
Chapter 500 The Second Half

At first, Lin Feng was just a little surprised. He couldn't guess what was contained in such a document that Senior No. 1 handed to him before leaving.

But when Senior No. 1 left, he returned to the Internet cafe box and opened the file. After reading it, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

In this file...

It was not the arrangement of events that he had originally expected or guessed, or the information given by the Electrical Association.

It is purely a data analysis summary based on the performance of their decisive battle team in the past two months.

It's even more than that.

In addition to the detailed statistical analysis of almost every game, various relevant tactical adjustment and improvement suggestions are also marked below the analysis of each game, specific to each player in each position, including From the early laning to the mid-term team battle to the late decisive victory...

Such a document gives people a similar impression to the targeted teaching they gave them during the three days when they invited senior "Mohe", the general manager of the Jiutian Club, to be a temporary guest coach.

And after a simple and rough scan, the various analyzes and suggestions in this document seem to be no less professional than Mohe at that time.

more importantly--

From reading between the lines, one can clearly feel that every suggestion and every improvement and adjustment plan here seems to be tailor-made for their decisive victory-Battle. It is truly the style and habit of each member of their five-member team. They were all grasped to an extremely precise level.

At this point, although the previous senior Mohe's teaching level was top-notch, after all, he only had three days of training and teaching, and his familiarity with them was not enough.

But now there are various suggestions in this document.

It can be used almost directly.

And it can be guaranteed that nine times out of ten, it will be effective quickly and help them win - Battle will soon complete significant improvements.

"Senior No. 1 did it?"

In the internet cafe box, the other four members of the Battle-Battle also gathered around Lin Feng to read the contents of this document together. Zeng Rui couldn't help but admire:

"As expected of a senior..."

"Many solutions directly solve many of our current problems."

Li Shiyi also nodded in agreement, unable to hide his admiration:

"It's like giving us the answers to the questions ready-made."

In the past two months, they have not only continued to compete in the LSPL league, but they have also tried various new tactical ideas. However, the progress has not been very effective, such as the last three consecutive losses in the first round of the regular season. , it’s that they tried something new and it turned out not to be very effective.

But the various suggestions and plans given in this document, even at first glance on paper, are enough to give them a sense of surprise. Many ideas that they could not figure out before suddenly seem to be blocked. I clicked and got inspired again——

It is estimated that as long as you simply try to practice it a few times, you can directly use it for yourself and come in handy in the next official competition.

Lin Feng also nodded:


"should be."

To make such an analysis summary and plan summary, in addition to having top-level professional abilities, you also need to be familiar enough with their decisive battle team and everyone in the team.

Indeed, there are only a few seniors like Senior No. 1 and Sister Xiaowu who can satisfy these two points at the same time.


Chen Ting couldn't help but interjected:

"Hey, aren't Senior One and the others very busy lately? Can they still have time to help us with this?"


Such a document is no more than a small stack of paper in your hand, but the time and energy put into it is absolutely beyond imagination - even for an existence like Senior No. 1,

To make such a thing, it cannot be done in two simple steps.

Lin Feng vaguely felt that there was something wrong, but after thinking about it again, he felt that apart from a few seniors, there should be no other more likely candidates, so he stopped delving further:

"No matter what, seniors and their hard work cannot be wasted."

Lin Feng waved the document in his hand to his teammates in front of him:


"Try to practice."

The effect is remarkable.

This kind of data analysis summary and plan summary has played an extremely gratifying role in promoting the training of the Battle team at this time.

Many problems and shortcomings that had been exposed in the competition before but may not have been clearly grasped by Lin Feng and others were clearly pointed out in the document without missing a beat.

Many tactical plans that still lack enough time to be deduced and eliminated one by one are also clearly and rigorously listed in this document as feasible or unfeasible, and have even been further refined and improved.

Just in the following days of training, Lin Feng and the other five people clearly felt the huge help of this summary document.

And further on——

It also directly reflected on the competition field.

The third round of the LSPL regular season begins.

Amid the exclamations of many professionals and official commentators in the Chinese e-sports circle, the decisive victory-Battle team continued to maintain its previous winning streak with a more domineering and vigorous attitude, and continued to make rapid progress in the regular season. The overall points list is advancing all the way and is far ahead.

“The pace of progress in the finals has not slowed down!”

"They're getting stronger!"

"Even more and more, it has the magnanimity and style that a truly top national team should have!"

"Many of the problems and flaws we pointed out before seemed to have been quickly discovered and corrected by themselves in the third round of the regular season."

"It's really amazing. I originally heard that apart from the five main players, this Battle does not have a truly professional and sufficient team of coaches and analysts, but now it seems...if there is no top professional analysis team , there is no way they can make such a rapid and significant improvement!”

Comments like this from the outside world are overwhelming, and they are all filled with admiration and praise.

There is also no shortage of speculations and reveries about the team behind the Battle team.


That is, in the midst of such uproar of public opinion.

The impressive final-Battle has won 17 consecutive victories in the second round of the regular season and has pushed the winning streak all the way up to a truly unprecedented 27 consecutive victories.

Qualification for LPL promotion is just around the corner.

And at the same time——

Also in the Chinese server, the LPL Spring Split schedule has also entered the final half.

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