
Chapter 335 EZ opens

The accident happened so quickly that almost everyone in the venue was stunned.

Everyone originally subconsciously felt that the middle side now became a matchup between Jess and Obama. As an ADC, no matter how well the latter developed in the early stage, he should still be timid when facing a future guardian who also has two heads in hand. A little bit of talent is what it takes.


The confrontation between the heroes on both sides lasted no more than half a minute, and this idea was directly shattered by reality!

Obama, kill Jess alone!

Many ordinary players and spectators in the audience have already stared:

"Is this okay?"

Even the fans who were supporting the Magic City Finals were so stunned that they were speechless:

This is Tangtang, whom they have always been known for their personal operating abilities...

And he’s such a well-developed mid laner, Jayce.

Unexpectedly, without any warning, he was single-killed by the opposing ADC Obama! ?

"It's not like there's no warning—"

He Tu on the commentary table shook his head and commented:

"Jess himself was indeed a little careless this time."

"QW surrendered for the second time, and his position was too forward."

"Also underestimated the damage done by Obama on the other side."

Lao Hei next to him couldn't help sighing and sighed: "But it was Obama who seized the opportunity quickly and accurately... The other side gave him a chance in just a split second, and he decisively forced his way out."

"If you were an ordinary AD, even if you knew you could do damage, how could you dare to attack so decisively?"

When masters compete with each other, the difference is only a matter of millimeters.

Opportunities are often fleeting.

If Obama just hesitated or moved a beat slower, it might not be enough to deal a full set of damage.

But the current results prove that

From the moment he became murderous, Obama, the ADC on the purple side, should have planned all of this.

In the back row of the audience, Dawn Morning Star, Shi Hang, Tian Tian and others couldn't help but shake their heads:

"Tangtang has indeed relaxed."

"Facing an opponent of this level... we can't really think that just because he's an ADC, he can be underestimated."

In the eyes of ordinary players, AD is the target of heroes from other positions who can be easily manipulated and bullied.

However, the ADC operated by top professional players is a terrifying existence that no one can despise in the slightest.

As long as you give him a moment's chance.

He can transform into the most powerful assassin and the most explosive mid laner, making you watch black and white TV directly.

"It was a bit of a big mistake."

Shi Hang's eyes fell on the OB screen on the big screen:

"Now, that guy Aqiu will take over the situation in the middle."

A wave of single kills in the middle was definitely a huge surprise for the Xiacheng decisive team on the purple side.

Obama's record data reached 3/1/0, and he also interrupted his opponent's mid laner Jayce's growth. He was able to lead the line in the middle and push up a wave of defense tower health.

In addition, if the opponent's midfielder dies, the purple auxiliary Japanese girl and jungle prince in the upper half of the jungle can invade the opponent's jungle even more unscrupulously.

At this time, even if Li Shiyi's jungle spider on the blue side arrives, without the support of his mid laner teammates, he will not be able to defend his own jungle resources and can only choose to give in.

The reward for this single kill is by no means limited to two to three hundred yuan per head.

In terms of the overall team economy, the purple army can earn at least more than a thousand more economic benefits by relying on this wave of rhythm.


Tang Bingyao's voice came from the blue team's voice channel, filled with guilt and annoyance.

This wave was indeed her mistake.

She underestimated the enemy.

In this game, she switched to the mid lane position, and the early start was too smooth, which caused some changes in her mentality. She also thought that the opponent was just an ADC after all, and in a 1V1 situation, she should even have a chance to kill the opponent alone... …

But she forgot the two things she should not forget.

First, even an ADC can kill a mid laner alone as long as the operation is sufficient.

Second, the controller of the opposite ADC is someone's partner back then.

Forgetting these two points, the result was that Tianxiu was single-killed in this wave, and the subsequent impact was that the overall interests of his team would also be suppressed.

Obama's single kill on the opposite side was equivalent to pushing the situation of this game in the direction desired by the opponent's purple side.

The current situation -

For their blue side, it is already a bit pessimistic.


Someone's voice sounded in the voice channel of his team, still calm:

"You were right, Ah Qiu."

"There is no shame in suffering a loss at his hands."

It seemed like it was just such a plain comforting word.

But as the kill announcement came from the system's female voice the next moment, it suddenly became more peaceful.

"An-enemy-has-been-(an enemy hero has been killed)."

The entire competition venue was shocked again!

The director's camera perspective quickly shifted from the center to the bottom lane.

What comes into view is that the single-sword girl on the purple side has turned into a cold corpse and is lying near the mouth of the river. The ADC explorer and auxiliary Niutou on the blue side are leading a wave of soldiers towards the opponent's bottom lane outer tower. Press in calmly.

Suddenly, the fans from the support group in the audience burst into thunderous cheers:


"Fengfeng is awesome!!"

"Oh oh oh! Open, open, open! Take off!!"


EZ got his first head.

This time, Zeng Rui's auxiliary Niutou finally found a chance and successfully hit the opponent's Sword Girl. Someone's ADC Ezreal followed up immediately, fully maxing out a set of damage lines, and completed the attack calmly. kill.

On the commentary stage, He Tu and Lao Hei couldn't help but nod and praise:


“This wave has allowed us to regain some rhythm.”

Su Xue couldn't help but smile with joy:


"With this head in hand... EZ's economy has begun to make up for itself!"

No matter how uncomfortable it is to be suppressed in the bot lane laning stage in the early stage, after all, the characteristics of EZ as a hero determine that as long as he is given a little time and opportunity, he can always develop faster than other ADC heroes.

Someone seems to have made up his mind in terms of equipment production ideas, that is, to take a route of safe development and flow in the early stage. The first small piece of equipment is Tears of the Goddess——

This naturally makes him lack enough damage in the early battles with the opponent's bottom lane combination.

But as long as it lasts until the early and middle stages of about 20 minutes, when the goddess bursts into tears and performs a magic cut, that will be the day when EZ comes into its own.

"The ADC players on both sides have very clear ideas."

Hetu's eyes fell on the OB screen on the big screen:

"On the one hand, we need to rely on ourselves to completely roll up the advantageous snowball in the early stage."

"The other side chooses to believe that their teammates can slow down the rhythm and put the winning point in the mid-term or even late stage-"

"This choice cannot tell who is right or wrong."


"It just depends on how both sides perform next."

The update is coming, it's late, I have something to do tonight, so I'll do another chapter later.

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