
Chapter 493 Everyone, wait for me

The three consecutive losses in the last three games of the first round of the regular season were actually well-founded.

In two of them, the finals were lost to Jiutian and Junlin teams respectively.

They are the other two rookie teams that came to the LSPL at the same time this year. Although they are newcomers, both Nine Days and King's Land have actually shown amazing performances in the first round of the regular season of their respective new seasons.

They had records of 11 wins and 6 losses and 12 wins and 5 losses respectively.

In the first round standings, it ranked in the upper echelon of the seventeen LSPL professional teams.

Without the existence of this year's most powerful dark horse, the decisive team, the performance of these two teams would have been enough to be rated as the most noteworthy rookies by the domestic e-sports media.

It does make sense that the decisive team suffered a defeat at the hands of these two teams.

In addition, in the final game that was lost, although the opponent was a veteran team, the more important reason for the defeat was actually that on the day of the game, a member of the winning team was unwell and was unable to perform. It was not as good as it should have been, and it also affected the team's rhythm. It was a pity that they gave up a victory.

But each of the three games was a stalemate that lasted for more than thirty minutes in the late stages.

Even if the decisive team loses, their performance is still remarkable.


There are also some more secret details, but only a few people can understand and feel them.

For example, although the decisive team won a victory, neither Jiutian nor King's Land showed much joy after the game. When they were interviewed by the e-sports media and received congratulations after the game, , the response attitude also seemed a bit perfunctory and careless.

Passers-by with good ears heard the players from the two teams discussing in private backstage as they were preparing to leave:

"That's not quite right..."

“It didn’t feel like a game where the decider was going to be played.”

"Do you feel that way too?"

"Anyway, it's different from the previous training and sparring. I can't tell what has changed...but it feels like it has changed."

"It seems...are they practicing something new?"

"I feel so too--"

Perhaps teams like Jiutian and Junlin that have played training matches with the decisive team before, and are familiar with the latter's strength and style, will have some doubts and speculations about the opponent's unexpected performance.

But more people only look at one result.

What they saw and cared about was the fact that the decisive team had lost three games in a row after winning fourteen games in a row.

Some senior people in the circle are beginning to feel satisfied:

This is right!

Is there any rookie team in the world that does not have a rookie threshold after entering the professional league?

It was so magical and mysterious before, but in the end, isn't this a collision?

And there are more malicious people, with the emergence of these three consecutive defeats, they quickly gathered around like hyenas smelling the fishy smell of corpses, and once again made their strange voices on the Internet:

"What's going on? Our talented rookie dark horse, isn't he going to continue to create miracles along the way?"

"I'm still waiting to see the new winning streak of LSPL."

"Is this going to stop?"

“Who has said before that our decisive team is the next LCK Mi

From Team X? "

"Tsk tsk...if this is really Mi

Team x should have won the first round directly, right? "

“No way, no way, no one really thinks that the winning team can be compared to South Korea’s Mi

Team x, right? "

"You made me laugh, is that all?"

"Is this worthy of your bragging?"

"I understand, this is the legendary arrogant soldier who must be defeated. He just won fourteen consecutive victories and then he floated to the sky. Tsk tsk tsk, retribution comes so quickly."

"Where are the fans of the finals? Pretending to be mute and not speaking? Huh?"

In their view, the original flattery plan had already had an effect.

This so-called unprecedented dark horse rookie in LSPL has fallen heavily from the sky, so now is the best time to add insult to injury.

Except for those who take pleasure in others' misfortunes and are full of malicious intent.

There are also people who are genuinely worried.

After Chu Fangnan learned about the decisive team's three-game losing streak, he hurriedly called No. 1 to inquire about the situation. He also hoped that as a senior division commander, No. 1 could give more help to the members of the decisive team. Provide comfort, encouragement and guidance, and do not want several young and talented players to be affected by such public opinion from the outside world.

However, Number 1 dismissed Chu Fangnan's thoughts with just a few words:

"It's out of the way."

"Let those guys outside make trouble as they please."

After hanging up the phone, No. 1, accompanied by No. 5, pulled out the video of the winning team's latest three consecutive losing games, glanced at it briefly, raised his eyebrows, and made a simple comment:

"A few brats."

"But I'm starting to adjust my rhythm."


Number 5 next to him smiled:


"You should praise them."

Not just domestically.

In other major competition areas abroad, many people from many teams and clubs have also paid close attention to the situation and news reports of the Chinese LSPL league.

Seoul, South Korea, Mi

x club base.

After carefully studying and watching the winning videos of several decisive games and watching the last two losses, Fly, as the core ace mid laner of the team, had a baffling look on his face:

"Are those LSPL e-sports media idiots?"

"Are they really unable to see it or are they just pretending to be stupid?"

While making such an evaluation, this talented Korean mid laner who had already made a sensation with his personal skills in last year's World Finals and was almost considered to be the next most promising to reach the realm of the Four Emperors looked at the game video on his mobile phone. , frowned:


"These IDs, and the playing styles of these guys...why do they seem familiar?"

The team's core ace top laner The-Swo is sitting on another e-sports chair not far away.

d glanced over calmly:


"I met him during the S competition training match."

After such a reminder, Fly seemed to suddenly wake up and sat up straight from the back of his chair, with a bright light in his eyes:

"Is it that guy!?"

There are also more old friends and rivals of someone who have also watched the videos of the losing streak of the three decisive games.

After watching it, he shook his head and turned off the playback interface.

No more delving into it.

Because there is no need to worry at all.

The ones who really worry about the least are the members of the winning team.

It seems that he doesn't care at all about the pressure from outside public opinion, malicious ridicule, or even his recent three-game losing streak.

The status remains.

The complexion remains the same.

They were still talking and laughing when they walked off the field.

Including someone who is the captain, when being interviewed by many e-sports media reporters, he just scratched his head:

"Oh, really, we lost three times in a row..."

"We didn't remember that."

In response to the relentless questioning from the media about his thoughts on the three-game losing streak, someone still downplayed:

"well enough."

"There are always winners and losers in games. Recently, everyone on the team has also been adjusting their status."

It was not until the end, when the reporter asked the last question and asked him as the captain to say a word in front of the camera, that he finally seemed to be a little serious.

Lift your head and look at the camera.


He laughed and waved:


"wait for me."

This seems to be the end of the first round of the regular season for the decisive team.

Then, the second round of the regular season.

Decisive victory-Battle won seventeen consecutive victories.

Sweeping the LSPL.

Shocking the national service.

Without further ado, tonight’s finals, cheers for SN, hoping to win three consecutive championships for the national server.

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