Rising America

Chapter 851: Talk to him about our plan

There is nothing to say about the remote and barren Afghan mountain villages. This is not a scenic area, and there is no comfortable place to live. To be honest, there is nothing like this place.

Of course, if the kind of people who admire the simple and natural style come here, maybe they will like it, but Jin Xiantai will not like it.

Although he is a diaosi, he is not a maniac after all.

A small village with more than 30 families, and there are still some old people and children in the village. As for the barren mountain villages and the best beauties, they are all part of the novel. Anyway, Jin Xiantai did not see that there are The beauties, on the contrary, had a pretty face, and I saw a few women and girls who were very malnourished.

To be honest, the women he saw were really not good.

There are no towers or classes in Afghanistan at this time, so women here don’t have to wear that kind of weird attire. Although there are some taboos, there are not so many towers or classes when they are in power. .

Standing at the entrance of the village and looking at it, surrounded by desolate rolling hills, people suddenly had the illusion that they had returned to the primitive times.

When dusk fell, Kim Hyun Tae took Selena back to the house arranged by Beard, with a few adobe houses and a small courtyard.

When Jin Xiantai and Selena came back, as soon as he entered the yard, he saw several village women who arranged to take care of them, making a fire in front of the stove in the corner of the yard.

Without running water, it is even more impossible to have natural gas. If you want to cook, you have to make a fire, and the fuel is not coal. It is too expensive for the people in the village to use, and they don’t use it to make a fire. Wood, because Afghanistan does not produce this stuff.

Therefore, when the curious Jin Xiantai walked over, he found that the fuel used by the woman to make a fire was actually a kind of animal dung, and he immediately lost his interest in exploring.

What made Jin Xiantai even more unbearable was that the woman picked up the dry feces with her hands and threw it into the stove without knowing what kind of animal excrement. She turned sideways and started to make face.

Don't think about it, this woman must make dinner for them.

Oh my god!

Kim Hyun Tae couldn't imagine eating this kind of food.

Having lived in different time and space for more than two years or almost three years, Jin Xiantai is still not very particular about eating and drinking as before, but it is impossible to eat such unsanitary things.

After all, the hands of making faces just touched something so disgusting, didn't they?

Kim Hyun-tae, whose eyes twitched, turned and walked back, and stopped in front of Selena and said to her in English in a low voice, "Let’s eat the canned food that we brought here tonight. I am definitely not used to the food here. I just saw it. The woman grabbed the fuel made of animal feces and didn’t even wash it. Obviously, that’s our dinner.”

Selena's face changed drastically when Jin Xiantai said this.

Although she was an orphan like Kim Hyun Tae, and lived a hard life, this does not mean that she and Kim Hyun Tae can get used to unclean food.

So Selena nodded and said, "God, I can't eat those things. Fortunately, I have a lot of cans, but there are not too many, and I don't know how many days it can last."

Kim Hyun-tae raised his hand and patted Selena’s shoulder, comfortingly said: "We will not stay here for too long. After the guerrillas are arranged, we can bring the test data with us. After the test, we Can leave."

Then the two came to a small earthen house on the west side of the courtyard.

The strange agents of the CIA have installed all the instruments and electronic equipment they brought, and even the satellite signal receiving equipment has been completed.

After taking a look, Jin Xiantai just nodded, but didn't say much.

After all, he is unfamiliar with the CIA, and he is not the boss of these people. Talking too much will only cause the other party's annoyance, so it is better not to say anything.

Jin Xiantai still has this self-knowledge.

"William, do you need to talk to the country? The satellite signal has been connected. We can contact the country anytime and anywhere. If you don't want to talk to your family, you can also. The signal is encrypted."

The CIA agent leader who was sent out to monitor Jin Xiantae, a middle-aged man named Layden said to Jin Xiantae with a hint of flattery on his face.

No wonder this middle-aged man has such an attitude, who makes Jin Xiantai rich.

To be honest, these agents seem to be very mysterious, but if you know them, you will know that they are just that.

In fact, it is no different than ordinary people.

They also need to earn money to support their families and worry about family trivial matters for their children and wives.

It's just their work that makes them look more mysterious.

And making friends with a wealthy person is also good for them.

Although there is no benefit now, who will know in the future.

Being able to be friends now to maintain friendship, maybe one day it will come in handy and use this relationship to make a fortune.

