
Chapter 499 Someone always takes the lead first

Lin Feng is not the only one who feels the pressure from the SSK team's record in the new season.

To be even more realistic, the current decisive battle - Battle is just a rookie team in the LSPL League A. There is more than one or two levels between them and the world's strongest team like SSK, so for the current decisive battle As for the team, they can be wary because SSK has once again demonstrated its terrifying dominance, but there is no need to worry too much for the time being.

But the top first-line professional teams in each major competition area are under far greater pressure.

For example, Seaso in North America


European Lege

d and MLG.

There are also KG, Hayashi and God-God's Hand in the Chinese LPL division.

Wait for the team.

These are originally the top giants in their respective regions, and they are also old opponents who have faced off against SSK more than once in the World Championship.

Now that the new season has begun, they are each working hard and training non-stop in their own division leagues. Of course, they have also achieved outstanding results and a gratifying upward momentum of progress——

But after learning about the situation in South Korea's LCK division and the astonishing thirteen-game winning streak of the SSK team.

Then again.

A new wake-up call for them all.

They were making progress, trying to catch up with the team on the top of the mountain.

But the team that is already firmly on the throne, after clearly winning last year's World Championship trophy and winning the title again, still shows no signs of slackening or fluctuations in form.

Still stable and at an even more alarming speed, it continues to climb to higher places.

"If this continues, we won't have to play in the World Championships in the future."

During a daily meeting within the God Club, Huangxue Yege slapped the table:

“At that time, don’t talk about who has the chance to unseat SSK.


"SSK is the only team that occupies the absolute leading position in the first echelon. Teams like ours will only be relegated to the second echelon if they are exhausted."

This kind of thing...

For members of the top wealthy team in their own division, they all have their own pride, so it is naturally impossible to allow it.

What's more, they had already made a promise to themselves and to countless fans in the entire national server before the start of this year's season.

This year.

To get back everything that has been lost.

Let’s not forget——

The significance and importance of this year's season include more than one S Series World Finals. In the near future, starting with the MSI Mid-Season Invitational, there will be a large number of world-class events being held continuously.

For these professional teams in the national LPL, every next battle cannot be lost easily.


What will be related and affected is the future blueprint and interests of the entire national server professional e-sports industry.

"SSK is very strong."

"We should know this better than anyone else."

"But just because of this, we have more responsibility and obligation than anyone else to bear this pressure."

"If the sky falls, the taller man must bear it first."

“We’re this tall guy now.”

At the end of this meeting, it was the God Club’s general manager who rarely attended in person. He glanced at everyone in the meeting room and slowly said these final words:

"It doesn't matter whether I can withstand it or not in the end."

"But at least-"

"I can hold on for a little longer, just a little while."

Behind him are millions of fans in the entire LPL, which is the most critical future blueprint for the national server.

Then there is no way to retreat.

Gritting your teeth, you have to bear it down first.

In the conference room, all the members of the God team looked solemn and agreed with a bang!

Time is indeed getting tighter.

The day is getting closer.

At the moment, it seems that the new season has only just started for about two months, and the professional teams in each major region are still focusing on competition within their own regions.

But people who know the truth know very well——

The current fierce competition is actually not fierce at all.

Or even just the intensive preparation stage before the arrival of a more violent storm.

It's the "calm" before the storm.

Just like Lin Feng has never forgotten the document that Senior No. 1 showed him.

The nine motions on that document, and the nine truly heavyweight international events represented by the nine motions.

That's the highlight of this year's season.

But the curtain is still slightly closed for now.

In more than a month and two months, when we enter the end of May, when this year's MSI Mid-Season Invitational begins, it will mean that the curtain of this entire year's drama will officially begin.

"Of course, in the short term, these events have nothing to do with you."

When he recently came over to inspect the training status of the five members of the decisive team, No. 1 said this to Lin Feng:

"Others will go up first."

Lin Feng nodded.

He knows that this is an objective fact that cannot be changed. No matter how perfect the performance of the decisive team he leads in the LSPL league can affect the outcome.

For example, only six teams are eligible to participate in the MSI Mid-Season Invitational.

The six teams will come from the six major regions, Europe, North America, South Korea, Chinese server, Taiwan server and wild card.

The rigid condition stipulated is that the six teams must be the champions of the spring competition in each major region.

In the Chinese LPL division, although the current spring regular season competition is extremely fierce, if nothing else happens, the final spring championship will most likely fall into the hands of God-God's Hand team.

It is true that today's God team is still undoubtedly the strongest in the national server.

Only if they play can they be qualified to compete with the spring champions of other major regions in this year's MSI Invitational.

"It's going to be hard."

Lin Feng looked at No. 1.

Although the current strength of God-God's Hand has reached an unprecedented peak, it is also capable of defeating the top teams from the Taiwanese server, European and American divisions, but after all, the real boss is still the team from the LCK.

There is no other suspense. The champion of this year's LCK Spring Split can only be SSK.

Although nearly half a year has passed——

Let God-God's Hand and SSK face off again in the MSI Invitational Tournament, and the odds of winning are still worrying.

No. 1 smiled and patted Lin Feng on the shoulder:

"I said, these things are not something you need to worry about for the time being."

"Before it's your actual turn to play—"

"Others, someone will always resist first."

Speaking of this, No. 1 paused and added lightly:


"Including me."

Just these last four words were enough to give Lin Feng the most powerful reassurance.

Before leaving, No. 1 left another document for Lin Feng:

"Look back and see for yourself."

"I put things together specially for you."

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