
Chapter 492 The end of the winning streak?

In fact, it has been swept.

Even in the first round of the regular season, there are still four BO1 games left for the decisive team, and there is still some suspense about the outcome.

But in fact, entering the LSPL professional league as a rookie team and winning 13 consecutive games from the first game, just the results of such a record are enough to shock and move everyone——

This is an unprecedented new team in the history of professional e-sports competitions in the national server.

It is a terrifying dark horse that has not encountered the so-called "newcomer threshold" at all.

Perhaps, the only team that has achieved this kind of achievement recently and whose performance in the rookie season can be compared to the amazing performance is South Korea's Mi

Team x.

That's the team with The-Swo

d and Fly, a Korean dark horse team with two talented rookies in the top lane and mid lane.

Also in last year's rookie season.

This team also made rapid progress in the Korean Secondary Professional League, defeating the entire league, and then advanced to the LCK League in one fell swoop. It went one step further and reached last year's World Finals.

Although in the end this dark horse rookie from the Korean Division failed to achieve very good results and go further in the finals.

But their performance in the finals has moved the whole world and left their mark in the history of the S-League.

at the moment--

As the first month of this new season comes to an end, the performance and achievements of the decisive team have begun to make various online media and netizens unable to help but compare it to Mi


"The dark horse of LSPL may be the next Korean Mi

x? 》

"Perhaps we finally no longer need to envy the endless stream of talented teams under the Korean e-sports system. 》

"Intuitive comparison! The decisive team and Mi

Statistical analysis of team x’s first-round record in their respective rookie seasons! 》

There are also many good people,

Based on this, I started to make more associations and made more heart-warming remarks in the Tieba forum:

"It's reasonable... I'm Mi

Team "

"Official commentators and commentators from each major competition area have also made predictions. As long as these two have more time and more training in competitions, they will definitely be qualified to become one of the four emperors."

"Now we have a decisive team in LSPL."

"Could it be that the future Seven Kings and Four Emperors are also in this decisive battle!?"

"Actually, there is some malicious touting in it."

When such hot public opinions appeared on the Internet, at the God Club training base, a group of God players finished their daily training and sat on the sofa in the living room to rest and chat. Dawn Morning Star frowned and gave his own evaluation.

The God team members next to them nodded one after another, showing signs of approval.

As senior professional e-sports players who have been in the e-sports circle for so many years, they are actually particularly sensitive to this kind of online public opinion atmosphere. They are also more sensitive than newcomers who fly into the sky as soon as they hear two or three words of praise. Grasp the information behind these public opinions and rhetoric.

Everyone online is wearing a vest, and it’s hard to tell good from bad at a glance.

Some people's compliments may come from sincerity.

But others...

The lotus flowers on your lips will praise you to the heavens, but what you carry in your heart are vicious and sneaky thoughts.

Huangxue Yege showed a look of disgust on his face:

"This is……"

"I want to praise him and kill him."

The original voices of malicious ridicule and gloating waiting to see a joke were abruptly wiped out with the decisive team's thirteen-game winning streak.

But those little ones hiding in the darkness had no intention of keeping their mouths shut.

Instead, he switched to another strategy.

No more ridicule.

Instead the hype started.

It seems that I can't wait to hold you up to the sky, and then wait for the moment when you fall heavily from the sky.

The higher you hold it, the more painful it will be when it falls, and once it falls, it is destined to be a darker and never-ending situation.

"Are the current national uniforms so dirty?"

At Hayashi Club's training base, Shi Hang couldn't help but curse.

"It's not just that."

In the Electric Power Association branch building in Shanghai, Chu Fangnan, who was sitting on the sofa in the president's office, also frowned. He was holding a tablet in his hand, and an electronic document record and summary was open on the screen. Report:

"It is normal for the e-sports media in the national server to take notice and make trouble."

"But this time the noise was so loud that something was wrong."

"In just the first round of the LSPL Professional League's first regular season, even if a rookie team achieves thirteen consecutive victories, it will only cause a stir in a small area in the national server."

"But now it looks like—"

"E-sports media from Europe, South Korea, and various external networks have also paid attention to it."

“It’s being reported in big words, big pages, and big sections.”

"The routine is exactly the same as that used by the domestic media."

In front of the president's desk, Fang Hao smiled:

"You can guess it."

"Some people in Europe and South Korea don't appreciate our kindness."

"The new season has not yet reached the stage of formal close combat, but their offensive has already begun."

There was a hint of coldness in the meaningful tone, like a sword being drawn out of its sheath.

Chu Fangnan raised his head and looked at his president sitting opposite, with a solemn expression:

"How about... let's put some pressure on it."


The high-rise suite of the hotel, in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows with the same view.

Number One's voice was leisurely and calm.

“The more slander you can withstand, the more praise you can bear.”

"The next step that boy is going to take is an unprecedented road. If he can't even withstand this little test -"

"Then it's inevitable that other people underestimated him."

The decisive team is the fourteenth game of the first round of the LSPL league.

Win again.

Pushing his winning streak one step further, it once again made the whole network hotly debated.

There are only three final steps away from the unprecedented first-round provincial Grand Slam. At this moment, almost everyone is looking forward to the birth of a new national record.

However, just after this game——

Everything seemed to have changed dramatically.

In the fifteenth game, after thirty-six minutes of fierce fighting, the final winning team unfortunately lost.

Amid the huge uproar and lamentation throughout the national server, the winning team's winning streak came to an end.

And the sixteenth and seventeenth games that followed——

Under the gaze of unbelievable commotion and exclamations, as well as eyes that concealed malicious joy.

Defeated one after another.

After fourteen consecutive victories, the decisive team suffered an unexpected and painful three-game losing streak in the first round of the new regular season.

The rainbow-like momentum seemed to come to an abrupt end.

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