
Chapter 648 Because My Wayne Is Really Strong

There is a saying called "A hero does not mention his bravery in the past", but what he said is actually just not to boast.

However, for those former professional players who retired and turned into League of Legends anchors, the vast majority of them really don't want to always listen to their fans and audiences repeatedly mentioning their previous record.

September Frost Leaf is one of them.

Because no matter how glorious the past is, it is just the past.

is not reproducible.

Any professional player has his own career peak period, but after retiring, the glory of the year will naturally no longer exist, and the domineering demeanor of being able to maneuver on the field will gradually fade away with the decline of his own strength. I can't get it back either.

Their strength may still be stronger than the vast majority of ordinary anchors, but they are no longer comparable to themselves back then.

This is actually a very complicated mood.

Now that they have become anchors, they can earn more money and support themselves better than when they were professional players.

But the blood that was able to surge in the chest back then was slowly worn away along with the real material and interests.

Sometimes, watching some fans and friends in the live broadcast room sigh and say, "Ye Shen's strength is not as good as it used to be."

He knew that was the truth.

Perhaps, if he did not choose to retire back then, but continued to persevere and continue to fight for his dreams in that passionate and bloody arena, then perhaps he might still be able to take a step forward in the subsequent S4 and S5 seasons ?

Perhaps, not just a world champion in an international event?

Perhaps, there is a chance to compete for the national server to win their first World S-League championship trophy?

But those are just "maybes".

Where there is "possibility", there is also "risk".

It means that trade-offs and choices have become a gamble on the future.

Back then, it was because he didn't know whether he could go further in his career as a professional e-sports player,

Only then took a step back, turned around and left the e-sports arena, and became a League of Legends anchor.

Naturally, such a choice has brought him extremely rich material benefits, but it also made him lose the opportunity and possibility to make his dream go further.

Jiuyue Shuangye took a deep breath, her face was so calm that there was no expression on her face:

This is a compromise.

Compromise with reality.


In fact, after such a few years, he has already gotten used to his status as a game anchor.

It doesn't matter if his strength has declined, at least he is stronger than other anchors.

It doesn't matter that his operation, hand speed, and awareness are not as good as they were back then. Relying on his original fan base and his humorous live broadcast style, he can still establish his position as the No. 1 anchor of Douyu TV's League of Legends section.

That's great, isn't it?

At least, that's what he kept telling himself.

Withdrawing her thoughts, Jiuyue Shuangye put her energy back into the current qualifying match.

This round...

it's not finished yet.

At the 25th minute of the game time, the third dragon is refreshed.

At this time, the blue and purple legions already have a small dragon buff in their hands, and the next small dragon will not easily choose to give up.

Then another wave of team battles broke out.

The stone man made a big move first, and this time he finally hit the opponent's ADC Jinx and the jungler Prince, but the clockwork big move couldn't keep up with it in time, and the idealized big move mbo cooperation did not come true.

Jinx surrenders Blink and flees.

The prince, instead of retreating, rushed forward with an EQ two-company to fly the clockwork demon, and then directly trapped the clockwork in the towering circular rock wall with a big move.

In the blue square, the single fox made a big move and then the E skill to charm, QW threw out two times in a row, and then cooperated with Jinx's backhand big move, but instantly killed and took away the clockwork's head.

Lin Feng's ADC Wei En was targeted by Shan Ruiwen on the opposite side.

In this wave of team battles, his Vayne [Flash] hasn't finished cooling down yet, so he couldn't easily take the initiative to cut into the battlefield. Riven flashed up and forced a set of burst damage. If it wasn't for the backhand E skill "Demon Judgment", Riven was stunned by repelling Nail in time, and she probably would be killed in an instant.

But in this way...

On the purple side, Lin Feng's ADC Wei En had to retreat temporarily, but this round of team battles was impossible.

In a wave of 0 for 2, the blue team killed Lin Feng's mid laner Clockwork and the jungler blind monk, and easily captured the third dragon, while the remaining three Lin Fengs on the purple side You can only choose to go back.


The blue team leads by another dragon and two kills.

The situation has become increasingly unfavorable for the purple army.

At this time, whether it was Jiuyue Shuangye or Su Xue's live broadcast room, the audience of Shuiyou became more and more pessimistic.

For this sake...

It's hard to win.

The top laner and mid laner's ability to cut the back row and second-man ability is simply incomprehensible. Even Jinx, who was originally suppressed and beaten in the bottom lane, has begun to develop, and their purple side's stone man and clockwork are so different. Powerful, the later the game goes, even the role of auxiliary robots will become smaller and smaller in the disadvantaged situation.

There is no hope of victory.

Jiuyue Shuangye was silent, but she had already acquiesced in the judgment of the barrage in her heart.


This game is hard to win.

It's not their problem in the bottom lane, it's that the teammates are really not strong enough, which makes the opponent's development too smooth.

I still have to continue fighting, but I can only do my best and obey the destiny.

However, it was also at this time that Lin Feng also saw such a barrage in the live broadcast room.

"Is it hard to win?"

Lin Feng suddenly said:


"The chances are obviously still great."

Including Jiuyue Shuangye, fans and fans in the live broadcast room were subconsciously stunned:

The chance... is still great?

Where did the opportunity come from? Why didn't they see it?

Soon their doubts were answered

"Because my Vayne is really strong!"

Someone took a deep breath, his eyes sparkling.

Such a sentence fell into the ears of fans and friends in the live broadcast room, and it seemed to be nothing more than Lin Feng's habitual boast.

But for Jiuyue Shuangye, he couldn't help but feel slightly shocked when he heard it, and even his thoughts were in a trance for a moment:

This sentence……

very familiar.

However, without waiting for Jiuyue Shuangye to recall anything, the current qualifying match has entered an increasingly tense rhythm.

After gaining the advantage, the opponent blue team began to organize attacks more frequently, invading the wild area, pushing the tower with the line, and snowballing the advantage with the fastest efficiency. Yue Shuangye also had to immediately get up and control her robot to go to the wild area to line up various sights.

At this time, the top road and the second tower of the middle road of the purple side have been broken one after another.

Several heroes on the blue side shifted their targets to the bottom lane.

Moreover, the opponent's mid laner Fox, jungler Prince, and ADC Jinx shifted their positions very quickly. One moment ago, they were still in the middle lane, and the next moment they had passed through the purple side's lower half jungle area and came to the bottom lane.

Directly leading the pawn line, he pressed up strongly towards the second tower of the purple side!

It was demolished almost without giving the purple army a chance to react!

September Frostleaf has already signaled to his teammates:

"retreat. "

"The second tower is not easy to defend."

But at this time, the top lane stone man on the purple side was the first to stand in front of the second tower on the bottom road. It seemed that he was confident that he had enough equipment and wanted to continue clearing a wave of minions under the tower to slow down the opponent. Push tower speed.

September Frost Leaf is in a hurry:

"What is this stone man thinking!?"

"Let's go!"

The warning signal to retreat was almost a rush of "ding ding ding", and finally the stone man players were reluctantly preparing to retreat

But the crisis suddenly appeared at this moment!

The update is here, the next chapter is before 11 o'clock, and tomorrow I will be on a business trip again...... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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