
Chapter 379 Eat without vomiting

It’s not just No. 1 and No. 5 either.

Similarly, a very small number of people from all over the world who are paying attention to this game at this moment have also noticed some subtle changes.

North America.

A minimalist style house somewhere.

The thin man lit a cigarette for himself. The smoke curled up in front of him and floated to the ceiling, but it could not hide the man's indifferent but sharp gaze.

The man's gaze passed through the smoke and landed on a computer monitor screen on the table in front of him.

The live OB of a game is also being played on the screen.

Although he returned to North America this time, the man still had contact with his beloved apprentice in China during this time, so he naturally learned about the latter's recent daily life from the apprentice who he admired, satisfied and loved.

LSPL Selection Tournament.

Eliminated in the top 16.

For a man, such a trivial matter is not something he pays special attention to, because he believes in the ability of his beloved disciple and also clearly understands the overall level of the team his beloved disciple is on.

The team founded by the heir brought out by that guy 001 bears the name of the team that was the shocking final of the S1 season - Battle.

If you can't even pass this small level.

It's not just the faces of these younger guys that are being thrown away.

There is only one reason why men are so interested in turning on their computers today and finding out how to watch the live broadcast.

Yesterday he received an international text message from 001.

In the text message, the other party casually mentioned today's match as if nothing had happened, and also mentioned some basic information about the two competing teams.

One name was mentioned.


A junior whom even he had a special crush on.

So today he deliberately sat in front of the computer monitor screen,

Get ready to enjoy watching the battle.

On one side is the heir brought out by 001.

On the other side was the first good seedling that I had ever wanted to take under my wing.

When two young juniors meet like this on the field, the man doesn't care about the so-called bloody plot of "former teammates meeting on the field and becoming rivals". What he is really interested in is the matchup between these two young people in the bottom lane. During the fight, could there be some sparks that would make his eyes light up?

The first two games of BO5 were disappointingly boring.

The man certainly saw the performance of the "Qiu" whom he once greatly admired, and his style and momentum remained the same as before, without any loss.

But as the opponent, the kid "Maple" brought out by 001 was in unsatisfactory condition.

Such a confrontation is far from enough to satisfy an audience of his level.

Good thing.

Game three.

Finally he saw some changes.

In the bottom lane confrontation in the first two games, the man could only score 3 points at most, but in the ongoing third game, he can finally score 7 points.

The little guy named Maple finally showed some attitude and became serious.

The confrontation between Vayne and Draven.

A fierce fight that never yielded an inch, starting from the laning phase.

Even a picky and demanding man can't help but feel satisfied - the position of ADC should be such a style, a dance of aggression like fire and an extremely dangerous blade.

However, in the middle and late stages of the game, it seemed that the purple side ran into some trouble.


There seems to be no room for improvement.

But the men did not think like the spectators in the competition venues that Vayne was just playing tricks and not as useful as the first two EZs selected.

He knew clearly that Vayne needed to be patient in this situation.

As long as they patiently find an opportunity, a hero like Night Hunter can counterattack in one fell swoop.

And he can also feel it——

The little guy named Maple is waiting and searching patiently.


At this moment, Bullet's eyes fell on the matchup table at the bottom of the OB viewing screen. Looking at the equipment column of the purple ADC Vayne, his eyes were slightly sharp and bright for a moment:

This kid.

You should have thought of a way, or made up your mind.

already started……

Getting ready.

Magic City, competition venue.

The atmosphere at the scene was still noisy and commotion. Seeing that this game seemed to be coming to an end, the blue and purple teams on the field were just short of the final wave of key team battles.

Who will have the last laugh?

At present, the Xiacheng decisive team on the blue side has a clear advantage.

But it cannot be said that there is no hope for the purple side. After all, from the time when the dragon forced the team to the present, in the past period of time, although the purple side's Magic City decisive team has been at a passive disadvantage, it has never been caught by the opponent. An opportunity can be taken advantage of.

