
Chapter 34 Phoenix's Reminder

At noon on this day, Tang Bingyao came to the house as a guest.

Su Xue, who hadn't seen Tangtang for a few days, was naturally a little surprised, and immediately ran to a supermarket not far from the apartment complex to buy a bunch of ingredients and came back, busy in the kitchen and started cooking. A sumptuous lunch on the table.

Tang Bingyao also entered the kitchen to help.

While the two girls were busy washing vegetables and chopping meat in the kitchen, Lin Feng was still fast asleep in his bedroom.

In the kitchen, Tang Bingyao handed an empty plate to Su Xue to put the washed vegetables on, and asked cautiously:

"Sister Xue, where is Fengzi?"

"Aren't you up yet?"

Su Xue glanced in the direction of the bedroom, then nodded:


"That kid is probably still asleep in the room. In the past few days, he has been playing solo queue on the European server. He seems to be playing very aggressively. You know the numbers CN and 006. He should be in the top 30 of the European server's king group. It's already...every day when I wake up and fight until late at night, the intensity is so great, I guess I'm tired."

Tang Bingyao pursed her lips and nodded.

She also knew the status of a certain person in the professional e-sports circle at that time, and also knew the seniors of the previous generation that a certain person respected the most, so the ID names CN and 006 were widely discussed on the Internet. She also guessed the truth immediately.

But actually she doesn't care about that.

European server campaign?

Hanging the king of Europe?

Hitting the list of the kings of the European server?

This amazing feat, in the eyes of other ordinary national server players and netizens, may indeed be worthy of praise, but in the eyes of girls, it is no accident and a matter of course to do these things with someone's strength of.

What she really cares about is not this.


After opening a word, Tang Bingyao hesitated for a moment, and then said again in a low voice:

"Fengzi recently... how is it?"

before today,

In the past month, Tang Bingyao has come here almost every day or two. She said she was visiting as a guest, but in fact she just wanted to come and have a look because she was worried about someone.

But every time, Lin Feng's attitude seemed quite flat.

It's not indifferent or impolite, someone will still look relaxed with a smiling face when facing a girl, but for a girl with a delicate and sensitive heart, she can feel it without any effort at all. See Lin Feng's true state of mind.

Smiling faces and relaxed things are all faked.

Tang Bingyao could feel the suppressed and hidden sadness and pain in Lin Feng's heart.

But even so, even if some things can be seen, they cannot be easily explained.

Tang Bingyao didn't know how to comfort her, and she could do more for Lin Feng. Most of the time, she could only clumsily choose to be by someone's side, and tried her best to use her warmth to bring warmth to those she cared about. Go for a little soothing.

Hearing Tang Bingyao's question, Su Xue froze for a moment, then remained silent for a moment before shaking her head with a wry smile:

"It seems to be much better than before..."

"The past few days have been quite lively, and they will laugh and laugh with me again."

"But that kid..."

"Usually he looks carefree, but in fact he likes to hide everything in his heart and hold it all by himself."


It was lunch time at noon, and Lin Feng in the bedroom finally got up from the bed.

See Tang Bingyao, say hello, the relationship between the two has long been familiar and close to the point that there is no need for other politeness, after washing, Lin Feng sat down with Tang Bingyao and Su Xue at the dinner table and began to have lunch.

At the dinner table, Su Xue asked about someone's situation in the European server:

"Oh, that's right, you stayed at the back all night last night, how much did you get in the ranking?"

Su Xue is not the only one who is concerned about this matter. Now the names of CN and 006 are hot topics in the entire national server. Countless players and netizens of the national server go to Douyu TV to watch Luo Ying’s OB live broadcast every day, and at the same time If you have something to do, you can go to the list of the kings of the European server to see the ranking of the 006 masters.

Lin Feng answered casually while burying his head in his meal:


"It's okay."

"Last night, I didn't play very well. I only made three or four places."

"If no one was squeezed out today, there should be about thirty-two people."

To say that is an understatement.

But in fact, only one person can personally experience the hardships and hardships and the brilliance of swords and blood.

Although the passerby rankings of the king group in the European server have always been the kind of lazy game style that seems tepid, but when the ranking enters the top 50 of the king group list, the opponents they meet in the ranking are also More and more European first- and second-tier professional players began to appear.

That is, a really strong opponent.

Even though Lin Feng's strength is now recovering rapidly, he still can't be slack in the slightest when facing these strong players in the European professional e-sports circle.

Every qualifying session needs to go all out.

For example, last night, just with Spoon, the seven kings of the MLG team, he was ranked three times. Once, he was a teammate twice. In the two qualifying games he was the opponent, he also lost one game and won one game. Ever victorious.

"Otherwise, let Tangtang double row with you in the afternoon!"

"Anyway, you have a lot of friends who are professional gods, so it shouldn't be difficult to borrow a European server king account?"

Su Xue glanced at Tang Bingyao beside her, and suddenly proposed to Lin Feng:

"In double row, if you cooperate with Tangtang, it should be easier to rank up."

Tang Bingyao, who didn't expect Su Xue to say such a word, was taken aback when she heard it, and then hurriedly waved her hands in a panic:

"No, no need."

"And I'm not good enough, playing at that level of ranking...may hinder Fuko."

Lin Feng was also stunned for a while, then shook his head:

"Well, I'll queue up alone by myself."

"Recently, the water in the king group of the European server is a bit deep, and it is not suitable for Tangtang to come and hone."

"Also, I feel that I am more used to solo queue."

The tone is very ordinary.

But Su Xue's proposal was rejected as if nothing had happened.

Su Xue opened her mouth and wanted to say something more, but she didn't say anything in the end.

Tang Bingyao on the side gave a soft "hmm", then lowered her head and continued to eat in silence, but there was a slight glint of sadness in her eyes that no one noticed.

The atmosphere at the dinner table became a little quiet.


After lunch, Tang Bingyao didn't choose to stay longer, and after saying goodbye to Lin Feng and Su Xue, she went home first.

Lin Feng also returned to his bedroom, sat in front of the computer screen, took a deep breath, and continued to start his new day of European server solo queue.

As he said earlier...

After he broke into the 30th and 40th ranks of the king group list, the water in the passerby game has indeed begun to deepen recently.

Not just the first- and second-tier professional players in Europe.

Also include some other people.

As if thinking of something, Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly:

Late last night, Phoenix suddenly took the initiative to add him as a friend of the 006 account, and then sent him a few messages, telling him something.

Phoenix said that what he needs to be careful of is not only J who has been recognized as the top laner of the Four Emperors, or Crow who is currently ranked at the top of the leaderboard.

The group of powerhouses of the previous generation who have appeared in the recent European server is not just these two.

A J and a Crow are already at the level of the Four Emperors and even more unfathomable.

And the other figures from the previous generation...

According to the judgment and comment given by Phoenix in a dignified and solemn tone, none of them will be inferior to the seven kings of the world!

The update is here, the next chapter will be around six o'clock, so roll around and ask for a red envelope.

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