
Chapter 385 Crazy

To be honest, just before Vayne killed Draven, almost the vast majority of the audience in the entire competition venue had not had time to find Vayne on the mini-map.

And the few people who were lucky enough to see Vayne's body movements were immediately caught by the stunning operation between the two ADC heroes that suddenly entered a fight to the death. They were shocked and amazed by the ADC players on both sides. With uncanny reflexes and hand speed, there is no time to think about anything else.

Wait until Vayne kills Draven, followed by the harvest in the second half of the team battle.

Vayne's quad kill, explosive carry.

It wasn't until now, when the purple side's Magic City decisive team took advantage of the trend and turned directly to the middle to prepare a wave of direct access to the opponent's base crystals, that people finally slowly came back to their senses and had the mind to consider other issues.

There is of course no suspense at this point in this game.

In the crucial baron team battle just now, the one who played a decisive role was naturally the purple side's ADC Vayne, who entered the field behind the scenes.

If Vayne hadn't gone around and killed Draven alone, then this wave of team battles would have been almost destined to be won by the Xiacheng decisive team on the blue side.

Vayne is the biggest contributor.

To be precise, this unexpected back-and-forth maneuver that surprised everyone was the decisive factor in the team battle and even the entire game's comeback.


The words will come back.

How did Vayne do it?

How was it possible to achieve such a detour, and when and how was it possible for one person to reach such a tricky position without making any noise?

"Director, it's playback! Playback!!"

The old black guy on the commentary desk couldn't help but start slapping the table to urge him.

Not just a few commentators, but even in the back corner of the auditorium, the players and team members of the three LPL companies had vague guesses about certain possibilities, but they were also eagerly looking forward to the replays being broadcast to help them confirm their conjectures.

Not to mention that all the players and spectators at the scene are eagerly waiting for it.


Under the spotlight.

The replay video is shown on the big screen for watching the game.

The director is indeed professional and understands the thoughts and needs of the audience very well. The replay video he gave, from the very beginning, directly gives the camera perspective to the key protagonist in winning this wave of team battles.

Therefore, the starting point of the replay is not the moment when Vayne opens her Q and cuts Draven.

Instead, it was pushed forward for a full eight seconds.

It was Vayne, the ADC of the purple side, who had just finished pushing a wave of troops in the middle lane, and then quietly passed through the narrow passage under the grass on the left side of the river mouth in the middle lane.

After a few steps.

He came to the protrusion in the blind spot outside the wall of the opponent's blue buff jungle area.

The jungle excavator on the purple side also arrived at the ambush camp one second earlier.

Just seeing this, the audience could not help but shout in commotion.

On the commentary stage, Lao Hei also woke up in shock:


"Wayne was in this position just now?"


However, compared to her jungler teammate's position, Vayne's figure is further down.

Therefore, when the blue jungler prince walked forward a few seconds later and saw the figure of the purple jungler excavator hiding in the corner, he did not see Vayne's figure hiding deeper in the shadows. .

"Vayne should have originally wanted to bypass a queen——"

He Tu, who was sitting next to Lao Hei, quickly gave an analysis: "Try to directly bypass the opponent's blue buff jungle area, and then go around and enter the field with a single cut."

But as he spoke, he couldn't help but frown:

"But that's not right."

"It would take too much time to go around like this, at least seven or eight seconds. It would be too late."

Indeed, because everyone knew it, just a second or two later, the prince came up and saw the position of the excavator, and the excavator also took the initiative to take the initiative, detonating this wave of team battles - and then Vayne at the back went around and cut Draven single-handedly, with the gap between them being no more than three or four seconds at most.

Three or four seconds was simply not enough for Vayne to complete such a long-distance detour plan.

In the back corner of the auditorium, the players from the three LPL teams were also confused. Suddenly, Shi Hang seemed to have thought of something, and his expression changed:


"Could it be——"

The playback screen in the camera continues.

As analyzed and told by the commentary, after just one or two seconds, the prince discovered the location of the excavator, and the excavator took the initiative to force it open, and the team battle began.

But at this moment, no one paid attention to the frontal battlefield where the team battle broke out in the replay screen. The eyes of all the spectators in the entire competition venue were focused on Vayne alone.


They saw it.

