
Chapter 647 If It Was Him

ADC has always been a very difficult position for the team.

Even after the new version of the ADC in the S6 season has been enhanced, this principle has not changed.

If you are a jungler with excellent strength and awareness, whether you are targeting anti-jungle or three-way roaming in the early stage, you can help the team establish a winning advantage after bringing up the rhythm; if you are a top laner or As a mid laner, if he develops in the early stage, he can easily carry the whole game in the mid-term.

But ADCs can't.

Perhaps in the low-segment passerby rankings, a well-developed ADC hero in the early stage can play the harvesting demeanor of the unsolvable big devil in the mid-term, and can lead the team to victory by himself without teammates

Some anchors who mainly play ADC will also choose to play low-ranked abuse dishes. The reason is that it is easier for them to play a crushing game on their own strength.

But when it comes to high scores, it becomes difficult.

No matter how well-developed an ADC hero you are, if your teammates are too weak, or the opposing top laner and mid laner are too well developed, you will definitely be targeted in the mid-term teamfight. You output the environment at least a little bit, not to mention harvesting and taking heads.

This is the current situation of the passerby qualifying match between Lin Feng and Jiuyue Shuangye.

At the 12th minute of the game time, the first dragon was taken by the purple side.

But in the 18th minute, the second dragon was refreshed, and the team battle between the blue and purple armies around the Xiaolong fjord resulted in a beautiful 2-for-4 victory for the blue team.

Together with the second dragon, it also fell into the pocket of the blue army.

Lin Feng's own Wei En also died once, and the record data became 5/1/1.

At this time, Jiuyue Shuangye's brows could not help but frown:

"stone man……"

"I really don't know how to play."

Just now his auxiliary robot has actually reached the opposite mid laner fox first, which is almost a perfect team start, but the top laner stone man on their side didn't catch up with the big move immediately and continue to control the nine-tailed demon fox. Let the opponent escape directly with a flash.

Then instead, the blue army quickly organized a counterattack,

The top laner Riwen teleported around and forcibly cut the purple square's mid laner clockwork, and cooperated with the jungler prince to forcefully kill Lin Feng's [Flash] clockwork monster that had not yet finished cooling down.

Following the front row, the opponent's mid laner, Fox, cut in front of Lin Feng's Wei En. In the end, although Lin Feng also replaced a head, he himself could not escape the end of being killed.

"The ability to cut people from the opposite side is too strong."

Lin Feng also commented, a bit regretful, the output environment of Wei En just now was too bad, and he had a good development but could not exert much effect.

Su Xue, who was sitting next to her, was frowning for a while:

"Damn, how did you meet such a bad teammate..."

"It's going to be more difficult to fight in the future."


As the time slowly came to the early twenty minutes, the situation on the scene had gradually tilted towards the blue army.

In terms of defensive towers, the first defensive tower of Zi Fang's third lane has been demolished, and even the second tower was about to be destroyed after Riven killed the Golem on the opposite side.

On the side of the purple army, the clockwork and the stone man still haven't been able to make up for it.

Still only Lin Feng's ADC Vayne's level, economy and equipment can maintain the overall lead.

"But it's useless"

Some fans and water friends in the live broadcast room have already posted barrages worriedly.

Wayne was already very strong when the record data was 4/0/0, but in the team battle, the opponent's fox or Riven rushed to force him to come up, and it still didn't play much role.

"Wei En is fat alone, and it's just as useless if he doesn't output the environment."

"The stone man can't even stand in the front row now..."

"Blind people are not fat enough."

The barrage in the live broadcast room was full of discussions, and all the water lovers and viewers felt a little pessimistic.

But even so, these fans and fans will not blame Lin Feng for the problem. After all, it is reasonable to say that so far in this round of qualifying, Lin Feng's performance is absolutely impeccable. An ADC Almost everything that should be done and can be done is done to the best.

However, these fans and water friends don't think there is a problem with Lin Feng, but it doesn't mean that some other people won't express their opinions.

In the live broadcast room on Su Xue’s side tonight, there are still some trolls who have followed all the way from Huya TV. If you don't get what you want, you must go to the Internet to find opportunities to vent your disgusting people.

Seeing the passive disadvantage of the current situation, these trolls rushed forward like flies smelling shit.

Suddenly, a lot of bullet screens like this appeared on the screen of the live broadcast room

"Vayne has taken so many kills, will he die as soon as the team battle starts?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"Is this the level of the silver segment?"

"It's useful to play well in lane, why can't we carry in team battles?"

"You get a lot of heads, don't you know how to distribute two heads to other teammates?"

"Dish B, rubbish, I can't stand it anymore."

Such barrage remarks almost make people frown and feel disgusted at first glance, because these seemingly high-sounding accusations actually don't make sense at all.

The team battle of Vayne was obviously targeted by Fox and Riven on the opposite side. The opponent's top laner and mid laner are so well developed, and they forcefully cut you Vayne as soon as the team battle starts. What can you do? It is impossible to easily find the ideal output environment.

And what about splitting heads among teammates...

Isn't this fucking looking for faults on purpose?

Wei En's head was either obtained by himself in the bottom lane, or he obtained it by solo killing, how could he give it to others! ?

Many fans and water friends were enraged, and immediately swiped the barrage and counter-sprayed back.

And the trolls of the navy are still messing around:

"Anyway, it's dishonorable for Wei En to take so many kills and fight like this in a team battle."

"Why can't you carry if you have the ability?"

"Trash, if you don't know how to play ADC, just admit your mistake to us honestly. You just grabbed Ye Shen's ADC position and want to show off?"

"If God Ye had been playing ADC, Wei En would have been super god by now!"

This has even begun to deliberately bring the rhythm to Jiuyue Shuangye. A group of troll trolls are very scheming, causing wars and splashing dirty water everywhere, wishing to thoroughly mix up the water so that they can make waves more recklessly.

This kind of scheming, the fans and water friends in the live broadcast room on Jiuyue Shuangye can also see it at a glance.

But they didn't know how to refute for a while.

Because although Toutzi's words were belittling Lin Feng, at the same time they were falsely praising their God Ye.

Even if it is hypocritical, such words are always a compliment to Jiuyue Shuangye.

Many of September Shuangye's fans and friends subconsciously couldn't help but think, if their Ye Shen really beat Wei En, would they do better at this time?

Only some of the old fans who have followed September Shuangye from the earliest days seemed calm and objective at this time:

"Don't blow your mind, you bastard."

"Even if it's God Ye, it's hard to do anything about this situation."

"The disadvantage of the situation is too great."

But after a pause, a few old fans couldn't help but add:

"But if it's Ye Shen from back then..."

"indeed. "

"This kind of scene should still be no problem."

At the same time, Jiuyue Shuangye didn't bother to pay attention to the rhythm brought up by the navy trolls in her live broadcast room.

Right now, he is still frowning, and he is also constantly thinking about how to play this qualifying match.

Then he subconsciously put himself in the role of Lin Feng.


It was really him as Vayne at the moment.

Can you save the situation on your own?

September Shuangye was silent for a while.

He didn't speak, but subconsciously clenched the mouse in his hand.

The update is here, happy Dragon Boat Festival, friends! Next Chapter Before 6 o'clock

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