
Chapter 388 Forced formation and 4 guarantees 1

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Through the thick building walls, you can still faintly hear the muffled thunder roaring in the sky outside the museum.

Inside the venue, the atmosphere continued to heat up and boil.

LSPL selects the last group of BO5 in the top 16 and enters the fourth game of BP.

In the first three games, the score of the two decisive teams was 2-1, with Modu temporarily taking the lead and winning two match points.

But the final victory or defeat belongs to...

Still unpredictable!

To be honest, even though the Magic City decisive team won the third game just now, if it weren’t for the purple ADC Vayne who stood up and created a miracle in the last critical dragon team battle, then the victory should have belonged to Xiacheng decisive team.

Even if you lose——

But in the third game, Blue Fangxia City's decisive performance left a deep impression on all the commentators and spectators in the entire competition venue.

That set is a strong opening.

That hand honors Executioner Draven!

Especially for Draven, the consecutive selections in the second and third games were almost two textbook-level demonstrations.

From laning to team battles, the Glory Executioner’s unparalleled domineering demeanor and aggressive aggressiveness have been fully utilized to the extreme!

Vayne certainly had the last laugh.

But it's still hard to conceal Delevingne's dazzling edge on the court!

"Okay, BP in the fourth round!"

Lao Hei on the commentary desk was full of energy: "Let's take a look, this time, will the Magic City Finals team, which chooses the side on the blue side, consider banning Draven?"

In the first three games of BO5, the tactical decisions of both teams in terms of BP seem to be difficult to evaluate and describe using common sense.

It was as if both sides knew the details of each other's opponents, but chose not to take any action against them.

It's like it was done on purpose.

All restrictions are removed, and the opponent is calmly and generously allowed to come up with the lineup that best suits him without any constraints.


Spread each other's arms and legs,

Give it your all.

Six successive bans were used up in alternating rounds between blue and purple.

Unexpectedly and within reason, both teams still did not make any specific personal moves against their opponents during the ban selection and banning phase in the fourth game.



The two ADC heroes who shocked the entire competition venue in the previous game were once again generously released and continue to be displayed in the hero list for selection at any time.

As a result, the audience in the audience once again became commotion, and many voices even sounded:

"Vayne! Vayne!"

"Draven! Another Draven!!"

I didn’t enjoy watching the last one.

For the ordinary players and spectators in the audience, they are extremely looking forward to seeing another duel between Vayne and Draven.

Whether Delevingne can continue to show that terrifying dominance.

Can Vayne be able to perform the miracle of harvesting by bypassing the back again for them?

Is it just luck?

Or, it is really a display of hard power without any water!

The blue side's first move, the light in the hero selection box on the first floor quickly lit up, and Blade Will Irelia directly confirmed the lock.

"Choose the blue side, Sword Girl!"

At the commentary desk, Su Xue announced loudly.

Although the audience in the audience regretted not being able to see the hero selections of the ADC players on both sides for the first time, they still cheered and applauded warmly.

Lao Hei, who was sitting next to Su Xue, touched his chin:

"Sword girl..."

"In this move, do you plan to play the mid lane or the top lane in the Magic City Finals?"

The current version of Blade Will can be used as a swing position, which can be mid or top. For example, in the third game that just ended, the Xiacheng decisive team that selected Blade Girl to play placed her in the mid lane position.

The audience at the scene also talked a lot and kept guessing.

In the back corner of the auditorium, players from the three LPL teams came to the conclusion directly without any effort:


"If Miss Tangtang is not good at this move, she must be the top orderer."

"Tsk, Lao Chen's sword sister...is quite capable."

After countless training sessions with the Magic City Finals team, the players from the three LPL teams are already very familiar with every member of the former team.

Naturally, I have seen with my own eyes, and even experienced it personally, the power of Chen Ting's sword girl as the top laner in the decisive victory in the magic city.

"The level of Lao Chen's other top lane heroes may be a little behind."

"But when it comes to Dao Sister—"

Shi Hang paused, smacked his lips, and gave an objective evaluation:

"It's said to be at the LPL level, so it's basically gone."

Tian Tian, ​​who was sitting next to him, also nodded in approval:


"His sword girl plays really well."

Such words, spoken by the current No. 1 top laner in the national server, are even more authoritative and weighty. In the previous battles between Magic City and KG, Chen Ting was very good in the top lane matchup in most cases. It is difficult to compete with Tian Tian.

