Rising America

Chapter 1351: Play

In the PK competition, five players other than Nvwa were all supported by their respective fans. Only Nvwa needs to stand alone on this stage to fight, so no matter how you look at what she has to face The situation can be regarded as a comparative disadvantage.

Of course, this is the case from outsiders who don't know the inside story. In fact, the other five players have no way to compare the advantages that Nuwa has.

They have no way to get Jin Xiantai to personally shoot the copycat songs.

It is also impossible to let the cameramen arrange better angles for themselves during the shooting process, so that their most perfect side can be presented to the audience in front of the TV.

More importantly, they do not have strong financial support.

The version of "Good Voice" produced by Kim Hyun-tae in different time and space will only appear after the top 20 in the United States. Before that, Kim Hyun-tae copied the "Super Girl" model and used the number of votes from the "popular". This routine for the players to advance.

It is also the emergence of such a routine that has allowed countless young men and women with dreams and potential talents to see hope, and also made the public realize that this is a way for grassroots to counterattack, so that the people of the United States began to become'crazy' '.

In another time and space, American society seems to be free, but in fact the people’s upward path has been closed. It is extremely difficult for children from ordinary families to get ahead. It is not as beautiful as the United States has promoted.

The so-called American Dream is actually used to deceive people at all, and anyone who believes that is really a fool.

Don’t you see many children from lower-class black families, most of them are illiterate with low academic qualifications or even never attended school. Even if the lucky children are willing to work hard, they go to community colleges, but at most they are in the society. Wash the dishes and do some low-level work.

They have no way to apply for jobs with slightly higher salaries, and even if they apply, they will not be hired.

Therefore, as far as the black people are concerned, they have only three ways to get ahead, and these three paths are the only ways for black people to change their own destiny.

Sports, singers, drug dealers.

Similarly, this situation is not only faced by the black ethnic group, but also faced by the lower and middle-level people of other ethnic groups. This is actually no different.

But who wants to be trapped at the bottom of society for the rest of their lives?

Who hasn't changed his destiny and hoped that he could become better?

The appearance of "Good Voice" has given everyone hope, at least for those who have a path that can go down this road, it has given them hope.

And now the people who are attracted by the "Good Voice" program and the players, although they do not have such potential and talent, they can substitute themselves for those players.

After all, most of the players in "Good Voice" are just like them. They are ordinary people from the bottom of society. Such an identity can easily gain everyone's sense of identity and sense of substitution.

It is precisely because of this that "Good Voice" is only a part of the city competition and has already attracted the attention of the United States.

Because no matter what, you can see that you are the same as yourself. There is not much hope in the future. Those players who can only struggle at the bottom of society for a lifetime can stand on the stage and use this channel and such events to step by step It’s really exciting for everyone to work hard to change their destiny.

It seems that these players are the fans themselves.

I have to say that this different time and space copycat version, which combines ‘good voice’ and ‘super girl’, really becomes stronger and more attractive.

Of course, at the beginning, Kim Hyun-tae integrated the "Super Girl" model, but didn't think too much, just thought that he could earn information fee sharing through SMS voting.

And this routine will not only make CNN a fortune, but also benefit the communications company under Annie's name, so why not do it.

It's just that Jin Xiantai didn't expect that when this number was taken out, the ordinary people who paid attention to "The Voice" would be upset.

But thinking about it will understand.

Stars in the United States in different time and space usually dig through scouts, sign companies and then pack them to the front of the stage.

Although the media will use words and descriptions of the experiences of these celebrities to be very inspirational, after all, everyone does not know whether it is true or not.

And such a star always makes people feel that they are too far away from themselves, a little out of reach.

But the "Good Voice" players are different.

They come from among ordinary people, and everything in their past is real. At the same time, these people are also on the way to fame through their own efforts, and everyone is with them in the process.

Compared with these players, Nuwa must be very passive and inferior in this regard, there is no doubt that.

Fortunately, in order to push Nüwa out, Jin Xiantai has been broadcasting news reports about Nüwa on CNN these days, which has made Nüwa look familiar, so that everyone is not so strange to her.

