
Chapter 384 A desperate comeback

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Everyone should thank the director for the replay.

Because without the invention of this game viewing system, most of the countless viewers in the live auditorium and even in the live broadcast room at that moment would have missed this epic and classic scene.

It was the ADC heroes of both blue and purple sides who suddenly entered a 1V1 fight to the death in the corner of the fierce and chaotic battlefield.

Vayne found the tricky angle with her uncanny skills.

Use the Q skill to sneak in and enter the battlefield behind.

Draw A to E.

The heavy crossbow of "Devil's Judgment" shot out with a bang, almost as fast as lightning, putting the opponent's Glory Executioner to death in a desperate situation.

The most extreme operational response made by Draven almost simultaneously.

Even when he was caught off guard, the E skills "Opening Axe" and "Flash" were still fired instantly one after another.

Try to counterattack.

The "Opening Axe" is thrown at Vayne in an attempt to repel the target and block it.

[Flash] Forcibly adjust the stance angle to avoid being knocked back and nailed to the wall by Vayne's E skill.

Vayne's mercury was controlled instantly, and she moved forward again smoothly without any hindrance.

The ADCs of both sides were extremely aggressive in attacking A.

There is also the critical hit damage triggered by the last holy silver crossbow bolt.

Complete finishing kill.

At the moment when the kill occurred, in fact, at least half of the spectators in the entire competition venue had not had time to react and were still foolishly paying attention to the situation on the front battlefield, or trying to look for it like headless chickens. The figure of purple side ADC Vayne.

Until the system female voice announced the kill.

The sound was shocking and followed by the "Shut-Down" that stirred the whole audience.

The first-person game screen on the computer screen suddenly turned into a black and white TV.

In my ears was the cold and ruthless prompt from the female voice of the system:

“You-have-been-(you have been killed).


Mu Qiu's eyes drooped slightly in the blue square ADC seat.

The hands on the mouse and keyboard finally stopped at this moment.

Because he knows.

This wave has already decided the outcome.


"Vayne goes around and kills Draven alone!!"

On the commentary stage, Lao Hei was so excited that he could hardly control his altered voice and shouted:

"Oh My God!"

"How did Vayne do this?!"

"Awesome!! A great comeback!!"

After a sudden moment of silence, the entire competition venue was once again plunged into an incredible uproar and tremors. For a moment, almost all the spectators couldn't help but stare and glance towards the rear of the left side of the battlefield——

Looking at the body of the glorious executioner who collapsed helplessly.

And the figure of the night hunter, who still had half of his health remaining and turned around calmly and slowly while holding a holy silver crossbow.


Everyone's brains were slightly dizzy and blank.

In the front row of the audience, the other players from the top 16 teams in the LSPL trials were also stunned.


How did this Vayne do it?

Yu Ping suddenly took a deep breath: "Absolutely awesome!"

It was not until this moment that the regret and unwillingness that lingered after losing in the National College League finally completely disappeared, replaced by a feeling of helpless relief and sincerity:


Defeated by the team led by this guy.

Losing is not unfair.

The Overlord's eyes were almost as bright as light bulbs, and he suddenly laughed wildly:


"This is called a fucking game!"

"This is the ultimate fucking showdown!"


Yes, it is difficult to use words to describe the true feelings of the audience at this moment when they suddenly received this information.

But it was like an electric current suddenly passed through his body, and he was trembling so hard that he could hardly control it.

Cold hair stood on end all over his body.

The cold air rushed directly to the top of my head.

Even in the back corner of the auditorium, the professional players from the three LPL companies all had similar feelings at this moment.

Like Lao C, Konjac, and most of the other team members, all of them, like Huang Xue Ye Ge, couldn't help but take off their masks and stand up from their seats, their faces flushed with excitement and excitement. fanaticism:

"Maple God..."

“It’s so amazing!!”

In North America, living alone.

Bullet in front of the computer looked at the live OB picture on the screen, looked at the purple square ADC Vayne, lowered his head and took a puff of cigarette, letting the smoke curl up in front of him:

Sure enough, he is the successor brought out by 001.

Just these two moments...

Indeed, I never embarrassed that guy 001.

