
Chapter 825 Hang up the phone

For senior high school graduates in Shanghai, when the time for the college entrance examination is getting closer and there is only the last month left, the major high schools have actually relaxed the requirements, allowing senior high school students to review at home. It is not mandatory to come to school.

After all, all the content that should be taught in class has been finished in the past half a year.

There are several large notebooks filled with everything that should be done in the review notes.

I don’t know how many times I have read the real test papers of the college entrance examination every year.

The rest, in fact, is just the senior three students’ own checking and filling. The teachers of the senior three subjects in the school continue to work in the classroom or office, can drink tea leisurely, and then wait for the students to come up on their own initiative Ask some questions.

This is also the normal rhythm in the last month of high school.

The same is true for the students in Class 3 and 7 of the 13th High School.

About half of the students chose to use this last month to go home and study by themselves, and at most they would go to school every now and then.

The other half of the students chose to stay in the classroom.

Everyone in Lin Feng's small circle belongs to the latter.

For example, Ren Rou, as the monitor of the class and the representative of the English class, naturally has to set an example, and also needs to continue to serve as the monitor and manage the order of the class in the last month.

Tang Bingyao is also the representative of the Chinese class of Class 7, a part-time top student, many times when the students have questions, instead of asking the teacher, they will take the initiative to come to Tangtang for advice, so she didn't choose to go home.

As for Ouyang and Yang Fan, they didn't really care whether they were at home or at school. When a few people in the small circle discussed this topic before, and heard that Ren Rou was going to stay in school for review, Ouyang immediately patted his chest and said:

"I want to stay in school too!"

"Learning this kind of thing must have a more atmosphere in school!"

"What can I do when I go home? I just went back because I was lazy!"

Yang Fan squinted at Ouyang from the side: "You stayed because of Ah Rou..."

Tang Bingyao and An Xin next to her also laughed and booed.

Such jokes have long been used to by everyone in their small circle,

Ren Rou didn't change her face when she heard it, but glanced at Ouyang angrily, and said a lesson:

"You really should stay in school."

"Otherwise, let you go home, I guess you can slip into the Internet cafe and start masturbation in a blink of an eye."

"When the time comes, you won't even be able to pass the third grade in the college entrance examination. Let's see where you cry!"

The words were quite blunt, but there was actually a bit of concealed concern in the tone, and Ouyang even nodded his head like a slap in the face:

"Yes, yes, as long as I am like this, there must be someone watching!"

"We must stay in school! Resolutely obey your command, Rourou!"

As for An Xin, when asked about her choice for the last month, the girl also answered with a smile: "Well, I'll stay in school too."

After a pause, the girl's eyes flickered slightly, and she added softly:

"After all, there is not much time to review with everyone in school like this."

One sentence resonated with everyone, sighing with emotion:


"It's only the last month of our high school career, time flies so fast."

"For the rest of this month, it's really the last time that everyone can stay together in the classroom."

The atmosphere became a little sad for a while.

Finally it was Lin Feng's turn, someone looked left and right:

"Hey, so everyone stayed?"

"Then I'll stay too!"

So everyone unanimously chose to stay in school, and would still come to school on time every day to continue reading, doing quizzes and reviewing together in the classroom.

Days are not the same as before.

Therefore, when the time came to May 13th, an accident happened that made Lin Feng aware of the strangeness immediately.


On the morning of May 13th, An Xin did not show up in the classroom.

In the last month, even for students who choose to stay in school, the school's management system has become extremely loose. It will not force students to arrive at school before the morning reading, and at what time to start classes. All voluntary.

In other words, it doesn't matter what time you come.

But generally speaking, everyone in Lin Feng would arrive at school at seven or eight in the morning.

Tang Bingyao and Ren Rou are usually the first to come, followed by An Xin, then Ouyang and Yang Fan, and the last one is always Lin Feng who is habitually staying in bed at home and has to be dragged up by Su Xue in the end.

So at 8 o'clock this morning, when Lin Feng had already come to the classroom to start studying for a while, An Xin, who had always arrived at school early a few days ago, still did not show up, which made people feel a little strange.

At the beginning, Lin Feng didn't take it seriously, and gloated at his misfortune and sent An Xin a message:

"Hahahaha Baozi, you are late!"

"Did you oversleep? A few days ago, you called me a lazy pig, and you are about the same!"

After the information, Lin Feng continued to immerse himself in the review and do the questions. While doing the questions, he would look expectantly towards the door of the classroom from time to time.

He thought that after a while, he should be able to see Baozi rushing into the classroom.

You can also laugh at yourself by the way.


At half past eight, An Xin didn't show up.

At nine o'clock, An Xin still didn't show up.

When the time came to 9:30, almost two full hours had passed since the normal time for An Xin to come to school on weekdays, Lin Feng who still hadn't waited for the girl's figure finally began to feel that something was wrong.

"Hey, isn't Baozi here yet?"

Ouyang, who was sitting next to Lin Feng at the same table, also felt puzzled.

Lin Feng frowned tightly. Even though he has a rough personality, he suddenly thought of An Xin's illness and hospitalization a while ago, and immediately began to feel uneasy:

"I'll give her a call!"

Walking out of the classroom quickly, Lin Feng took out his mobile phone and made a call.

beep beep

The phone is working.

But the voice in the microphone rang for a long time, but no one answered.

So maybe Baozi is really still sleeping?

Didn't hear the call?

Lin Feng guessed and comforted himself like this, but the worry and uneasiness in his heart gradually became stronger.

The time came to the end of school at twelve noon. During this period, Lin Feng made two calls and sent several WeChat messages to An Xin, but still did not receive any reply.

Lin Feng couldn't sit still anymore.

The other students in the classroom got up one after another and went home to have lunch. Yang Fan, Ren Rou and Tang Bingyao all surrounded them:

"Is there still no news from Baozi?"

"You didn't answer the phone either?"

"It's strange... Oversleeping probably won't keep sleeping until noon."

Ouyang next to him suddenly said a word:

"Then what..."

"Is Baozi really sick and hospitalized again?"

When the words came out, the eyelids of the others couldn't help but twitch. Ren Rou was the first to stare at Ouyang with glaring eyes:

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

"Crow mouth!"

Ouyang shut up for a moment, but he still couldn't hold back and added weakly: "I...that's what I guessed, otherwise why didn't Baozi hear anything all morning..."

Lin Feng didn't answer the words, but he pressed his lips tightly, and quickly made a decision:

"I'll call my uncle and aunt!"

Naturally, it was An's father and An's mother.

So the phone was taken out again, and Lin Feng quickly dialed Father An's phone number recorded in the address book.

beep beep

The sound of connecting hadn't sounded a few times before it was interrupted abruptly.

Instead, a somewhat mechanically flat female voice replied.

Lin Feng who held the phone's microphone to his ear was stunned.

For a moment, he just felt a little dazed.

Because of his phone...

Father An on the other end took the initiative to hang up.

The update is here, and the time for the next chapter is still uncertain...but there will definitely be a next chapter today.

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