When the team battle broke out, when the excavator forced the prince, several heroes from the purple side launched a frontal attack under the acceleration of all the shields of the auxiliary fan mother RE, and the blue side quickly stabilized their feet and prepared to launch a counterattack— —

At the outermost edge of the battlefield that no one had ever noticed before.

The blue square lower half wild area.

A golden glow quietly lit up.

The figure of the night hunter flashed and moved through the wall.

In this way, he walked around to the last row of the opponent's blue formation.

Turn it up.

Answer Q.

Enter stealth mode.

Then, there was the kill of the single Che Delevingne, and the subsequent harvest.

The wonderful killing operation scenes that follow are enough to make any audience mesmerized even if they watch it again, but everyone's thoughts are no longer there.

The moment when I finally saw the truth and saw that tiny golden light.

The entire competition venue...

Completely shaken and boiling!

"Flash through the wall!"

At the commentary desk, Lao Hei could hardly contain his shock and suddenly slammed the table:

"Absolutely amazing!!"

"It's such a bold move... an extremely bold move!"

He Tu, who has the calmest personality, couldn't help but stare blankly and murmured: "No wonder, no wonder -"


No wonder Vayne was able to complete the back-circling in such a short period of time. No wonder no one expected this move.

Because no one has ever thought that in such a situation and at such a juncture, Vayne, the ADC on the disadvantaged side, would dare to make such a decisive and bold choice operation to the extreme!

Not enough time and too long a distance.

Just flash through the wall and solve all the problems!

The auditorium under the stage was completely shaken and boiling. In the front row of the top 16 teams, players from almost every team looked straight in the eyes, with monster-like expressions of horror on their faces:

"Crazy...this guy is really crazy!"

Probably only the dominant mid laner of Team Junlin was almost overjoyed at this moment, patting Yu Ping's shoulder hard beside him and laughing wildly:

"Did Lao Yu see it?"

"Don't say I was beaten crazy in the future!"

"That guy on stage... is even crazier than me!!"

Not crazy, not live.

An operation that almost no one dared to think of, was performed at that moment in someone's hands with almost no hesitation.


In one fell swoop, the entire game was won.

This is no longer madness.

But a miracle.

A miracle created by someone.

In the back corner of the auditorium, players from the three LPL teams gasped one after another. Even if they were very familiar with someone, seeing such a single-handed operation still gave them an indescribable shock.

Shi Hang murmured subconsciously:

"This guy... doesn't just gamble with his teammates to accompany him."

"You're just gambling on yourself!"

The shadow puppet swallowed: "Besides, I won the bet."

Huangxue Yege was silent for a long time, and finally spoke slowly: "I'm not as good as him."

It may be the first time to hear such words from the mouth of the now recognized No. 1 ADC in the Chinese server LPL. Even though I have competed and trained with someone countless times before, this ace AD ​​of God-Hand of God has never really expressed it. Be convinced in your position.

Until this moment.

The morning star patted the old friend beside him on the shoulder to comfort him:


"He is the mid laner after all. If we really compete, I should have a headache."

The corners of Huangxue Yege's mouth twitched:

"This doesn't sound very comforting..."

Hotel, high-rise suite.

Also, as the audience watched the entire team battle from Vayne's perspective through the director's replay, the reactions of No. 1 and No. 5 appeared to be more calm and calm.

Because when they watched the battle for the first time, they had discovered all of Vayne's actions and details in advance.

But the two legends of the last generation of the national server still showed admiration and admiration on their faces:

"That is, Xiao Feng, no one else would dare to do such an operation."

"Even if there is, I probably won't be as decisive as this guy - the opportunity only lasts for a second and a half. If you hesitate, you will miss it."

No. 5’s eyes fell on the live OB screen on the computer screen:


"It's almost match point."

Competition venue, live.

In the scene on the big screen watching the battle on the stage, accompanied by a burst of distorted light, the blue side's base crystal exploded with a bang, and the purple side's "Victory" emblem slowly rose.

BO5 third game.

The purple square magic city is decisive and won.

At this point, the current score is 1-2, and the decisive team in Magic City has won the match point.

Take the lead.

Pushing the opponent's Xiacheng decisive team into a desperate situation.

outside the venue.

The sky was getting dark, and dark clouds were gathering in the sky and approaching from a distance.

A muffled thunder rumbled in the clouds.

The update is coming, the third update should be around 12 o'clock, go away and continue typing.

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