That's why the agent leader Raiden appeared a little flattering after seeing Kim Hyun Tae, which is understandable.

Hearing that, Jin Xiantai asked curiously: "Although the signal is encrypted, the Soviets will also capture this signal? If it causes the Soviets to lock us based on the signal position, wouldn't it be troublesome?"

Seeing Kim Hyun-tae asked this question, Layden responded with a smile and said, "Don't worry, this signal is not so easy for the Soviets to catch. As long as it is used for less than five minutes, there is no problem."

So confident?

Kim Hyun Tae squirmed his mouth, but finally swallowed some words back.

But after all, the other party was also kind, so Jin Xiantai still had to show it.

"Thank you for your curiosity, but I don't want to use it now."

Although Kim Hyun Tae rejected him, Raiden did not look disappointed.

Through such contact, Layden also initially tested out that Jin Xiantai is actually a very good talker, not as difficult to get along with as other rich people.

This shows that there is still a great possibility for oneself to meet Jin Xiantai's purpose.

Therefore, it is just an excuse to let Kim Hyun Tae use satellite communications. The actual purpose of Leiden is to talk to Kim Hyun Tae in this way and to understand what kind of person Kim Hyun Tae is.

As a rich person, someone with a purpose like Layden, he will definitely be by his side in the future.

After Raideng had talked with Kim Hyun Tae, he walked over while the iron was hot and continued to talk with Kim Hyun Tae.

"I have seen the test data of the Stinger in the shooting range. This is a very good weapon. If it can pass this actual combat, then I believe that after the Afghan resistance forces get it, it will definitely give the Soviets a good look. Listen. Say that this weapon was developed in a laboratory under your name?"

Selena cast a glance, and the girl felt that this middle-aged man named Layden was really thick-skinned.

Look at the way he talks to Kim Hyun Tae, as if he and Kim Hyun Tae are familiar.

Fortunately, Kim Hyun Tae didn't feel anything, and nodded very kindly, and responded to Raiden.

"The Frankstein Lab is indeed in my name."

For this, Jin Xiantai did not deny, and there is no need to deny it.

Then Leiden continued to ask: "So does this mean you intend to get involved in the arms industry?"

When asked this question, Layden looked at Jin Xiantae with dazzling eyes, and there was a little excitement in his eyes.

God knows why this guy asks, and he has such a reaction.

It's just that Jin Xiantai didn't notice it. He just treated Raiden's and this issue as a very casual chat, and didn't think too much or too complicated.

So Kim Hyun-tae responded casually: “I never thought about getting involved in the arms industry, and in fact, it was an accident this time. The person in charge of the laboratory made it by himself. Even I didn’t know that he was developing. What to develop? After all, my management of that laboratory has been entrusted to the person in charge over there to operate it."

After listening to Kim Hyun Tae’s answer, Layden showed a little disappointment at this time. Obviously, Kim Hyun Tae’s answer was not what he wanted to hear~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Oh, it turned out to be like this. Also, a person like you wouldn't take care of everything after thinking about it. It's definitely different from a small person like me. "Leiden laughed mockingly.

After exchanging a few more words with Raiden, Jin Xiantai left the room and went to the room next to him that was vacated for him. Selena followed closely, not caring about the eyes of others.

When Kim Hyun-tae and Selena left, a man from the team led by Layden approached and asked Layden in a low voice, "Who is this S.H.I.E.L.D. maiden? How do I always feel that she and that William It's like a leg."

Layden glared at this guy and said, "What nonsense, don't guess about such things, and what's wrong with one leg? People are rich, tall and handsome, that girl I don't like such a man."

After being glared at by Layden, the guy shrank his head.

It can be seen that Leiden is still relatively deterrent among his group.

At this time, Layden sighed and said: "If I have so much money, I also want to live a life of beautiful women like Yunjiuchi Roulin, and I don’t have to take a break and go home looking at my wife’s stinky face, and She feels that she can't make much money anymore."

Leiden's feeling was heard by the subordinates nearby, and it made the subordinates feel like it from the bottom of my heart.

"Head, you can be bold and try to talk about our plan with the little guy. There may be unexpected gains. That way everyone can make a fortune, and you won't have to live like this again. "

Leiden nodded slowly: "This matter can't be rushed, but he is a good talker. I guess our business should be possible. I just tried it and found that he is not the kind of person who is not easy to deal with."

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