Rubik’s Cube of Heavens

Chapter 41 Conversation

Gryffindor Academy only had this Transfiguration class this afternoon. After the get out of class bell rang and Professor McGonagall assigned a lot of homework, he announced the get out of class to the bitter faces of all the students.

Kewen followed Professor McGonagall out of the class and came all the way to Professor McGonagall's office.

"Sit down first, Kewen." After entering the office, Professor McGonagall's expression softened, no longer stern, but greeted slightly warmly.

"Thank you, Professor." Kewen sat obediently on the guest chair outside his office.

"Relax child." Professor McGonagall walked to the desk and sat down, and said with a smile: "We are just chatting in general, I want to know about your learning progress."

"Good professor." In front of Professor McGonagall, Kewen still maintained his holiday personality, looking a little reserved and very polite.

"Unbelievable." Professor McGonagall looked at Kewen carefully, his eyes were admiring, and he said softly, "Professor Flitwick told me only yesterday that we underestimated your talent, and I didn't expect you to give me such a great deal today. Surprise, you now fully master 'silent casting', right?"

Hearing this, Kewen deliberately pondered for a moment, and then nodded honestly: "Yes, Professor, after I returned to the dormitory last night, I followed Professor Flitwick's teaching and experimented with spells a few times, and then I mastered the 'Silent Casting'. Skill."

"God, this is unbelievable." Professor McGonagall exclaimed again, and then asked: "How did you do it? I mean, is there any special feeling? I guess it is with you. blood vessels."

"It doesn't seem to have any special feeling." Kewen said in retrospect, "But I summed up three points, and then I followed the three points, and I could easily use the 'silent casting' technique."

"Can you talk about it?" Professor McGonagall asked earnestly, leaning forward slightly.

"Of course you can." Kewen didn't hide it, and immediately said the three main points of "silent casting" that he summed up.

Kewen wouldn't think that this 'silent casting technique' was so new in the magic world. At least in the morning, he found that Professor David's 'silent casting technique' was very skilled, so he had nothing to hide.

After Kewen finished speaking, Professor McGonagall couldn't help applauding and said with admiration: "It's very, very perfect! I don't have any better additions."

"Thank you Professor..." Kewen raised his hand and scratched the back of his head with a shy look.

"I think if Professor Flitwick knew about this, I'm afraid he would be both helpless and happy." Professor McGonagall said with a smile: "He told me yesterday that he wants to find time to counsel you recently, okay? Let you master the silent casting of the 'Floating Spell' as soon as possible."

Speaking of which, Professor McGonagall couldn't help but chuckle: "In the end, in just one night, you not only mastered the silent spellcasting of the 'Floating Spell', but also summed up the fundamental rules of the 'silent spellcasting technique'. ."

"As long as you master and memorize the spells in the future, almost most spells can be successfully used through 'silent casting'."

"I really want to see what Professor Flitwick's face will look like when he finds out about this situation."

Looking at Professor McGonagall's expression at this time, Kewen smiled shyly, but he was thinking: This Professor McGonagall is not as old-fashioned as I remember...

"Okay, let's talk about other things." Professor McGonagall gradually restrained the ridicule on his face, and then asked gently: "Since your talent is so powerful, can you tell me what you have previewed during the holidays? What is the level of preparation for the course?"

"Of course professor." Kewen replied very honestly: "I have finished all the courses related to magic spells, Transfiguration, magic spells, Defense Against the Dark Arts, these three courses, I have all the things in the textbook. lesson complete."

"I have previewed most of the herbal medicine, and I only wrote down the contents of the textbook for potions.

Because Mr. Ollivando forbids me to do random research on my own, I am afraid that if no one guides me, I will fail to make the potion and there will be danger. "

"The last history of magic, I only previewed the general content, but did not recite it."

"I have to say again, you are really the most gifted child I have ever met." Professor McGonagall couldn't help but admire, and then said, "So, I think you must have your own study plan next? Can you talk to me?"

"Of course you can." Kewen couldn't ask for this. After all, no matter how much he could toss, he couldn't compare to the advice of professionals, so he said frankly: "My plan is that I don't have a complete course in advance, I will follow the course and learn slowly, For the three courses that I have fully mastered, I plan to look for books in the library for self-study."

"Also, Professor." Kewen paused and asked hesitantly, "I want to find a place where I can practice magic spells quietly, because it is very inconvenient to practice in the dormitory, and it will disturb my classmates."

Hearing that, Professor McGonagall couldn't help but admire him. He admired what a good boy Kewen was. Obviously, other classmates would disturb him.

As a result, Professor McGonagall's expression was more cordial and his tone was more gentle: "Your plan is very good, if you are borrowing books, if you don't understand anything, you can come to me, or you can go to Professor Flitwick, we will all to help you, and also to give you some advice on what books to borrow.”

"Thank you, Professor." Kewen thanked slightly excitedly.

"This is what we should do." Professor McGonagall was satisfied with Kewen's courtesy, and continued: "It may be difficult to practice magic spells, because the college cannot apply for a practice classroom just for one student. Regarding this, I think it may take some time to arrange. So, for the time being, you can focus on borrowing books."

"Good professor." Ke Wen heard the words and showed a slightly disappointed look.

Seeing this, Professor McGonagall couldn't help softening.

After thinking for a while, Professor McGonagall got up, pointed to the window on the right and said, "Why don't you do this, the outside is the central courtyard of the academy, and I will place a few magic targets there later. If you want to practice magic, you can Practice over there."

Seeing that Kewen's eyes suddenly lit up, Professor McGonagall said with a little doting: "It's just right, most of the professor's offices can watch the situation over there through the window. Therefore, if you have problems practicing magic, it is easy to It was discovered in time by the professors."

"Thank you again, professor!" Kewen got what he wanted, so his emotions at this time were very sincere.

"Of course." Professor McGonagall said with a chuckle again: "Every time you finish practicing the spell, don't forget to use the 'restoration spell' to clean up the field."

"Professor I know!" Kewen nodded heavily.

Next, Professor McGonagall asked Kewen what books he borrowed from the library. After a little thought, he gave Kewen some suggestions on what books he should borrow next.

Kewen humbly remembers it well.

After chatting about some life-related issues, the two ended the conversation. Kewen said goodbye to Professor McGonagall, left the office, and walked briskly back to the dormitory with a great sense of satisfaction.

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