
Chapter 35 Support and Jungle

When Phoenix gave such an evaluation and judgment, his tone was extremely dignified.

As one of the top four e-sports kings standing at the top of the pyramid, and also recognized as the number one king in Europe, with Phoenix's strength and status, even an ordinary seven-king powerhouse in the world is not worthy of his use. Face it with such awe.

But this time the situation is different.

The few people he and Lin Feng mentioned...

He is the most powerful man from the previous generation.

After so many years, in terms of the professional lifespan of ordinary professional players, they have already passed their peak period and began to decline rapidly all the way. Even for example, many professional players in the S1 season are now in a state that is far from what they were back then.

But those few people came from the previous generation.

Up to now, but still able to maintain a level of personal operating strength above the realm of the Seven Kings, this reality is already terrifying enough.

Not to mention, there is one thing that both Lin Feng and Phoenix are well aware of, that is, such a few powerhouses of the previous generation, while maintaining their own level of personal operational strength, coupled with an outrageously rich The combat experience and incomparable sense of sophistication, in terms of overall ability, can surpass almost all professional players of the new generation!

Because if you really want to talk about experience, even Lin Feng, Phoenix or F-Han Shihao may not be able to compare with the existence of those previous generations.


"Old friend, be careful."

At the end of the chat, Phoenix made such a kind exhortation to Lin Feng.

Because when facing the peak powerhouses of the previous generation, even the four emperors who are as strong as him or Han Shihao do not have enough chances of winning, and may even be pushed off the throne and fall into the dust.

that group of people...

It really has the strength enough to threaten the Four Emperors!

Lin Feng smiled and typed a reply:




In fact,

Without Phoenix's reminder, Lin Feng has already personally experienced the strength of those strong men from the previous generation.

Needless to say, J, the top laner of the newly-promoted Four Emperors, is already known to the world. As early as this year's nightingale secret battle, Lin Feng had already had a head-on confrontation with J.

Except for J, although the opponent he wanted to challenge the most during this trip to the European server, Crow, is still sitting high on the throne of the European server king group list, and he has never met him in the passerby game ...

But he has also met one or two other IDs in the passerby game of the king group on the European server.

The qualifying matches of the two encounters both took place yesterday.

One was at noon yesterday, in his third game of solo queue on the European server, and his blue side was lined up with a support teammate with the ID "Shield". shield, the translation in English means "shield".

A name that is thick and solid, immovable as a mountain.

Lin Feng had heard of this name before.

In the mouth of Senior No. 1, he heard the evaluation of the Shield from the senior

"That's a turtle shell."

"Die hard."

"Proficiency... that's it, but it's really hard to break through that tortoise shell even if you're tough."

The evaluation from Senior No. 1 seemed quite calm.

Even if the name Shield is well-known to almost all professional players in the world's professional e-sports circles in the last generation, and it is an existence that everyone should look up to, but at this moment, a certain young man who is still on vacation on the other side of the ocean In the mouth, it is just a "turtle shell".

After all, it is a well-deserved immortal legend that truly ruled the previous generation over Crow and Lee Do Jae.

But Lin Feng still heard something different from it.

Although Senior No. 1 said it lightly, he also admitted how tricky and difficult that Shield was.

Even when he faced Shield's "tortoise shell" back then, he would feel a little strenuous and headache. The level of strength of this European powerhouse of the previous generation is naturally evident.

During the cooperation in the subsequent qualifying match, Lin Feng realized this very deeply.

In that qualifying match, Shield, as a teammate, chose Bron to assist in the match.

In the early laning, the bottom lane was almost impenetrable by a Freljord Heart.

Under the protection of Shield's assistant Braum, the ADC teammate Dazui on the blue team was able to relax and develop his swords. The combination of the female policewoman and the Japanese girl on the opposite side couldn't break through Braum's defense line by all means.

In the mid-term team battle, Bron's several big moves to start the team first grasped the timing extremely accurately.

And the backhand's big counter-control move also prevented the assassin heroes of the purple army on the opposite side from having any chance to cut into the back row.

In the end, the qualifying match ended, and the blue team won firmly.

There is no suspense.

Bron's record data was finally 1/1/13, perfect to impeccable auxiliary KDA.

Even after the qualifying match, Dazui, the ADC teammate on the blue side, was very proactive and eager to join Shield's friend, and sent various messages to continue duo with this reliable support Bron top score.

Lin Feng saw all this in his eyes.

Then silence.

Regardless of overall strength, but simply talking about the ability to protect the line in the early stage, in the use of heroes such as Braum and Morgana, the level of attainment of this Shield...

Perhaps it will not be inferior to Autumn, the world's second god of support in the Four Emperors.


A man who can shock people just by the word "stable".


Fight side by side with Shield as a teammate in a ranking.

As for the other solo row in the passerby game, Lin Feng saw another ID named Ghost in the opposite purple army in the middle of the night last night.


It means ghost, also called ghost.

In the qualifying session late at night, it happened that Lin Feng also got an acquaintance on the blue side.

The Sakura who just took the initiative to add him as a friend a few days ago and wanted to invite him to duo together.

In that qualifying match, Sakura naturally continued to play in the jungle, and chose Kazik, the mantis that she was most used to, to play, while the opposite jungler had the ID name of Ghost, and chose Widowmaker Yi Flynn.

Then the qualifying began.

The battle lasted a total of 31 minutes from start to finish.

In terms of the ranking rhythm of the European server's high-end game, it can be regarded as a game that ended quickly.

The blue side is defeated.

The performance of Lin Feng's mid-laner little mage has been impeccable, but he still lost.

Losing in the early stage, the disadvantage was too great, and the huge disadvantage gap was not able to be evened out in the mid-term.

to be more precise

In fact, it was lost in the jungle.

In the confrontation between the junglers of the two sides, in the first fifteen minutes of the opening period, it was already a judgment call.

Sakura, who originally surprised Lin Feng in terms of jungle rhythm and awareness, faced the ghostly Ghost jungler Mantis...

from beginning to end.

Almost a complete failure.


The update is here. I'm not sure if there will be a third update today. Let's see if the work ends early at night~

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