
Chapter 826 The Girl Packing

The phone hangs up.

Everyone's eyes fell on Lin Feng. Ouyang, who was the most impatient, felt that the atmosphere was not right at this moment, and he didn't rush to ask for the first time, but Ren Rou noticed Lin Feng's face and was cautious. aloud:

"Fengzi... what's wrong?"

The expression on Lin Feng's face was a little dazed, and he was a little at a loss, and it took a long while before he replied in a daze:


"Hung up."

Everyone was also stunned when they heard it.

Ouyang opened his mouth wide in surprise: "The phone was hung up? Fengzi, didn't you call Baozi's father just now? How did you get hung up?"

Lin Feng was still a little dazed, shaking his head blankly:

"I-I don't know either."

This kind of thing was indeed something he had never encountered, let alone thought of.

Yang Fan's personality was a little more stable, and he frowned at this moment, and analyzed aloud:

"Uncle An will definitely not hang up the phone casually."

"Maybe...he has other things to do at this time, so it's not convenient to answer the phone?"

Ren Rou next to him also nodded:

"Old Yang is right, it is very likely that Uncle An is busy with other things now, otherwise he wouldn't have easily hung up on Fengzi."

"Don't worry, maybe Uncle An will call back later."

Several people comforted each other like this.

But Lin Feng still pursed his lips vigorously, and the bewilderment and uneasiness in his heart did not subside in the slightest.

Yes, if it was just that he called Father An and the other party hung up, it might not be a big deal. It may indeed be because there are other things busy in reality, which is completely acceptable and understandable.


Now the problem doesn't stop there.

Before this phone call, he sent so many messages to An Xin and made so many calls one after another, but there was still no news.

So these two things put together...

The fact that the phone was hung up just now cannot be simply explained by "I was busy with other things".


What the hell is going on?

At this moment, Lin Feng was full of unease, his whole mind was in a mess, and he couldn't calm down at all.

So he also didn't bother to notice that Tang Bingyao's small face at the side was full of complicated and entangled expressions that hesitated to speak, as if he was struggling in his heart.


The first call to Father An was hung up. Although Lin Feng was full of uneasiness and anxiety at this time, no matter how he looked at it, he was not in a hurry to make a second call.

What if Father An is really busy with other things at this time?

It would seem too impolite to bother with two phone calls in succession.

So Lin Feng could only forcefully suppress the anxiety in his heart for a while, forced a smile on his face and told a few partners that he had no problem, then called Tang Bingyao, and the two went home at noon together.

All the way without words.

Lin Feng walked on the road with his head down, full of thoughts.

Tang Bingyao was also surprisingly not bouncing and stepping on the grid as usual, but slowly followed behind Lin Feng, sneaking glances at someone from time to time, with worry and sadness in his eyes.

During lunch, Lin Feng who was eating at the dining table still kept silent and buried himself in his meal.

Su Xue, who was sitting opposite someone, sensed that something was wrong, and couldn't help asking a few questions, but Lin Feng just shook his head and forced a smile to express that it was all right.


Looking at someone who lowered her head to eat silently again, Su Xue's pretty willow eyebrows inadvertently frowned.

Having lived together for more than half a year, the relationship has long been like that of a brother and sister, so she can be sure that someone is involuntarily lying without any effort.

But she couldn't guess what happened to someone this time.


A scene from a few days ago flashed through her mind, and Su Xue's heart couldn't help but jump slightly

On Baozi's birthday that day, when the girl went to the rooftop with someone, she just came out of the bathroom and happened to see Tang Bingyao sitting on the sofa with red eye circles.


Things related to the story that happened that day?

After lunch at noon, Lin Feng couldn't help but sent An Xin another WeChat message.

Still no reply.

After hesitating for a long time and struggling for a long time, he took out his mobile phone and called Father An again.

beep beep

The phone rang a few times, then stopped abruptly again.

Got hung up again.

Listening to the female voice prompting the mechanical tablet from the other end of the mobile phone microphone, Lin Feng's mood also slowly sank to the bottom bit by bit.

At noon... No matter how busy you are, you should have lunch and rest, right?

Hanging up the phone once may be explained by the previous reason.

Can hang up twice in succession...

Maybe it really means that something happened.


At one o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Feng came to the school class early.

At this time, Ren Rou, Yang Fan, and Ouyang were already waiting in the classroom. When they saw Lin Feng coming in, they all looked over with concern and inquiry.

Lin Feng took a deep breath and shook his head:

"No news."

"I called again and got hung up."

His tone was uncommonly low.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, and didn't know what to say, so they could only remain silent.

During the self-study review in the classroom in the afternoon, Lin Feng was still completely absent-minded and did not review at all. From time to time, he took out his mobile phone to check to see if there was a message reply from Baozi or An's father, and then checked the time.

The time seems to have become extremely long in such a wait.

It's so long that it makes people anxious and even crazy.

two o'clock.

Lin Feng sent two more WeChat messages to An Xin.

three o'clock.

With courage, a phone call was made to Father An's cell phone number again.

WeChat still has no reply.


He was still hung up directly, even ruthlessly.

Ouyang, who was sitting next to Lin Feng at the same table, looked at the former's slightly dull face, while Tang Bingyao, who was sitting in the seat not far from the next group, also looked back every few minutes, with a tangled expression several times Struggling to change, finally biting his lips tightly and not speaking.

At the same time, in the magic city, in a certain residential apartment.

Looking at his daughter who was still in the bedroom with her head bowed and concentrated on packing her luggage, Father An looked at his mobile phone and couldn't help but sigh:

"steamed stuffed bun."

"Is it really decided?"

"That kid Xiaofeng... I have cut off and hung up several calls in succession."

An's mother, who was standing beside her, also had a look of unbearable expression on her face, and persuaded:

"Should I tell Xiaofeng about this kind of thing?"

"I didn't even say goodbye, do I really want to leave such regrets before leaving?"

The girl in the room lowered her head and packed her luggage little by little. Listening to her parents' persuasion, she pursed her lips vigorously, a slight pain and struggle flashed in her eyes, and finally shook her head persistently:


"I know it myself."


After a pause, the girl added softly:

"I explained it to Tangtang."

"If something really happens, Tangtang will help to tell him."

The update is here, there should be a third update tonight, but the time will be very late, I suggest friends to watch it tomorrow morning.

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