Rising America

Chapter 1350: "Good Voice" PK game

Nu Wa tilted her head slightly, her white ears moved.

Of course she could hear the voices of the audience outside. The louder than one cry of "Kretz" could almost overturn the roof of half of the studio.

I have to say that the audition of "The Good Voice" has made all American teenagers crazy.

But Nuwa didn't care about it.

She is very confident in herself and confident that she can defeat the opponents who participated in the filming today, including of course the "Krez" who is calling the most.

After all, it was the Nuwa Protoss of Huaxia in different time and space, she couldn't even have this confidence.

"It doesn't matter, as long as we work hard."

Nu Wa smiled faintly at the intern assistant.

Seeing that Nu Wa was so calm, the intern assistant couldn't say anything. After all, this was not her game.

"Today you are going to compare four games, and the game is still broadcast live, so you must show your best spirit and don't let the people who support you down."

The previous preparations are almost the same. The players are about to appear on the stage. The intern assistant has no time to say anything with Nuwa, so they can only let Nuwa cheer.

Nu Wa smiled and nodded: "Don't worry! I'll show my energy for shopping and picking clothes."

The intern assistant also laughed.

The backstage staff came over and informed Nu Wa that she was ready to make her debut.

Nuwa waved goodbye to the intern assistant, and under the guidance of the staff, they walked towards the passage and prepared to appear on the stage.

Although it was just a resurrection PK match, it still attracted many young people to the scene. After all, the players on the stage are not only contestants, but also warriors who carry many young star dreams.

The different time and space version of "Good Voice" produced by Kim Hyun Tae's copycat is the grassroots counterattack melody, so it suddenly attracted the attention of the United States.

Of course, the current level of attention is far from reaching Jin Xiantai's goal, because this is not even the continent-level schedule.

According to Jin Xiantai's analysis, if "Good Voice" wants to make the American people in different time and space completely crazy, at least it has to wait until the top ten in the United States are produced.

And at this level, it's just an appetizer.

The resurrection match was surrounded by banners and signs with various trademarks. Although this was only a PK session and not a major event shooting, it still attracted many advertisers to place advertisements.

Nowadays, if you want to talk about the most successful aspect of "The Voice", people who really know the inside story will tell you that it is the generous advertising revenue.

Recently, the growth rate of CNN advertising revenue has doubled. This data simply blinds many media on the East Coast. According to surveys by major data companies, it is inferred that as the "Good Voice" competition becomes more and more important, after the appearance of the top ten players in various states, CNN's advertising revenue will usher in a bigger change.

Of course, Kim Hyun-tae knew it well.

He copied such a program, in addition to letting CNN have such a golden program, he also has the idea of ​​earning a huge amount of advertising. After all, money does not make a bastard, even if he is not short of money.

And those merchants who put advertisements naturally received good feedback on the effect, so they are more determined to continue to put advertisements, so that they can not even miss the advertisement of PK match.

This is why there are so many advertising signs on the shooting scene of the PK game.

"Please let us today's PK contest players come on stage!"

The host on the stage announced that the contestants would be on the stage. Nuwa pretended to be extremely nervous, and followed the five contestants onto the stage. Her nervousness and panic were so natural that she couldn't see a little bit. flaw.

And the dress of the girl next door also added a lot of points to her today, at least not let the young people on the scene hate her, this is success.

After Nuwa and five other contestants stepped onto the stage, the young people on the scene with their hands high in front became very excited.

If it were ordinary people, they would really be surprised by the warm atmosphere and excited people.

Nu Wa secretly glanced at the other five players, and she realized that they were a little less comfortable, and more nervous than herself.

The camera has been activated, and the live broadcast has begun. Now the PK game has begun to broadcast throughout the United States.

It is also puzzling to say that this is just a PK resurrection match in Los Angeles, so it is not an important part of the schedule at all. It is reasonable to say that there is no need for real-time live broadcast.

However, CNN broadcast the game live.

Obviously, Kim Hyun-tae wants to use this game to make Nu Wa a blockbuster.

If there is no live broadcast, then how many people can see Nu Wa's performance and achieve the blockbuster goal.

So even if the game is not important, CNN still sent people to Los Angeles to set up such a venue and have dedicated personnel for live shooting.

I have to say that as the boss behind CNN, this is really not a problem for Kim Hyun Tae.

