In the first class in the afternoon, Kewen just walked into the door of the classroom, and he couldn't help sighing because he was in class with Slytherin again.

Facing the cold gaze, Kewen felt unhappy, went to the side of the Gryffindor students with a flat face, and found a seat.

As all the students arrived and the class bell rang, a 'tabby cat' squatting above the professor's lecture table suddenly jumped up from the table.

At the same time as it jumped into the air, the tabby cat instantly transformed, and a big change came, turning into an old-fashioned Professor McGonagall.


The students exclaimed when they saw this.

When Kewen saw the scene in front of him, he immediately awakened to some of the movie scenes in his memory, and the visual sense was very strong.

After sorting out the memories that emerged, Cowen suddenly realized that he knew Professor McGonagall better.

At the same time, Corwin remembered a portrait in the Gryffindor common room.

It was a red-hued portrait, and the young woman in the portrait was very similar to Professor McGonagall.

In the portrait, the young woman is wearing a long scarlet robe with her back turned, holding the wizard hat behind her back with her hands behind her back, looking down at a black cat sitting at her feet.

The portrait is not signed, but it is compared with the portrait of Professor McGonagall in front of him, and the combined portrait is hung in the Gryffindor common room.

It goes without saying that the young woman in that portrait must be Professor McGonagall in front of her...

"Let's start the class now." Professor McGonagall said, attracting the attention of all the students, glancing at them and saying, "In the next few years, I will teach you the principles and applications of Transfiguration."

"Transfiguration is the study of magic that alters the appearance and form of objects by altering their structure."

"Transfiguration spell is an important way to achieve Transfiguration, and it is also the spell of my course 'The Seven'." Professor McGonagall said with some pride: "This course does not require a lot of spells like other courses. You go to remember. But!"

The tone became solemn, and the volume was raised: "Although the transformation spell has only seven spells, it requires you to spend a lifetime of research, practice, and diligence!"

"Now I'll ask questions." Professor McGonagall glanced at all the students again, and stopped when he saw Kewen who was constantly reciting 'You can't see me' in his heart.

"Please...don't do this..." Kewen twitched his eyes when he saw this, and said silently, "I've attracted enough firepower..."

Unfortunately, things backfired. Professor McGonagall's eyes softened as he looked at Kewen, and he said expectantly, "Kowen Quinn. Please answer me, what is the basic spell of Transfiguration."

"Yes Professor..." Ke Wen could only sigh inwardly when he saw this, and was forced to reply, "The spell is."

"Very good." Professor McGonagall nodded in relief, but did not let Kewen go, and then asked, "What are the categories of Transfiguration Spells?"

"Normal Transfiguration, Human Body Transfiguration, Reverse Transfiguration..." Kewen reluctantly continued to answer: "Transformation spell, cross-species transformation spell, vanishing spell, summoning spell, I've finished my answer, Professor."

"The answer is absolutely correct, Gryffindor adds five points." Professor McGonagall was very pleased, then turned to glance at the students, and reminded: "Quickly pick up your feather notes and write them down."

The sound of turning over the workbook, and the sound of writing with a quill pen resounded...

After all the students finished taking notes, Professor McGonagall continued: "Recite the correct pronunciation of the mantra with me:."

The students chant along.

Professor McGonagall led everyone to recite it a few times, and reminded the place where mispronunciations are prone to occur, and then continued to teach: "There is no specific wand swing specification for this spell, you can use your wand to point at the object being spelled. , or swing the wand to click on the enchanted item.


"Let's start practicing, let's start with the easiest one." Professor McGonagall said: "There are a few matches on the desk in front of you. Next, you need to use the Transfiguration Spell to turn the matches in front of you into needles. , in addition to the wooden structure, no matter what material the needle becomes.”

"Let's start." Professor McGonagall said.

Hearing this, most of the students took out their wands and pointed at the matches on the desk in front of them.

Of course, there were also a small number of students who didn't plan to start practicing magic spells, but turned to look at Kewen, almost all of them were Slytherin students.

Feeling those unpleasant glances, Kewen looked up again at Professor McGonagall, who was staring at him.

After pondering for a moment, Kewen completely gave up resistance.

Anyway, it is estimated that this 'enemy' is settled, Kewen simply broke the jar, and after all, it is the class of the dean of his own college.

Therefore, Kewen was full of resentment, did not recite the spell, and threw his wand at the match in front of him.

The next moment, the match on the table immediately changed, and the wooden match quickly turned into a pen with intricately carved patterns.

After the transformation was completed, Kewen raised his head and glanced at Professor McGonagall, who was full of surprise, and then turned his head to look at the Slytherin student, following the sight he felt with his sixth sense, his eyes were full of provocation.

Anyway, he had a revenge, and Kewen planned to simply detonate this hatred as soon as possible, and let the group of Slytherin bear children come to court for death as soon as possible.

If you don't fight, those Slytherin kids probably don't know what social evil is...

"Five points for Gryffindor!" Professor McGonagall suddenly announced loudly, staring at Kewen and said in a loud voice: "But Kewen, you'd better finish my class assignments first, and then go to privately improve Transfiguration. ."

"Yes, I'm sorry professor." Kewen said, but the wand in his hand pointed at the pen on the desk in front of him. The next moment, the pen turned into a gold needle.

"Beautiful silent spellcasting, beautiful dual-purpose!" Professor McGonagall watched the whole process, his expression became more joyful and proud, and he couldn't help but add points again: "Kewen adds another ten points!"


The class was in chaos. After all, in such a short time, Kewen gave Gryffindor 20 points, so the Gryffindor students cheered one after another, while the Slytherin side complained, and the cold eyes seemed to be Like a blade, it slashed at Kewen.

It was only then that Professor McGonagall realized that the atmosphere in the classroom seemed to be wrong. After looking at Slytherin Academy, Professor McGonagall's expression became cold and he said to Kewen in a flat tone: "Kewen, don't leave after class. , come with me to the office."

At this time, the Slytherin students could not wait to say this to Kewen: Don't leave after class...

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