Rising America

Chapter 852: Leiden's determination

Everyone is selfish!

CIA agents are no exception.

$60,000 before the annual salary and taxes may seem like a lot, but this is just before taxes.

Once the 20% tax is deducted, all you can get is only 48,000.

When divided by 12 months, it is equivalent to a month’s net income after tax of 4,000 US dollars, which is only a little bit more than the average American citizen’s 3,500 US dollars.

In addition, the profession of an agent needs to bear the dangers that ordinary work does not have, and I don't know when I will lose my life.

Therefore, high risks and returns are completely disproportionate.

It is true that this is only a fixed salary. Some mission bonuses and assignments, as well as allowances for various titles, are not counted.

But even if all the benefits and allowances are added together, an agent rarely gets more than $8,000 a month.

Therefore, compared with the dangerous job of the agent, the salary and the risk taken are very disproportionate, which has caused many CIA agents to find a way to make money without breaking the rules.

After all, most agents are not bachelors, they have a family to afford.

Although there are bachelors, they are only a minority.

In addition, it is normal for families in the United States to have two or three children.

Raising a child is another expensive thing.

So can it work without money?

What's more, when a child is older, he has to go to kindergarten, school, and all the usual expenses are calculated, and it needs a lot of cash to support.

Even if the wife at home fancy something, she has to pay for it.

It is obviously very difficult to meet all this with a fixed salary, benefits and allowances.

Leiden and his group encountered such a situation.

There are three children in Layden's family. The eldest is going to college, the younger is also in high school, and the youngest is about to graduate from elementary school, so it's the time to spend money.

But her wife is a full-time housewife, so all the pressure of the family's expenses falls on him alone.

When he was young, Leiden was a very well-regulated person. He did not dare to make mistakes at all. Because he did not dare to make mistakes, his family's life was only average, unlike most middle-class families. What's different, but also there is no deposit.

But as the children grow up day by day, he and his wife now have to face many of the previously ignored problems.

The eldest child has to go to college, and at least $200,000 in tuition fees. This is not the usual daily expenses or the expenses of paying a girlfriend.

Although the child used his free time outside to work alone, he saved a little money, but that little money is far from enough for the $200,000 college tuition.

Don't look at the Americans' claims of so-called ‘stocking’ education, and let the children handle everything themselves, but it’s just a talk.

Parents all over the world are actually focused on their children.

Once children encounter any problems and troubles, parents will find ways to solve them, and American parents in different time and space are no exception.

In this regard, it is actually no different from Huaxia's parents.

It's just that most people don't understand this very well.

Therefore, seeing his children worrying about college tuition, Layden, the father, also remembered it in his heart, and wanted to solve this problem for the children.

But the problem is that his deposit is not much, only tens of thousands of dollars.

Although you can receive hundreds of thousands of dollars after retirement, you have to wait until you retire before you can get it. Now it is very impractical to think.

Two hundred thousand dollars in college tuition has become a problem.

For this reason, his wife has been complaining about him for months, saying that he is an incompetent husband and father.

Leiden is also uncomfortable about this.

I have been fighting for the American national cause all my life. Although I say it is very lofty and great, I am very sorry to my family.

Therefore, Layden, who has reached middle age, finally wakes up. He feels that he should use his identity to do something before retiring.

And he revealed his plan to his team members a bit, but he didn't expect to get the approval of all the team members.

And Layden's plan is also very simple, and at the same time it will not break the law, just play a little side ball.

But once this plan can be implemented smoothly, people like them will always get a vote, and everyone can get a lot of money to improve their own or family's economic situation.

In Leiden's opinion, he should also fight for his family.

That's why he had the above conversation with his subordinates.

Originally, their plan was just a brewing. How to implement it and who is suitable for them are still undecided things.

But when Layden and the others heard that they had been assigned to monitor the [Stinger] data and were accompanied by Kim Hyun Tae, they suddenly felt that this plan could be implemented.

As for whether Kim Hyun-tae will cooperate with people like himself, Layden has also considered it all.

The final conclusion is that as long as Jin Xiantai is a qualified capitalist and businessman, then he has no reason to refuse.

After all, what they have to do is just to play a side ball, which will not harm the national interest and will not violate the law. The most important thing is that everyone can get the benefits, so there is no reason for Jin Xiantai not to cooperate.

It's just that the question that Raiden and the others need to consider now is how to talk about this with Kim Hyun Tae.

