
Chapter 387 Coming at full speed

The last group of BO5 has been eliminated in the top 16 of the LSPL selection, and the schedule is already halfway through.

At the end of the three games, the score was 2-1, with the Magic City decisive team taking the lead and holding two match points.

As the opponent, the Xiacheng decisive team was temporarily behind, but the tenacious style and excellent strength displayed in the first three games also shocked all the spectators in the entire competition venue——

Especially the AD named Mu Qiu.

Similarly, for the spectators in today's competition venue, every time this group of BO5 watches one more game, they will feel more satisfied and happy.


This is called blood profit!

It was only the ticket price for the LSPL trials, but it felt like what I was seeing was a top-level battle at the world championship level.

There are various peak operation battles, various professional-level perfect operations, as well as ups and downs of the plot, and even epic comebacks.

This makes people even more excited. There are still two games to come. What kind of surprises or greater visual feast will the two teams on the field bring them.


There may be only one game left.

But the majority of the audience sincerely hope that this group of BO5 can play five games.


Can’t get enough!

"To be honest, in fact, the performance of both teams so far has been perfect."

He Tu on the commentary stage commented like this, without concealing his praise:

"Especially if we only use the standards of passerby teams to measure, then no matter which team on the field wins, it has far exceeded the upper limit of this standard."

"Although it cannot be said that they have fully developed the mature and rigorous system of a professional team, but at least..."

"If a second- and third-tier professional team were to play this BO5, I think it would be difficult for them to gain any benefit from either of these two decisive teams."

"About this,

I think Axue should have a say. What do you think, Axue? "

Su Xue, who was sitting next to He Tu, had also adjusted her mood at this moment. When she heard the questions thrown to her by her colleagues, she nodded immediately without thinking;

"That's right."

"Although it has not been too long since I have been commentating on the LSPL league, objectively speaking, the current state and performance of the two teams on the field today are comparable to more than a dozen teams in the LSPL division. There are probably many of them. It’s hard to find someone who can say that he can take it steadily.”

Lao Hei burst into laughter upon hearing this:

"If nothing else, let's take an example as a reference."

"There are more than ten teams in the entire LSPL region. Which one can guarantee that it can handle it if it encounters Draven like that just now?"

This statement seems to slightly underestimate the suspicion of the LSPL professional team.

But the audience in the auditorium nodded vigorously.

As an audience of ordinary players, their position is the most fair. At least the pressure shown by the Honorable Executioner Draven just now, the true carry harvesting and dominance of the ADC, they have seen so many games before. Live broadcast has only been seen by a few of the top professional ADC players.

There is still a big gap between second- and third-rate professional teams and real first-tier and even world-class professional teams.

There has been such an example in the national server professional circle before——

A certain ADC player who was only an average player in the LPL league, after being transferred to the second team in the LSPL division by his club, immediately transformed into a devil-level presence in the entire LSPL, leading his club's second team in the LSPL. There are all kinds of killings in the league.

As for the ADC of the Xiacheng decisive team just now, even if he is still far behind the top professional AD players, if he is only compared with the second- and third-rate professional AD players, he will definitely be a surefire winner. There is nothing to say!

Not to mention, the AD who faced off against Draven on the Magic City Finals team.

Such a terrible Draven...

Unexpectedly, with one hand of Vayne, he was forced to take him away in one wave, and turned the tables against the odds.

Simply more awesome!

So at this moment, the audience in the audience couldn't help but started to talk enthusiastically and excitedly about whether the two ADC players on the field would become famous all of a sudden if they entered the LSPL league, and even have unlimited future prospects. One day I will truly become a shining star in the world's top arena.


These simple ordinary players, no matter how they use their bold ideas, would never imagine that the two newcomers they are discussing at the moment who "have the opportunity to reach the top of their careers in the future" are actually among those who are really In the eyes of top professional players...

Already, standing at the top.

"To be honest -"

On the commentary table, Lao Hei touched his chin and said:

"Although so far, we can't really predict who will advance and who will be eliminated in this round of BO5, but in fact, I think it is no longer important."

"The state and level of performance of the two teams in the first three games alone have provided us and all the spectators present with the most perfect visual feast. The players of both teams have also proven themselves."

"To be hypocritical, in the end, regardless of winning or losing, in my opinion, both teams are actually winners."

Indeed, just as Lao Hei himself commented, if these words were used in other situations and fell into people's ears, they would probably be evaluated as "hypocritical" and "taiwan balm".

But it was only at this moment, in such an occasion and context, that it elicited another burst of approving nods from the audience.

That's right.

Regardless of victory or defeat.

The performance of both teams has conquered the hearts of the audience and won their respect.

Even if the winner is determined in the end and one of the two teams is eliminated and defeated, it will not affect the love of the audience.

In the front row of the auditorium, the players and members of other participating teams in the top 16 have more ideas——

They also recognized the comments made by the commentators on stage.

However, the angle is more utilitarian.

To put it bluntly, everyone participating in this LSPL trial is hoping that through this opportunity, they can enter the professional e-sports circle, become a blockbuster, and start a more glorious future e-sports career.

As for this group of BO5, the performance of the two "decisive" teams, especially the operations of the ADC players on both sides, has shocked everyone.

It is inevitable that through the live broadcast, countless people in the country, and even countless headhunters and managers of professional teams and clubs who pay attention to the game, have seen it.

This level of Vayne.

This level of Draven.

Taken out directly, it is almost enough to establish a firm foothold in the professional arena, and even hope to become a star player in one fell swoop.

Even if they are eliminated in today's selection, whether Vayne or Draven, the ADC players of the two teams will definitely get the attention and even invitations and recruitment from major domestic professional teams and clubs after the game.

So, the outcome of such a BO5 game is indeed not that important.


While most people had this idea, the players from the three LPL companies in the back row corners of the auditorium did not see it that way.

Dawn Morning Star, Huangxue Yege, Shi Hang, and Tian Tian looked at each other.

Each can see what the other is thinking.


Perhaps in the eyes of most people, the final outcome of this BO5 match is irrelevant.

But these few people who know the truth are very clear in their hearts:

For the two protagonists on stage...

This time the matchup is a matchup.


It's just about winning or losing.

Moreover, it is all about deciding the outcome.

The short break ended quickly.

At the commentary desk, He Tu cheered up and spoke loudly into the microphone:

"Okay, then let's continue the game!"

"LSPL selects the final group of 16 BO5, and the fourth game has officially begun!"

For a moment.

The ban selection screen lights up on the big screen watching the battle.

The entire competition venue was once again in a commotion, with whistles, applause and cheers ringing out like a frying pan!

On the stage, in the respective competition rooms of the two teams, Lin Feng and Mu Qiu, who were sitting in the ADC seats, almost invariably straightened their bodies again, looking forward across their seats as if inadvertently.

Then, they meet again in mid-air.


It seemed like it was on fire at the touch of a button.


(Come and fight!)

Outside the competition venue, under the dim sky, there was a sudden thunder in the clouds.

Then heavy rain came down.

On the street, a taxi with the red light sign "Carrying Passengers" on was driving quickly, splashing water on the road, and was speeding towards the competition venue.

The update is here. The next chapter will be before 12 o'clock. I have to go on a business trip again tomorrow morning. I feel so excited.

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