
Chapter 378 Think it over

Jace's thrilling escape and the exchange of [Flash] with the prince made a wave of fierce team battles that was about to break out disappear again.

As for the rhythm of the scene, it seems that the unexpected episode just now has become an opportunity for the teams on both sides of the field to temporarily ease the situation.

The Xiacheng decisive team on the blue side took the initiative to retreat.

In the viewing OB screen, when several heroes of the Blue Army were seen evacuating Dalongfjord one after another, there was a commotion in the audience, and many people felt a little confused——

Why did you suddenly give up on a great initiative?

Won't you keep pressing?

At the commentary desk, Hetu gave a convincing analysis and explanation:

"It's time to go."

"The blue side also needs to adjust."

"If you can't find an opportunity in a stalemate, there will be no profit if you continue to waste money on Dalong."

In the back corner of the auditorium, players and players from the three LPL companies also nodded in agreement.

This is the truth.

Of course, the Blue Fangxia City decisive team can indeed continue to drag here Dalongkeng, and there is no doubt that as long as they are willing, they can always firmly hold the dominance of the field of view in this area.

But it is true that the opponent purple side army played very cautiously and did not easily give the blue side a chance.

The timing of the wave of fans coming home just now should have been the best opportunity for the blue side.

But Tang Bingyao's flash of extreme reaction narrowly resolved the situation.

Then the real eye successfully inserted into the field of vision in the Dalong Pit.

Then Zeng Rui's auxiliary fan mother returned after completing the eye position, which announced that the purple side had successfully passed the most difficult ten seconds.

Then continue to consume——

It is nothing more than continuing the stalemate.

But the Xiacheng decisive team on the blue side also needs to make other considerations. On the one hand, they also have to replenish the number of real eyes in their equipment column.

On the other hand, the situation of the three lanes of troops on our side is not very good and needs to be dealt with a little bit.

Anyway, once these trivial matters are resolved, there won't be any problem if we come back to Dalong again.

In the current situation, if time is delayed to the later stage, their blue side is not afraid at all.

The powerful effect of the forced formation will only become stronger as the development equipment in several positions on their side gets better.

Of course, seeing the opponent's blue side's army retreating, it was a slight relief for the purple side's Magic City decisive team.

Got some breathing time.

In the new round of resources in the jungle, I can finally collect some of them, and there are still three lines of troops. Jace and Kennen can add a little more development, and they will soon be able to make a new piece of equipment - to a certain extent, make up for it as much as possible. Own damage output and front row tankiness.

In addition, except for Fan Mom, several other people also need to refill their true eyes.

One or even two per person.

be prepared.

After all, when the opponent goes to the Dalong Pit again to force the team, it is expected that there will be a stalemate and a vision battle, which will still cost a lot of money.

So far.

The game time finally came to just over 30 minutes.

The three-way military line was first fully pushed out by the blue Fangxia City decisive team, while the purple Fangmodu decisive team passively defended and continued to maintain a cautious posture. Unless the military line reached the ruins of its own second tower, Otherwise, it would be difficult to go to high ground to collect.

Both the blue and purple true eyes replenished their energy for one round.

There were attentive people in the audience who specifically looked at the equipment columns of the heroes on both sides and couldn't help but be speechless:


"The belt is full."


The maximum number of true eyes a single hero can carry is two. At this moment, you can see that in the battle list at the bottom of the OB screen, the equipment columns of the ten heroes of the blue and purple sides are almost all neat and neat, and they all carry the upper limit of two true eyes. Eye.

There are only a few heroes on both sides who make costumes just to collect money, and there is no spare economy, but at least they all have a real eye.

But it’s also impressive enough.

"Not to mention anything else, the number of real eyes I carry has already caught up with the professional game——"

Someone in the audience said this as a joke.

After all, so far, few people realize that it is not only the number of real eyes, but also the matchup between the ADCs on both sides of the game that truly reaches or even exceeds the professional level.

The three LPL players in the back row in the corner of the auditorium are certainly aware of the situation.

But what they were more concerned about at the moment was another thing.

"It seems that Vayne still has no chance..."

Old C murmured.


It's really difficult.

The difficulty can be seen at a glance.