You must know that they are not familiar with Jin Xiantai, and the opportunity to contact him is only for such a period of time. Once this opportunity is missed, it will be impossible to have it in the future.

More importantly, what decided that they chose Jin Xiantai was that Jin Xiantai was not as old and cunning as others. He was very young, so he should be able to deal very well, and at the same time he would not be so greedy.

And after some trials just now, Raiden finally determined that Jin Xiantai is indeed a person who can talk and deal with, and it will not be so troublesome.

For the sake of himself and all the team members, he had to be cautious.

Raiden, who has been honest all his life, is always a little bit at risk when he wants to foul.

However, his cautious attitude won the approval of all the team members.

Although what they are going to do is neither against the rules nor against the law, after all, it can be considered a corner of the country, isn't it?

If it leaks out, they might be unlucky.

It will even affect the future.

"Head, you can try again later, maybe you should also tell him our purpose directly, after all, if we don’t do this, some people will do it. It’s not just our group of people who are greedy for those things. If we are given the first step by others, we will suffer."

The subordinate kept persuading Leiden to be bold.

Especially when they talked about what they planned, and they weren't the only group of people staring at, Leiden was really shaken.

When he saw that Leiden was a little shaken, the subordinate added a fire.

"Head, your son is about to go to college, and the tuition fee for college is not low. Although the interest rate on a bank loan is also low, it is a large amount of debt after all. This is both for your family and that child. It is a burden and pressure.

If there is such an opportunity to resolve the stress, what else can you hesitate? Do you really have to wait for this opportunity to be missed before you can wake up and regret it? "

Raiden, who was initially a little faltering, finally made up his mind under the persuasion of his subordinates.

I saw that the spy team leader who looked like a good man nodded his head and responded with a solemn expression to his subordinates: "You are right. I've been wasted all my life, so I don't want to lose this opportunity. Just go to a direct showdown, anyway, it's better than it is now."

"Head! Go! We are waiting for your good news!" After Leiden made his decision, the subordinate immediately pushed him to the door, looking very impatient.

The other team members also looked at Leiden with hopeful eyes in their eyes.

These are all ‘poor’ people who are afraid.

The girlfriend [wife] wants jewelry, and the children want to play with new toys. Now it's up to you to be the leader.

Taking a deep breath, looking back at his team members, Leiden walked out of the room.

When Leiden walked out of the room, there was a conversation in another room.

Selena: "That guy definitely has something just now. I can see that his attitude is too flattering. Obviously there is something to talk to you, but I am not sure what he will tell you."

Kim Hyun-tae nodded: "I can see it too. It's the so-called "nothing".

While talking about Layden with Kim Hyun-tae, Selena quickly laid a mattress on the tukang, and took out a thin but very warm quilt and comfortable bed from the big backpack. The pillow looks like a little housewife.

There are no furnishings in this room where Jin Xiantai lives~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is not even a table or chair, and even the bed for sleeping is similar to the Tukang of Northeast China. The conditions alone are extremely simple.

Fortunately, Kim Hyun-tae is not too picky.

"Those people in the CIA are not good things. I have heard many things about the CIA in S.H.I.E.L.D., and I also heard that those guys always use their own power and convenience to seek some personal gain for themselves. It rots to the extreme."

Selena, who was busy alone and did not let Kim Hyun-tae intervene, complained to the CIA while busy.

Several times, Kim Hyun-tae wanted to intervene to do something, but Selena refused.

According to the girl's words, men shouldn't do such trivial things, she should be the girl who should do them, and Jin Xiantai should be the one who wants to do big things.

Faced with Selena's refusal, Jin Xiantai could only respond with a wry smile.

At the same time, this feudal view of Selena is very noncommittal.

And after hearing Selena’s complaints, Kim Hyun-tae vaguely noticed that the relationship between S.H.I.E.L.D. and the CIA was not very good.

Therefore, she couldn't help but curiously asked Selena who made the bed: "Your relationship between S.H.I.E.L.D. and the CIA is not good?"

With her back to Kim Hyun Tae, Selena, who was finishing the sheets, did not turn her head. She kept working on her hands but responded with her mouth: "Yes, in name we belong to the CIA, but in fact we are independent from the CIA. , And the CIA of its armed forces could not command at all, just listen to Fury. "

For the relationship Selena said, Kim Hyun Tae was funny but also thought it was weird.

So he wanted to continue gossiping about relevant information.

But at this moment, there was a knock on the door, which interrupted Kim Hyun Tae's thought... (To be continued.)

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