In addition, Jin Xiantai used very **** bridges to portray Nu Wa into an image of a poor, bullied, and oppressed orphan.

Therefore, Nuwa has a halo of ‘Chuchu pitiful’.

So as long as Nuwa performs well on the stage, she has a great chance of winning the game.

Not to mention that Jin Xiantai himself shot it himself, and copied a few English songs to Nuwa.

All five players have finished their performances, and two of them have already been PKed. They have completely lost their qualifications to continue participating in the competition, and it will be Nuwa's turn next.

The opponent that Nuwa wants to PK is a young boy from Texas who sings country music.

No one is so optimistic about Nuwa right now, 90% of people think she will be PKed by the other party.

The reason most people think so is that the little boy sings country music, and country music is the most respected American.

Even with the rise of black RNB rap and popular music, country music is still standing. Every singer who sings country music is very popular.

Regardless of his age, this little boy sang a lot.

Therefore, he is the most promising candidate for this PK resurrection match, not one of them.

The reason why this guy will end up in the PK game is mainly because he did not sing the country in the first game after becoming the top ten California player, but sang a pop song, so he would be there at that time The result of being PK dropped by an opponent whose strength is not as good as his, and he has to participate in the PK match.

Especially in that game, the opponent he faced also played an extraordinary game.

The host on the front stage had already called out her name, Nuwa withdrew her thoughts, took a deep breath to calm her mood, and then walked onto the stage with a smile.

Cheers sounded.

Of course, there was not much cheering from the top five players, but Nu Wa was also very satisfied with this.


Nuwa noticed that the heads of the participants in front of the stage more or less appeared a thin and shallow light ball. Of course, more people did not have these phenomena.

Only Nuwa can see these, and no one else can see them except her.

Nu Wa, who was smiling on the surface, and could not see any flaws, was actually shocked by the phenomenon she saw in her heart.

Because she knows what those are!

That is not pure faith!

Sure enough, the way to enter the entertainment industry and become a singer is right. At the moment, I have not yet become a star, and I can actually see that people have this impure power of belief because of their own relationships.

If you can become famous and become big stars, and these people become their own hard-core fans, then the belief power manifested above their heads will become stronger and purer.

[Come on! Nuwa! You can do it! 】

The band began to play, and finally it was time for Nuwa to perform.

Nuwa, who was dressed like the girl next door, was preparing to sing, but at the same time she started to blast her acting skills.

People off the stage can see that Nuwa on the stage is very nervous, her delicate and elegant face looks dignified~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and her face is pale and pale, giving a feeling that she is nervous to death.

But everyone understands it very well.

After all, this is an ordinary girl. For the first time facing so many people on such a stage, it is normal to have such tension.

Those players who participated in "Good Voice", who was not like this at first.

"Come on!"

I don't know who shouted so loudly under the stage.

Immediately afterwards, many people followed a Nuwa and cheered up.

These people are kind, and Nuwa can clearly feel it.

So she relaxed, and she didn't look so nervous anymore.

Of course, Nuwa is not nervous at all, she pretended to do all this.

From this point of view, Nu Wa's acting skills are truly extraordinary.

What Nuwa wants to perform is a fast-paced song. This song comes from another world and is a very classic American song in that world. It even has four instructors on the "Good Voice" that appeared in that world. Sung as the opening song.

After coming out of Jin Xiantai's cottage this time, it will inevitably become a girl version sung by Nu Wa.

‘Crazy’ is the title of this song. This song was originally thought to be a black singer, and it has achieved brilliant platinum sales in that world, which is very classic.

And now, it is about to pass through Nu Wa, and appear in the United States in another time and space, and it is still a girl version.


(I remember that)

I, IwhenIlostmymind

(I remember, I remember when I lost my mind)

At the end of the prelude, Nuwa gently placed the microphone not far from her mouth, and as Nuwa's strong English singing came from the speaker, it immediately detonated the atmosphere in front of the stage...

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