But every time I take out Dao Mei, I can compete head-on with Tian Tian without falling behind in the line-up.

On the field, in the ban selection screen on the big screen, the blue and purple teams alternated selections almost quickly.

The light in each hero selection box lights up.

Each hero quickly confirmed the lock.

This was accompanied by bursts of uproar, commotion and exclamations from the audience.

Even in the end, the entire competition venue couldn't help but start boiling with excitement again.


The lineups of both blue and purple sides have been completely confirmed.

The blue side, the decisive victory in the magic city, top laner Dao Mei, mid laner Rambo, jungle prince, ADC Varus, and assistant Japanese girl.

Purple side, Xiacheng wins, top laner Gnar, mid laner Lulu, playing wild boar girl, ADC wheel mother, auxiliary fan mother.

On the commentary stage, the three commentators couldn't help but feel slightly dazed:

"This lineup..."

Under the stage, in the front row of the auditorium, other players and members of the LSPL's top 16 teams subconsciously gasped:

"Everything, everything has changed!"

On the Junlin team, several members were dumbfounded. After being stunned for a while, Overlord quickly came to his senses and laughed:

"Holy shit!"

"Interesting! It's getting more and more interesting!"

"This one... is more fun than the last one!!"

For the ordinary players and spectators at the scene, it was disappointing and regrettable that in the fourth game of BO5, the ADC players of both teams on the field clearly did not choose Vayne and Draven when they were released again. Any one of them continues to fight.


Each of them has been replaced by a new AD hero that has not been used in the first three games.


Apart from this slight feeling of regret and disappointment.

The lineup of both teams still gave everyone a huge unexpected impact!

"Both sides have completely changed their identities!"

At the commentary desk, after He Tu came back to his senses, he couldn't help but exclaimed:

"The blue side's Magic City decisive battle has been replaced by a forced opening formation!"

"This time... I need to directly use a strong and active attack style!"


It seems that they have learned from the experience and lessons of the previous game. The purple team's lineup in the last Magic City Decisive Team was a semi-poke system and lacked the strong enough ability to start a team head-on. This game directly eliminated this flaw. Make up!

The jungle prince, the top laner Dao Mei, the mid laner Rambo, and the bottom laner Verusgari.

It is almost a fighting lineup that is full of violence and strength in the early and mid-term from laning to team fights!

Compared with the strong opening formation used by my opponent Xiacheng in the last round...

It’s simply worse than anything else!

Su Xue's eyes fell on the purple side of the big screen watching the battle, suppressing the shock in her heart:

"Purple side's Xiacheng decisive victory——"

"This time, it was actually replaced by a late-stage development lineup!"

"Four guarantees and one!"

The first three ADs were Lucian, Draven, and Draven. Everyone originally thought that the Xiacheng decisive team in the fourth game would continue to maintain this strong offensive style of play.

Unexpectedly, in this round, the ADC hero of the purple side was directly replaced by Sivir, the goddess of war.

The output of a late big C.


Echoing the selection of this ADC wheel mother, the remaining Nakano Suke, Lulu, Fan Mother, and Pig Girl Canal are immediately obvious to people almost the moment they are selected.

This is four guarantees and one!

A pure four-guarantee-one system that maintains a late-stage AD core!

In the back corner of the auditorium, the players from the three LPL teams could not help but be moved at the same time:

"Four guarantees and one!"

"Now... I'm really awesome!"

Shi Hang was stunned:

"Fuck, is this okay?"

The shadow puppet murmured: "This... the two lineups collided again."

On one side is a forced formation.

On the other side are four guarantees and one.

The only goal of a forced formation is to reach the opponent's only large output core. As long as you focus the fire and remove the wheel mother in seconds, you can almost guarantee the victory of the team battle; and the only task of the four-guarantee-one lineup is to gather all the team's manpower. Focus on maintaining the development of your own AD core and the space for team battle output——

As long as the wheel doesn't fall over.

It can deal all the damage to the entire team.

A war of spears and shields.

The prologue seems to have slowly begun, but I don't know whether the spear can break the shield or whether the shield breaks the spear.

Shi Hang suddenly hesitated:

"Speaking of which... is it reliable for Mu Qiu to choose a late-stage AD?"

Here comes the update. There will be no third update today. I have to go to bed early at night and go out early tomorrow morning. .

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