement standards as soon as possible, get used to the use of scales as soon as possible, and feel your own intuition more."

"I will." Ke Wen nodded.

"You can go out now." Professor Snape gave the order.

"That... Professor." Kewen didn't say goodbye, but looked hesitant.

"What else," said Professor Snape flatly.

Kewen continued hesitantly and said, "Professor, can I ask you to make a potion now?"

Hearing this, Snape stared straight at Kewen for a long time, and then got up without saying a word.

Quickly walked out from behind the desk, drifted all the way to the storage rack, and picked out some herbs from the herbal medicine cabinet.

Back at the desk, Snape set up the scales, cauldrons and other utensils, and without a word, began to grab an herb, which was about to be ground into powder.

"Wait Professor!"

Cowen suddenly made a sound, which made Snape's movements stop, and turned his head to look over.

"Herbs, can you show me first?" Kewen asked for instructions.

Snape finally had an expression on his face. Hearing that, he frowned slightly and stared at Kewen for a while before continuing to hand over the herbs without saying a word.

Kewen stretched out his palms, placed the herbs on them, and closed his eyes.

After all, he has master-level body fighting skills. Although he doesn't know what his intuition is, as a martial artist, Kewen still has a little bit of his sixth sense.

After a while, Kewen opened his eyes and returned the herbs to Professor Snape.

Next, Kewen felt all the herbs that Professor Snape was going to use, and then seriously felt the potion stirred by Professor Snape.

When the potion was successfully made, Kewen glanced at Professor Snape, then didn't speak, picked up another herb in silence, and started to make the potion.

Watching Kewen put the herbs, control the heat, and stir the potions, Snape's paralyzed face couldn't hold back any longer, showing a look of shock...

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