For example, when Jace almost had an accident in the wave just now, the prince EQ on the opposite side came through the wall and was left alone. Someone's ADC Vayne immediately approached and caught up. In fact, there was a certain chance of killing - after all, if it was based on Someone's operational level - but he didn't choose to actually do it.

Very simple reason.

In the wave just now, if Vayne was determined to kill the prince, there was indeed a way to do it, but that was not the best choice. If she surrendered too many key skills, she might not be able to reap the rewards in the future.

To put it bluntly, killing just one prince is not worth it.

Nor is it critical.

"If you hit it from the front, you have no chance."

Huangxue Yege suddenly said such a sentence again.

It may seem a bit abrupt, but it is the conclusion he came to after thinking hard after trying to assume Vayne's role during this period of time.

If you open it hard from the front.


Even with his operation as the core ace ADC of God-Hand of God, it can't be done.

Even someone can't do it.

The shadow puppet frowned: "Cut the back row? It's even harder..."

Here, the topic has turned to discuss the possibility of Vaien bypassing the back. This kind of thing may sound a bit shocking to the ears of ordinary players, but if it reaches a certain level, especially the level of first-line professional LPL players like these, Vaien can be used as a bypass. Assassins are not too rare.

But if we analyze this idea in depth, we will find more difficulties and obstacles standing in front of us.

Not to mention that it would be difficult for Vayne to find a chance to get around.

Even if he goes in, single-handedly, the explosion of the opponent's Blue Army's lineup - or even the damage of just one ADC Draven, is enough to make Vayne lose most of her room for maneuver.

"If Kennan can go around first and then enter the field, the situation will be much better."

Tian Tian also gave his own opinion, but then he scratched his head in annoyance and dismissed the possibility:

"The opponent's defense against Kenan was very tough, and there was no suitable position to go around the back. Kenan couldn't find a chance to cut in."

If even Tian Tian, ​​who is currently the number one top laner in the national server, makes such a judgment, then basically the possibility of this path has been blocked.


It seems that there is really no other way.

The corner seats in the back row fell into silence. The three LPL players looked at each other and couldn't help but shake their heads.

Even though they tend to support the purple side's Magic City decisive team in their hearts, hoping to see someone's ADC Vayne find a way to break the game, but from the most rational and objective professional perspective, so far, they really can't see the slightest bit of it. The hope of a comeback or break.


Konjac scratched his head, looked at the figure of purple ADC Vayne on the big screen on the stage, and suddenly muttered:

"I don't know why, but I always feel that Maple God might have something hidden."

The others nodded subconsciously.

Konjac is not alone.

All of them inexplicably have the same view from the bottom of their hearts.

Or perhaps, this is a subconscious feeling that people who have known Lin Feng for a long time will have, that is, no matter how seemingly impossible the situation is, as long as someone is there, there is always a way to create a miracle.

Old C laughed: "Hey, I really don't know. Maybe we are just not good enough and can't tell - what Maple God said is different. He might have really thought of a way."

Huangxue Yege breathed a long sigh of relief and looked towards the purple square arena on the stage, with a gleam in his eyes:

"If this allows him to fight-"

"I'm really convinced!"

Hotel, high-rise suite.

The two legends of the previous generation's national server also continued to watch the progress of the game attentively and seriously, and were also talking to each other:

"It's really difficult."

"Well, Vayne lacks helpers. If she has to open up the situation by herself, most people really can't do it."

No. 5 shook his head slightly:

"Anyway, I'm not very good at this kind of thing."

Even though he was a top legendary professional player who was almost on an equal footing with Bullet at the time, No. 5's area of ​​expertise lay in his impeccable and flawless operations, but he lacked a certain amount of aggression and vigor in terms of offense.

The situation in the live OB screen at this moment requires more adventurous and bold ideas and the courage to gamble to be able to break it.

"Is there any way?"

Number 5 looked at his fiancé, asking for advice.


Perhaps at this moment, there is no second person in the world who is more qualified to make a judgment than her fiancé.

Likewise, he did not disappoint his beautiful fiancée. No. 1 smiled:


"Most people can't do it, but after all... there is a way."

As he spoke, his eyes fell on the live broadcast screen on the laptop screen. His eyes seemed to pause for a moment on the equipment column of the purple square ADC Vayne, and then raised his eyebrows:

"That boy——"

"You should have already thought about it."

The update is here. The third update will be before 12 o'clock. Go and do some work first.

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