
Chapter 72 New Roommate

When someone came over on the phone in the hallway of the dormitory, Qiu Le and Shen Zhuang in dormitory 504 heard the voice. At this moment, seeing the dormitory door being pushed open, both of them raised their heads subconsciously, their eyes aligned The brush fell on the new roommate who had just walked in.

The same age as them, with fluffy black hair, slanted bangs hanging down lazily to cover the eyebrows, and a handsome face with a bit of sunshine, he seems to be a very talkative guy.

Hearing someone's question, the simple and honest Northeast man Shen Zhuang nodded for a while:

"Yes, yes, this is 504."

Qiu Le, on the other hand, stood up and smiled enthusiastically at someone:

"Brother, are you also in this dormitory?"

"My name is Qiu Le, a native of Shanghai, bed No. 2; this is Shen Zhuang, a man from the Northeast, bed No. 3."

"what is your name?"

Someone subconsciously scratched his hair and laughed:

"Oh, Lin Feng."

"Just call me Fengzi.

Then he looked down at the small number sticker on his bedroom key: "My bed... oh, it seems to be number one."

Shen Zhuang also stood up to meet him, and enthusiastically helped someone move a large suitcase behind him from the corridor outside the dormitory: "Bed No. 1, it's right here, next to the bathroom, hey, your stuff seems to be too big." It’s not too much, is there anything else, I’ll get it for you!”

Lin Feng hurriedly helped the tall and tall new roommate from Northeast China to put down his luggage: "Oh, nothing else, I'm a part-time student, and I go home on weekends or when I'm free. I don't have much stuff."

Qiu Le was slightly pleasantly surprised when he heard it:

"Half day?"

"Fengzi, are you also a native of Shanghai?"

"Eh?" Lin Feng was stunned for a moment, then scratched his head subconsciously: "Oh... count as half."

Speaking of which, in fact, he originally thought that it was okay to live in the dormitory of the school. The main campus of Shangcai is on the side of Yangpu University City, which is actually quite far from the apartment nest of him and Su Xue. Usually, if you want to go back and forth Not very convenient.

It's just that when he chatted with Su Xue at home two days ago about the accommodation,

I just said that I plan to live on campus, but the result was an unexpected and huge reaction

"You want to do full accommodation!?"

The beautiful Su University anchor opened her eyes wide at that time:

"That, that, don't you usually go home?"

Lin Feng scratched his head: "That's right, the school is too far away... It's not convenient to go back and forth usually."

Then, seeing Sister Xue's expression that suddenly changed, someone hastily and cautiously added:

"It's nothing. Anyway, if it's a holiday, you can come back."

A word of consolation had the opposite effect, the beautiful eyes of the anchor of Su University suddenly opened wider, and the eyes were almost full of unacceptable surprise:

"Come back from vacation!?"

"You plan to stay at school on weekends too!?"

"Ahem, it's not all right..." A certain person coughed, and was thinking about how to continue explaining to Sister Xue, but was dumbfounded to find that the latter had a face that was about to cry: "Don't explain, you can't explain it." That's right, our family Xiaofeng has grown up and her wings are hard, and she doesn't even want her sister... Go, go, I will leave your sister and me alone at home cooking and cooking alone in the long night It's okay to be lonely and sleepless, don't worry about me."

The final result is that someone unconditionally raises the white flag of unconditional surrender.

Then, at the request of Su Xue, someone was also forced to sign an unconditional agreement of "losing power and humiliating the country", including sending text messages every day in the first week of military training to remember to report safety, it is best to have a phone call, and every day thereafter Zhou must go home for at least two days, and must come back on weekends.

Etc., etc.

After signing such an agreement, Su Xue also directly recruited a large number of fans and friends in her live broadcast room to do justice, even if someone wants to play tricks and go back on their word in the future.

In fact, the attitude of fans and water friends in the whole live broadcast room was almost more intense than Su Xue's about the fact that someone would live on campus in the future.

Totally backlash.

"Fengfeng wants to live on campus!?"

"Fuck, you won't be going home anymore!?"

"That's okay! If the anchor brother leaves, we won't be able to see your live broadcast!"

"Ah, Fengfeng can't go! We will miss you!"

"Don't leave us behind!!"

All kinds of rolling around the floor playing tricks and pretending to cry. The scene at that time was chaotic and lively. Together with this group of old fans and water friends, they are just like Su Xue. After getting along for such a whole year, they have long been inseparable. someone.

So someone has no choice but to think big and spend a lot of effort to appease these fans and water friends.


Qiu Le would never have thought that the new roommate in front of him would have been distracted by so many things in the time spent chatting in just two or three sentences, but he was also very happy with Lin Feng's answer:

"Hey, it's good to live in school!"

"In this way, it will be convenient for the big guys to move around together after our dormitory!"

"I rely on Fengzi, don't you know that when I lived at home in high school, I was supervised almost every day and couldn't do anything. If I wanted to play a game, I had to sneak around like a thief, let alone all night... It's all right now, After that, if you want to stay up all night, you can stay up all night!"

When he was talking, Qiu Le suddenly thought of something, and his eyes fell on Lin Feng again:


"Fengzi, are you playing masturbation?"

"League of Legends!"

Lin Feng nodded: "Oh, just for fun."

Qiu Le was overjoyed when he heard it: "Damn, that's great! In this way, at least three people in our dormitory are all friends, and we will play rankings together to get black points! I'm Dianyi Diamond, and Ah Zhuang is Gold, what rank are you in, I'll take you to fly together later!"


Lin Feng thought for a while, and then gave an honest and honest answer:

"I'm pretty much a diamond too."

After all, it was the first time for the new roommates in 504 to meet, so Lin Feng felt that there was no need to frighten them by telling the truth.

But then again...

If he really said his level of strength, no one would believe it.


The three people in dormitory 504 who met for the first time chatted for a while, and the atmosphere seemed quite harmonious. At this moment, the door of the dormitory was pushed open again.

This time, two people came in, a man and a woman.

The boy looked a little thin, with a little freckles on his nose, and a slightly arrogant expression on his face; the girl next to him was holding the boy's hand, and her appearance was about six cents, which was considered among ordinary girls. The one you prefer to look at.

The two seem to be a couple.

The boy who walked in did not greet Lin Feng and the three in the dormitory immediately, but looked at the whole dormitory with a critical scrutiny, then frowned and complained softly:

"The environment is a bit bad..."

The girl next to her echoed: "Yes, I wonder if the girls' dormitory over there will be better."

The corner of the boy's mouth twitched: "I guess it's not much better. I thought that a school like Shangcai is so famous that the hardware facilities in the main campus should be better. I didn't expect it to be like this."

The two casually chatted as if there was no one else around, and immediately left Lin Feng, Qiu Le and Shen Zhuang in the dormitory aside like air.

Qiu Le frowned a little, feeling that these two people were a bit impolite.

And Shen Zhuang, who has a more simple and honest personality, stood up again and walked towards the couple, smiling warmly at the boy, and stretched out his hand:


"Are you also our 504?"

"I'm Shen Zhuang, from Shandong."

The boy with freckles on his nose looked up at the 1.85-meter-high Shen Zhuang, but he didn't reach out, just nodded casually, and said in a cold voice:


"I'm Feng Tao."

The hand that Shen Zhuang stretched out to show his enthusiasm and friendliness was hung in the air like that.

The atmosphere became a little awkward.

The update is here, there will be two updates today, try to fight for the third update tomorrow!

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