"It's already very impressive——"

At the commentary desk, Lao Hei praised without hesitation:

"Being able to maintain a steady rhythm in a disadvantageous situation is a quality that not every professional team can possess."

However, despite such praise, everyone still clearly sees the passive situation facing the purple army.


With a passive disadvantage, it is very rare to always remain error-free.

But then again——

If the purple side's Magic City decisive team never finds an opportunity to break the deadlock in a disadvantageous situation, then they will never have any hope of coming back.

"Fighting for punishment to grab the dragon?"

Someone in the audience gave this opinion.


If the blue side takes the initiative to open Baron Nash first, and at the last moment the purple side’s jungle digger can grab the baron with the summoner skill [Retribution], it might be like this. A chance to turn the game around.

But the probability of this happening is too low.

It's not that the excavator doesn't have the ability to fight for punishment, but as long as the Xiacheng decisive team on the blue side is not stupid, it is impossible to rashly open the baron and add variables to their side when they are obviously in an advantageous situation. and risks.

The blue army’s current thinking is still clear——

I'm just dragging it with you.

Just continue to take advantage of the advantageous vision of Dalong District and continue to look for opportunities.

Put the dragon aside first.

As long as you are caught by me, even if you only get one wave of opportunities, I can rely on my own strong lineup to win in one fell swoop.

The time came to thirty-one minutes.

After the blue and purple armies returned to the river dragon zone, they had been in a stalemate here for nearly half a minute.

The two sides are still constantly competing for vision.

They were still testing each other cautiously.

Compared with the opponents occupying the terrain of the big dragon zone, the purple team's Magic City Decisive Team consumes eye positions significantly faster.

And if this trend continues, after a while, the ward spots on the heroes of the purple army will be exhausted again, and they will begin to face a new round of embarrassing crisis.

"The blue side is about to have another chance."

The audience in the audience talked a lot.

In the last wave, the purple side ran out of wards, and Fan Mom went home to replenish the wards. Then Jace, the mid laner, had to take a risk to explore the wards, and almost had an accident.

Fortunately at that time, the girl relied on her own reaction and hand speed to use [Flash] to save the day.

But this time...

It's different.

Jace is gone [Flash].

If the previous situation happened again, Jace would not have such good luck, nor would he have such room for maneuver.

in addition--

The current military line is also a problem.

This time after leaving the spring, the Xiacheng decisive team on the blue side did not come directly to Dalongkeng to gather at the first time. Instead, they pushed out all three lines of soldiers first, so you can see the mini map at this time. The upper three lines of troops are obviously pressing towards the purple side, which is more beneficial to the blue side.

The upper and lower lines of troops, the purple side of the Magic City Decisive Team still dare not allocate manpower to clean up.

Once someone leaves, the defense at Dalongkeng will be short of people.

If a Kennen or Jace appears on our side in the top or bottom lane, it is estimated that the opponent's blue army will directly activate the Baron without hesitation.

The only thing that can be dealt with a little bit is the middle line of troops.

So you can quickly see that on the middle line, the ADC Vayne of the purple side shows up and comes to collect the troops.

Seeing Wei En at this time caused another discussion in the audience.

People are treating Vayne with contempt and dissatisfaction at this moment——

How many minutes has it been?

Teammates have been giving way to Vayne financially.

Your Vayne's development is good now, but you have never made any subsequent contributions to the team. You only eat and don't vomit. What's the use?

Even the fan fans who were the support group for the Magic City Finals couldn't find a suitable reason to help someone defend and refute at this moment, so they could only say a few words with a pinched neck:

"No hurries--"

"Wayne doesn't take the line, do you want the support to take it?"

"The core output of a team fight in the later stage still depends on the AD. How can the output be done if the equipment is not good?"

This is also the saying.

It seemed like I was suddenly reminded of something.

In the corner of the back row of the auditorium, Shi Hang suddenly discovered a certain detail, and Shi Hang subconsciously sat up straight:


"That guy Maple...made mercury?"

The update is delivered, the third update is done, and the saved manuscripts are basically used up. . Next, try to keep it up.

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