On the stage, the host adjusted the atmosphere and said some funny jokes, and then announced the start of the game.

The players have returned to the background, and the cruel PK will start from now on.

After Nuwa returned to the background, she put aside the distractions in her heart and practiced the songs she had prepared in her heart repeatedly.

For this game, Jin Xiantai specially gave Nuwa Shanzhai several English songs that do not belong to this time and space, and each capital is a classic.

In China, Nuwa sang the sweet song of Ruan Nu Wa, but there was no market for this style of song in the United States, so at the request of Jin Xiantai, Nu Wa changed her singing path.

Fortunately, Nuwa is also very good in singing English songs, but there is no need to worry about not singing.

At the moment, even the song Jin Xiantai is ready for her, and the rest depends on Nuwa's own performance.

If everything is well prepared and Nu Wa can't even pass this part of the PK match, then Jin Xiantai really has nothing to do.

After all, Jin Xiantai will not engage in shady in the "Good Voice" event for Nuwa. You must know that Jin Xiantai is also counting on making this show a CNN brand.

Therefore, the next game will depend on Nuwa's true ability.

Of course, for Nu Wa, maybe she really doesn't need to worry too much about this kind of thing.

Anyway, Nu Wa is not an ordinary girl after all, is it?

The players participating in the PK competition today are all ordinary people from all over Los Angeles. Among them are middle-aged blue-collars, school students, and rich young masters from Beverly. Everyone has different identities, occupations, and family backgrounds.

But all the players have one thing in common, that is the potential and talent of becoming a singer.

And in addition to the five players besides Nuwa, there is another advantage that Nuwa does not have now, that is, the fans who have used their strength to attract fans since the audition.

That's right, among the audience at today's game, many people are fans of the five players, while Nuwa has no fans.

In fact, this is not surprising. After all, these five players are from the audition to the present. Nuwa is a ‘transfer student’. Except for some recent interviews, everyone does not know her that much.

The "Good Voice" competition, recent media renderings, did not help Nu Wa much. It can only be said that it created an opportunity for Nu Wa to participate in "Good Voice".

In this regard, Nu Wa has a deep understanding.

"Don't be nervous, relax. Once you are nervous, it will be over."

The intern assistant kept comforting Nuwa, for fear that Nuwa would perform abnormally because of tension.

After all, when the company sent her as an assistant to Nuwa, it mentioned that as long as Nuwa can pass the PK competition, then she can become Nuwa's agent.

Therefore, this intern assistant really hopes that Nuwa can win the game, and is afraid that Nuwa will not be able to win the final victory.

You must know that by becoming Nuwa's agent, her little assistant's salary can increase a lot, especially as the competition progresses, if Nuwa can get more and more rankings, it can't be said that she will receive an advertisement or something.

Then she can still get commission.

This is very tempting for her little girl who has just graduated.

"Don't worry, I'm in a good state now."

The staff summoned a player to take the stage ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When passing by, Nuwa obviously felt that the opponent was too nervous.

After looking around for four weeks, the assistant trainee lowered his voice and said to Nuwa: "I really hope you can beat these opponents, because as long as you can win today's game, I can switch from an assistant to your temporary agent. Salary can also increase a lot.

And as you go farther and farther in the game, if you can't say you can still attract the favor of the advertisement, then as an agent, I can get the share, even if I am temporary.

So I hope you can come on! For Franklin! "

It's okay to talk about money in this place in the United States. After all, this is a capitalist society, so it doesn't make people feel like you are cheap.

Just like this girl who is still an internship assistant, she clearly told Nvwa all her expectations for Nvwa, and what changes Nvwa would bring to her after her success, she was so calm. .

After listening to the other party, Nuwa couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh, okay, it seems that for your'Franklin' uncle, I really have to take out the energy to eat #奶." After that, Nuwa raised her right arm and made a bodybuilder. action.

Although she has not been in the United States for a long time, Nuwa has also learned how to be playful in the United States and gradually gained a little American style.

The intern assistant blinked: "Uncle Franklin is very cute, because he can let me not be hungry, but also can buy my favorite cosmetics, so please work hard! You beat an opponent and I have a $500 bonus Well, come on!"

Nu Wa's mouth curled up, and then she smirked: "The $500 bonus is so much, so say yes, I defeated these opponents, you treat me to a big meal tonight."

The assistant trainee nodded: "William's seafood buffet, we're all set."

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