The team battle in front of the Dalong Gorge in the river is still going on fiercely.

But for a few people, the moment they saw the blue side ADC Draven die, they almost saw the final outcome.

Xiacheng decisive victory...


In the end, the opponent's Glory Executioner was killed. The purple magic square on the field won the decisive victory over the team. Lin Feng controlled his ADC Vayne to quickly turn around and kill again amidst the surprise cheers in his team's voice channel. Enter the battle circle.

Although he no longer has any subsequent life-saving skills, his own health level is still less than half.

But enough.

Because the biggest threat to him from his opponent, the blue side, had been taken down by him in one fell swoop, while the remaining four had lost most of their control skills in the first wave of battles.


Now on the battlefield in the Dalong District.

No one else can stop his night hunter from harvesting.

The harvest begins here.

Vayne's figure continued to move back and forth in the battle circle flexibly like a ghost. One after another, the cold crossbow arrows soaked in holy silver pierced the air and pierced the bodies of each target.

Passive three rings that are triggered again and again.

The detonation really hurt.

Accompanying the system's female voice's announcement of the kill, a strange and elegant yet cold and eerie rhythm seemed to sound continuously:




Until the female voice of the system raised its tone to the highest and most exciting tone, and as the last remaining auxiliary of the Blue Fangxia City decisive team, the Dawn Goddess, collapsed, the female voice of the system finally announced:


It's a pity that Vayne didn't get the head in the end.

Let Kenan, the top laner on the purple side, confiscate the stopped A and take it away.

There was a huge sigh of relief in the audience. On the purple side of the stage, Chen Ting, who had mistakenly grabbed the five kills, blushed:

"Ahem, my, my, my..."

But, it doesn't matter anymore.

"The group is destroyed!"

On the commentary stage, Su Xue had regained her composure and sat back in her seat, but her face was still filled with excitement and joy:

"This wave... the purple side is completely victorious!!"

Hetu next to him sighed:

"When Draven fell, the blue side really lost its backbone. It was an expected ending—"


In fact, the blue team's forced opening lineup originally had a huge hidden danger.

That is, in their lineup, the core and key output point is only one Draven. Only Draven can make up for the damage and start harvesting. With the explosive damage of the two rotating axes, the opponent's flexible kite of the purple side can directly pull the lineup to the opponent. Completely broken.

However, once Draven was killed.

The blue team's lineup lacks the most critical continuous output point.

At this time, when the opponent's ace ADC Vayne steps forward, no one on the blue side can compete with it.

But originally this was not considered a "flaw" in the blue side's lineup.

Because Draven's survival is important, but the purple side's Magic City decisive team does not have any means that can directly threaten Draven.

No matter how you think about it, as both ADCs, the living environment of Glory Executioner in this game is far better than that of Night Hunter.

But who would have thought...

In this most critical wave of dragon team battles.

Draven, who was supposed to be the safest, was killed first.


Unexpectedly, the opponent's ADC Vayne on the purple side completed a single-player bypass.

"It's a wave."

At the commentary desk, He Tu looked at the OB picture on the big screen and made a firm judgment:

"The purple side will take down the team, so they don't need to open the Baron anymore."

"Go directly to the center line, you can do it in one wave!"

There was a commotion in the audience, and most of the players and audience members saw that the time was now more than thirty minutes, and it would take at least forty seconds for the hero to die and resurrect, and there was a wave of soldiers in the middle of the purple square. Already pressed into the opponent's second tower position——

There was absolutely no time to take advantage of the trend and win the game.

as expected.

Immediately after winning the team battle, mid laner Jace and top laner Kennen on the purple side of the river dragon zone had already activated [Teleport].

At the same time, it is passed to the middle line of troops.

Several other purple heroes also quickly turned around and rushed toward the middle.

The overall situation has been decided.

There is no possibility of any other unexpected comeback.

So in this game, the purple side's Magic City will be won decisively.

Looking at the OB picture on the big screen on the stage, people in the audience couldn't help but feel a little dazed, feeling unreal as if they were in a dream:

Is this... the end?

So sudden?

Immediately, some viewers came back to their senses, as if they remembered something:

"Wait a moment……"

"How did Vayne get to that location just now?"

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