Kewen was stunned. He looked down at the prepared potion. In terms of color and taste, it was the same as the finished potion depicted in the book.

What does Professor Snape mean here?

"Professor." Kewen said in a deliberate tone, "Can you point out my mistakes?"

"The potion is barely qualified, and it won't kill anyone." Professor Snape's eyes slowly turned, and after he left the cauldron, he stared at Kewen and said, "Do you have an opinion on my potions class?"

"This..." Ke Wen was stunned again, where did he come from.

"You've been very famous these two days." Professor Snape said slowly in his very individual tone, "But tell me, why did you do well in other classes, but in my case, you just passed? "

A snicker came from the direction of the Slytherin group of students.

Hearing the sound, Snape turned around like lightning, and looked sternly towards the place where the laughter came from.

Turning around, Slytherin's children were instantly silenced, and even Kewen, who was beside him, was startled, because Snape's turning speed was too abrupt and too fast.

At this moment, Snape saw that the laughter had stopped. After he continued to scan all the Slytherin students with warning eyes, he turned around and stared into Cowan's eyes and said, "Then answer me, why is this happening?"

" such a professor." Kewen hesitated for a moment, then chose to tell the truth: "Because I was only responsible for stirring the potion and controlling the heat..."

"You mean..." Snape interjected suddenly, interrupting, "It's because of your classmate..."

Having said that, Snape glanced at Dana beside Cowen with inexplicable eyes, and then continued to say to Cowen, "Is it because he didn't get the dosage of the herbs right?"

"No, no, it's not a professor." Kewen shook his head quickly in denial, and then quickly said: "Actually, it's my problem, because I don't seem to be used to teaching the quantifiers you mentioned. The pot of potion failed."

"Quantifiers?" Snape continued to look directly at Kewen with his inexplicable eyes. After a pause, he snorted softly, "Excuse me."

Kewen was speechless, he clearly told the truth, but he couldn't hold back Snape's appearance against him.

As a result, Kewen sighed in his heart and stopped talking at all.

"Five points deducted from Gryffindor." Snape seemed to see through Cowen's silence, raised his voice slightly, and deducted points from Cowen.

The short snicker sounded again, but it quickly disappeared. Obviously, Snape's deterrent to his own students was also very high.

Hearing the sound, Snape ignored it, but said to Kewen in a calm tone, "Come to my office after class this afternoon."

"Uh, good sir." Ke Wen hesitated, then responded.

In the next course, Kewen was very upset.

Because not only the Slytherin students were gloating over there, but even the Gryffindor students, several people said a few sarcastic words, just because Cowan deducted five points for Gryffindor.

It's not worth dating...

Kewen sighed inwardly. Originally, he planned to gradually integrate into his classmates, but now that the faces of Gryffindor students were clearly seen by him, Kewen stopped his previous thoughts and continued his lonely life.

The first get out of class ends and the second class begins.

No new knowledge was taught in this class, and Snape still let all students continue to prepare potions.

Just when Cowen was going to continue to let Dana, who was sleeping with him, continue to prepare the herbs, Snape came to him again at some point.

Then, in a toneless voice, Snape assigned this class to Kewen to prepare the herbs, and Dana to master the heat and the stirring of the potion.

Kewen feels that you are embarrassing me.

But under Professor Snape's staring gaze, he could only switch places with Dana, and then looked at the herbal medicine in front of him and started to worry.

I don't know what Snape was thinking. Kewen felt that the other party should not be so careful. Is it just to avenge the students of Slytherin Academy? So it's about him?

Looking at Snape who was standing aside, Kewen finally had to accept the reality and carefully recalled the order and dosage of the herbs that Dana had prepared during the last class.

Fortunately, Kewen's memory is quite good. Combined with the amount of herbs marked in the book and the scale in front of him, he finally put all the herbs into the crucible in order.

As for the result, of course, the medicine configuration failed.

Snape used his wand to wipe out the potion that was about to explode in the cauldron, and it was transferred somewhere. Then, he deducted five points from Gryffindor first, and then he pointed out the mistakes of Cowen and Dana in a sarcastic tone...

Before I knew it, the class was finally over. Kewen finally came to the end, packed up the crucible and the test tube beaker, and left the classroom.

During lunch, the reasons why Cowen deducted points from Gryffindor were spread by gossips again.

After the meal, Penello walked over worriedly, sat beside Kewen and asked in a low voice, "Are you alright?"

"How can I be so vulnerable." Kewen rolled his eyes slightly: "It's just some targeting."

"Then don't take it to heart." Penello comforted: "Professor Snape likes to pick on the faults of other colleges, and likes to favor the students of his own college."

"I heard it from your senior sisters again? Don't worry." Kewen said indifferently: "The big deal is that I will add more points in other classes."

Cowen does what he says.

In the magic spell class in the afternoon, Kewen no longer hides himself at all. He used the "fluorescence spell" of silent casting, and he adjusted the brightness of the fluorescence at will.

Professor Flitwick was so excited that he almost jumped and gave Kewen twenty points. Therefore, Professor Flitwick fell from the stack of books.

And the Gryffindor students were like goldfish, completely forgetting their complaints about Cowen in the morning.

All kinds of cheers, praises, and the voice of asking for advice surrounded Kewen again.

In this regard, Kewen just kept perfunctory.

But unfortunately, Kewen is a wink for the blind, and the arrogant children in Gryffindor around him did not see Kewen's alienation and perfunctory towards them at all...

After class, Kewen simply packed up and came to the door of Snape's office alone.

Looking at the pitch-black door in front of him, Kewen sighed to himself, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

After a few breaths passed, Kewen knocked on the door again.

However, there was no response for a long time.

Kewen was puzzled, scratched his head and thought about it, only to realize that he was negligent.

Apparently Snape had classes in the afternoon, and Potions was a big class, so Snape wouldn't be back until three o'clock.

No way, wait...

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