
Chapter 71 Is This 504 Bedroom?

When the time came to the end of August, the summer playoffs in the LPL arena on the national server was entering the most intense and intense stage, but the summer in Shanghai had come to an end.

The scorching heat that had permeated the entire summer in Shanghai gradually dissipated, and the air began to have a bit of autumn's refreshing coolness.

On the 28th, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics also ushered in the day for freshmen to report.

As the leading national key university in Shanghai, recognized as one of the "211" and "985" colleges, the main campus of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics is located in Yangpu University City, adjacent to Fudan University, Tongji University, Second Military University and other well-known key universities The university, whether it is in Shanghai or the entire coastal Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai regions, has a sufficiently loud reputation.

Being able to be admitted to such a national key school is something that the college entrance examination students are proud of.

The main campus of Shangcai covers an area of ​​hundreds of acres. In front of the gate of the campus is the school name in Chinese characters. Looking in from the gate, you can easily see the tall and green trees on both sides of the boulevard and the shadowy teaching buildings in the distance.

The lawn is lush, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and young students are sitting on the benches in twos and threes, chatting and laughing, or bowing their heads to concentrate on reading.

Today's Shangcai is the day when freshmen report, so the whole campus is more noisy and lively than usual.

An eye-catching red banner was pulled up at the gate early on, welcoming the new students with enthusiasm, while under the banner there was already a noisy scene of crowded people.

Parents brought their children with big and small bags to report.

Or the local freshmen come here on their own by riding a bicycle or taking the subway.

The parents all look forward to the glory and feel extremely proud and proud; while the freshmen are looking left and right, looking around, looking at the campus where they will spend the next four years, or simply looking for whether it is beautiful or not. Seniors or handsome seniors, their faces are fresh and curious.

Qiu Le, who is also a freshman in Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, is a native of Shanghai. During his three years in high school, he didn’t concentrate on his studies, and spent more time secretly playing League of Legends. However, he couldn’t resist his good luck and passing the college entrance examination. Getting into Shangcai also made the family members overjoyed.

So today's freshman reported that Qiu Le's parents desperately demanded to come with them to help move things and tidy up the dormitory.

"Oh, I told you earlier that you don't need to come..."

"I didn't bring much here,

After a while, I can carry it to the dormitory by myself, without your help at all. "

Qiu Le earnestly persuaded his parents:

"Okay, okay, this person has also been delivered to the door, and a group photo has been taken as a souvenir..."

"You guys go back first?"

According to the regulations of Shangcai, freshmen can choose to live on campus or go to school when they report their admission. Generally speaking, if you are a local student in Shanghai, if you live not far away, you don’t need to live in a dormitory. You can choose a day to study, which may be more convenient , Save the risk and trouble of not getting along well with roommates.

But Qiu Le didn't think so.

Although he is a native of Modu and lives close to the school, he has made up his mind from the very beginning that he must live in the dormitory.

The parents in the family were also reluctant to let his only son run out to share a dormitory with other classmates bitterly. They also tried to persuade them, but they were all strictly rejected by Qiu Le.

live at home?

What a joke!

For three years in high school, he was tightly controlled by his parents, and he had almost no free space. Now that he finally went to college, it was like a bird flying out of a cage, and finally ushered in a free world. How could he come back again? Stay in a cage?

Qiu Le's calculations were rattling, anyway, as long as he left home, without all kinds of rules and regulations, living in the university dormitory would be like letting birds fly, and he would stay in bed all night if he wanted to, every day Finally, I can spend a lot of time playing ranking points.

This kind of day is simply not too happy!

Just thinking about it can make Qiu Le's eyes sparkle.

As for the so-called getting along with roommates, Qiu Le is not particularly worried. His personality is quite familiar, and he is confident that he will get along well with the next few roommates. Mom and Dad always talk about it.

What's more, it would be even better if his roommates also love to play League of Legends.

At that time, they will be able to sit and sit together in the dormitory, and the whole dormitory will score points all night. It will feel more exciting than his solo row.


After finally coaxing his parents away, Qiu Le, who was carrying a large suitcase, stood on the bustling boulevard in the campus, greedily took a deep breath of free and fresh air, and suddenly opened his eyes. Eyes, full of pride, opened his voice and screamed strangely:

"New world!"

"I'm coming!!!"


In front of the freshman reporting office of the School of Finance, with a warm smile on his face, he made friends with several seniors, especially those seniors whose appearance and figure were above the standard line, and Qiu Le, who had completed the registration After receiving the dormitory key, carrying the suitcase and humming a little tune, he came to his future dormitory building.

Taking the elevator all the way up to the fifth floor, he found bedroom No. 504 according to the number on the label on the key. Qiu Le found that the door was unlocked but only ajar, so he pushed the door and walked in.

At first glance, the environment in the dormitory is fairly tidy. The four beds are all configured as a bed and a table, which basically conforms to the photos of the dormitory that he found in the school post bar before. After playing LOL, he put the notebook on his own desk. Just put it, it's convenient.

And Qiu Le was not the first to arrive at the dormitory.

At this moment, there was already a tall man in dormitory 504 tidying up his bed. Turning around and seeing Qiu Le walking in, the tall man warmly greeted him:

"Hey, are you from 504 too?"

"It's pretty early. I'm bed number three. I'm almost done packing. Do you have any luggage? I'll help you!"

The attitude is quite enthusiastic.

Encountering such a passion is true, and Qiu Le also felt relieved. After chatting for a while, the two of them learned that the roommate with the third bed was named Shen Zhuang, a native of Shandong, and he was really a typical Shandong burly man as his name suggests. He is 1.85 meters tall, has a simple and honest personality, and is sincere enough to treat others.

more importantly……

After a little testing, Qiu Le was overjoyed to find out that his roommate with the third bed was also a fellow player of LOL.

"I'm in the first district of Ionia, but my level of playing is average. I'm only gold two. I can't make it to the top."

Speaking of this, Shen Zhuang seemed a little embarrassed.

Qiu Le patted his chest loudly:

"It's okay!"

"I'm here with my buddies, and I'll easily lead you to higher points in the future!"

This is really not Qiu Le's nonsense. He has been in contact with the League of Legends game since the end of the S1 season. A good player, among other things, it is still very easy to lead a teammate with a gold division like Shen Zhuang.

And Shen Zhuang was quite excited when he found out about Qiu Le's diamond rank. The two had a common topic, and they immediately got together to have a lively discussion.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps coming from far and near outside bedroom 504.

At the same time, a voice sounded outside the door, it seemed to be on the phone:


"Hey sister Xue, I'm here."

"Here's the dormitory. The freshmen report and get the keys after signing in. The military training will start tomorrow."

"Oh yes, I have to make the bed or something later."


"No, no, I'm not a child, I can handle it myself, you can continue to work on your induction training, I don't think I will go home for dinner tonight, let's do this first, bye"

The phone hangs up.

In the dormitory, both Qiu Le and Shen Zhuang's eyes were drawn towards the door.

The next moment, the bedroom door was pushed open by someone, a head poked in, looked around, and landed on the two people in the bedroom.

"Oh, this is 504, right?"

Lin Feng greeted the two future roommates with a pure and harmless face.

The update is here, the next chapter will be around 9:30, ten o'clock at the latest!

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